He's Dripping Blood From Real Fangs?

He's Dripping Blood From Real Fangs? Chp 28

He's dripping blood from real fangs?
Chp 28

I looked back over the wall to see her getting closer to him he tensed up as she grabbed his head and smashed it against hers. She kissed him passionately I could see Aidan had his eyes opened and was looking directly at me with disgust written all over his face.

He had spit dribbling down the corners of his mouth as she continued kissing him. I looked away but went back to look at them knowing what was to come.


I heard a loud and impatient knocking on the door and quickly jogged over to it only to get hit square in the face with the edge of the door. I fell backwards and groaned out in pain holding my nose that may just be broken.

I was yanked up hard and forced to run down the hall. "WHAT THE FUCK!" I screamed out at Jacob who was pulling on me. I tugged on my shirt getting it away from his grasp. He practically fell over but caught himself last minute.

Grabbing my shirt again he made sure to get a firm grip as I struggled. I finally decided to stop and just follow him for what ever reason he needed me for.

Jacob turned the corner as I ran over to the corner only to be pushed against the wall by his hand. I saw him peeking over the edge and then he motioned for me to look to.

I peeked over the edge of the wall only to see Star's BOYFRIEND making out with MY Leah. Running over to them not caring about the signals Jacob was doing I clasped the back of Leah's shirt and pulled her away from Aidan.

"WHAT THE FUCK ARE YOU DOING KISSING MY GIRLFRIEND?" I yelled into his face. He didn't flinch and instead relied calmly.

"First of all I would NEVER kiss your girlfriend since I have a great one myself. Second she's an ugly bitch. And third SHE KISSED ME." He responded cockily.

I raised my hand ready to hit him but noticed my hand wouldn't budge. I looked at my arm only to see there was a blue light illuminating from it. I tried to hit him again but the light wouldn't let me instead it went and made me hit myself.

I groaned on the impact…wow I didn't know I could pack such a punch. I looked over at Aidan who was laughing hysterically at me beating myself up.

By the time I stopped punching myself I knew I had a black eye and a couple of bruises. I jumped up and ran towards Aidan with my fist in front of me. I blinked and in the next second Star was in front of Aidan. I hit her directly in the face as her face contorted in hurt.

She fell towards the ground and clutched her face with dear life. I gasped bending over and lifting her face up to look at me. Lifting her face I saw that it wasn't Star at all it was the ugliest demon I have ever seen. Her eyes were crossed and she had no eyebrows.

There was a huge hairy mole on her cheek and her nose was crooked at a weird angle. She smiled at me showing off her chewed up black teeth and her two huge front teeth.

I backed away quickly only to trip on something. Falling back I got a glimpse of a body on the floor. I cautiously walked over to it and saw Leah's sweet face bloody and she wasn’t breathing. I grabbed her shoulders and shook her violently trying to make her stay up.

She groaned out in pain and suddenly I didn't hear her pulse anymore. Seeing her body laying there I had the urge to drink her blood till her body was lifeless and sucked dry.

I looked her in the eyes and saw pain written all over her face. I smelled the delicious blood it was almost intoxicating. Lifting her hand towards mine I let my fangs come out and licked off a small drop of blood that was dripping down.

I should just suck her body dry after all she is dead. I shook my head violently trying to make that thought escape my mind.

I can't stand the smell of this blood; it smells so sweet and tasty. It was like a huge craving only ten times worse. My stomach grumbled and I felt my hands grow the claws that I use to rip apart my prey. They grew on there own and soon I had lost all control of myself.

It was as if my body was acting on its own. I knew what was going on yet I couldn't do anything about it. I watched fearfully as my body ripped and teared the last bit of Leah that there was. I sucked her body dry and bit into the soft flesh on her neck making me want to just rip her apart.

I clawed at her knowing I had already ripped of a few limbs. The smell of blood arose and I continued ripping her apart throwing all the dried fleshy skin away till there was practically nothing left of her besides a pile of skin.

I finally picked myself off the ground and licked the excess blood off my fingers savoring the taste. Suddenly I was brought back to reality; I looked down at the body before my eyes and felt a few tears escape.

How could I do this to the woman I love? I clenched my fist and started pounding on the walls.

"Wow I didn't know your mind was so violent and cruel!" screeched Star, I was brought back to the real reality and turned around to see Star looking horrified.

Next to her on the floor was Leah crouched down holding her knees to her stomach caressing them comfortably and shaking. Aidan looked at me in disgust and brought Star closer to him.

Running over to Leah I bend down to touch her but she slapped my hand away.

"I WOULD NEVER DO THAT AND YOU KNOW IT….THEY WERE JUST PUTTING THINGS IN MY HEAD!" I said frantically. She looked up at me fearfully and instantly believed me. She threw her hands over my neck and hugged me letting me smell her delicious blood.

I felt my eyes flicker but fought the vampire in me to stay inside. I hugged her tightly trying to let her know how much I like her.

We broke the hug and stood up glaring at Star.

"Why would you put that horrible image in his head like that and show it to the rest of us?" Leah screamed in Star's face. I could see anger flicker in Star's eyes and pulled Leah back.

She shrugged me off and went all up in Star's face again getting a punch sent straight into her stomach. Leah doubled over in pain and picked her head up making sure to get eye contact with Star.

"First of all I didn't put that image in his head I just showed everyone what was going on in his head and as you can see you should watch out!" she growled.

I took a step towards her and looked her directly in the eyes. OH SHIT SHE KNEW THE TRUTH! I ran towards her ready to fight.

"My mom taught me never to hit a girl, but you're an exception." I yelled punching my fist in the air ready to strike.

I was only inches away from her face but was held in the air by the blue light that I knew was coming from her. Her eyes were pink and she was wearing her armor. A blue speck was in the middle of her pink pupils and I just knew she was the one holding me back.

I was frozen in the air and suddenly felt a huge impact on my left ribs and was flung across the room hitting the wall hard. I opened my eyes and saw Aidan running towards me with a scowl on his face. He transformed into a wolf and started attacking me in dog form.

I felt huge bits on my leg and tried to kick him away but it just made him skid on the floor and change back to human form where he started punching and kicking me non stop.

"ENOUGH!" I heard Star scream "Just let them be" I was kicked one last time and then heard feet shuffling on the ground. The whole group was now in front of me looking down at me with shame.

"How could you go out with a demon?!" yelled Manor. I shook my head no.

"What are you talking about I don't go out with a demon!" I lied. I saw Violet point on the ground where Leah laid in her real form. There she was in demon form with five horns coming out of her forehead.

Her face was messed up in different ways. Her eyes were crooked, her nose was flat, and her mouth was filled with sharp teeth.

I shook with anger as I realized what Star was doing.


I stared disgustingly at Leah's demon form. How could she smell just like a vampire and yet be a demon? I took out the potion that Viola made and poured it on her body. I watched as the green liquid dropped on her body as I said the words. "Nebula Disperso!"

Her body shriveled up and disappeared leaving no trace of her. I then walked over to Glen and smirked.

"How could you think that I wouldn’t notice you were a demon? I knew it the day you trained me. I noticed when I hit you with a blade accidentally and it grazed your skin, you tried to hide it but I noticed anyways… I noticed the horn that tried to come out." I said casually watching as his eyes burned into mine.

"Go to hell you whore!" I smiled at his words and poured the liquid on his body but it was too late. He pushed Aidan and Jacob away and in a few seconds disappeared.

"DAMN!" I muttered. We didn’t get him…

I heard Aidan groan as he got up quickly and helped Jacob up who looked shocked at the impact.

"The demon king is strong but how are we going to kill him if he keeps running away… after all he is weaker than the queen." Asked Manor… I shrugged. How were we going to get him?

(Yep you guessed it Glen is the demon king)