He's Dripping Blood From Real Fangs?

He's Dripping Blood From Real Fangs? Chp 27

He's dripping blood from real fangs?
Chp 27

We all started going up the stairs when in front of us was Vickie again. " I am Vickie hear my cry!" she screamed and then bounced away into the night screaming that she wanted chocolate!" I laughed at this and waved goodbye to her knowing it was probably not going to be the last time I saw her.

We went hand in hand basically sleep walking into our cars where we went off to our home ready to take showers and fall asleep.


I woke up today with everyone laughing and joking around while still lying down. We all got home and took quick showers falling into a deep sleep. I wiggled around on the floor feeling a hand on my ankle and a head jamming into my rib.

We were all sleeping on the floor besides Glen and his girlfriend. We got up lazily and sat on the couch all the girls laying their head on the guy's shoulders. I laid my head on Aidan's shoulder who laid his head against mine.

I saw Jacob get up and turn the T.V. on showing the news.

"Good thing we had people clean up that mess or there would have been some breaking news of some gang fight that left gun powder everywhere…" he said going back to his seat with Violet who happily grabbed his arm and laid against him.

We started watching a walk to remember, about ten minutes into the movie we all got bored not wanting to see a chick flick,

We took showers and got changed into clean clothes heading outside with peanut butter and jelly sandwiches in our hands.

I led them to a spot next to the garden that would be a perfect spot to just sit and chill. Aidan spread the blanket on the ground with the help from Manor. I jumped down on the blanket forgetting that there was cold hard ground underneath. I made an oomph sound while the others laughed at me causing me to blush.

"So everything is over?" I asked. Jacob looked over at me and gave me a huge thumbs up.

"Yeah supposedly the myths say that you have to kill the queen and you did so every things over!" He smiled reassuringly.

Somehow I just knew something was wrong that was too easy. I know that every thing is supposedly over but I am still going to keep my guard up, my heart is telling me that something is to come. Not wanting to alarm the others of my instinct I kept quiet and listened to the soft humming of air blowing threw my ears.

I felt Aidan wrap his arms around my waist making me lean and rest my head against his chest with me in between his legs. He kissed my neck softly and held on tighter.

I finished up my sandwich getting thirsty. It looked like everyone else was thirsty too so I offered to grab some.

"OK I'll go get some..." I said getting up lazily. I was pulled back down by Aidan.

I looked up at him questioningly "Umm what was that for?"

"I'll go get them you sit you've had enough work to do." He pointed at me and got up jogging over to the house. I smiled as until he disappeared threw the door.

"Wow you really like him don't you… I can tell… although you kind of did act the same with Glen only now it's more intense." Says Violet she gave you a smirk and thumbs up.

"Yeah I do I've never felt this way about anyone…" I said looking up into the sky.

"Don’t get all mushy and where is your boyfriend with our drinks?" asked a bored looking Manor. I glared at him and looked in the direction of the house… it's been about ten minutes and he still hasn't gotten back.

"I don't know but I'll go check" I replied getting up and walking towards the house. Opening the door I peered inside smacking my forehead against the fridge. Oops I forgot the fridge was there…

I rubbed my forehead and opened the door a little wider stepping in just in time to see Leah pulling on Aidan's shirt and kissing him. He had his eyes wide opened and tried to push her off of him. She wouldn't let him go and that’s when he noticed me standing there he darted his eyes over to me with sorrow in his eyes and hate mixed in with shocked.

I could still see Aidan struggling to get her off but she was like a leach. I felt my face get hot and I stormed over to that bitch grabbing her hair and pulling on it causing her to be thrown across the room.

I walked over to her as she looked up at me with shock and fear written all over her face, but mostly fear.

"Don’t you EVER and I mean EVER get near my boyfriend again because next time I won't hold back!" I whispered harshly to her knowing she was listening to every word that came dripping out of my mouth. I grabbed her head and slammed it against the side cabinet making her groan and curl up in a fetal position.

I felt hands wrap around me stopping me from doing any more damage. "Don't even try she's not worth it" I heard the familiar voice of Aidan whisper loudly in my ear.

"For what I know she's not worth anything" I said my voice dripping with anger. I was literally dragged out of the kitchen and back outside with the others.

Sitting down I glared towards the house knowing that the bitch just got up. I could feel it… she was laughing.

Does my pain cause her satisfaction? I don't even know why she's even acting like this I don't even know her, but I know she's a bitch so that’s what I'm going to treat her like….whether she likes it or not...she's going to live a living hell. I could sense her laughing even harder causing me to ball up my fist.

"HEEEEEEYYY where's our drinks?!" asked Casey, I looked over at her causing her to shut up. She shrank back into the arms of Manor pouting.

"What happened why are you so mad?" asked Violet looking over at Aidan knowing I was mad and that I don't answer things when I'm mad.

Aidan cleared his throat and started telling them what happened. By the time he was done I was calmed down and they started talking about big of a bitch she was which made me feel a whole lot better knowing I wasn't the only one who thought that.

I felt someone watching us so I looked directly at where I was sensing it. I saw a face and then the drapes closed quickly. Oh so they're trying to hide are they.

"Hey guys hold on I have to do something… umm Nestor can I talk to you for a second." I asked. He nodded and walked over to me. Leading him to where no one could hear us.

"You know what's going on don't you?" I asked knowing the answer since he could feel what I was feeling. He nodded knowingly.

"Did you see who the person was that was looking threw the window was?" he asked looking at me curiously

"No but I have an idea on who it was considering it was an outline of a girl….I think it was Leah…she's spying on us." I replied.

He shook his head suspecting the same thing I hope. We both looked towards the same window. We got a glimpse of hair.

"Okay I'm going to go over there… it looks like the library so I'll peek in okay. Go tell the others." I commanded, he nodded and went to go tell the others what was going on.

I acted like I was leaving to the front of the house and snuck in threw the hallway window. Creeping up the stairs I made it to the library the door was slightly open so I stuck my head inside.

There against the window was Leah she was taking peeks at my friends. I crept back down the stairs I saw the group coming towards me.

"Hey guys guess what I found out… it was her" I smirked feeling very accomplished.

They nodded their heads and headed back to the sofas we were sitting on earlier. We had to think of a plan on how to figure out what she's trying to do and I think I might just have one.

"I think I have a plan on figuring out her plans" I said casually. Everyone turned to me giving me questioning looks.

I smiled "Obviously she doesn't like me and is trying to get my boyfriend…" I said looking over at Aidan smiling "sooo how about this..." I told them my plan and they smiled, Aidan however looked worried and disgusted at the same time if that was possible.

"So when are we going to start?" asked Casey
"Obviously now we have to start ASAP!" Viola practically screamed, Nestor's girlfriend gave her a good slap on the arm for being too loud causing Viola to cringe.

We all got up ready to act on position. I nodded my head towards Jacob who was near the stairs. Everyone but Aidan hid behind the wall nearest to the room or in the closet.

"Leah come down here for a minute!" yelled Jacob from the top of his lungs

She came running downstairs almost tripping but catching herself. "Yes what is it?" she asked

"Umm can you help Aidan connect the wii?" he asked casually "By the way where's Glen? I have to ask him something."

"Oh he's in his room and for the helping thing it would be MY pleasure!" she practically jumped on Aidan's lap causing me to gag. If it wasn't for Aidan moving to the side she would have been successful.

I could see Aidan tense up when he felt her hand on his. He quickly shot up practically running over to the wii.

"Okay so how do I connect this?" he asked losing tension. She got up and strutting over to him.

"I know you don't need help with that just admit you want me and not Smar… or whatever her name is…" she implied…I balled my fist.

"First of all her name is Star and you are SO TOTALLY CORRECT….I WANT YOU SOOO BAD!" he said making me smile. I could hear the others snickering and shushed them. They quieted down but didn't stop.

I looked back over the wall to see her getting closer to him he tensed up as she grabbed his head and smashed it against hers. She kissed him passionately I could see Aidan had his eyes opened and was looking directly at me with disgust written all over his face.

He had spit dribbling down the corners of his mouth as she continued kissing him. I looked away but went back to look at them knowing what was to come.