He's Dripping Blood From Real Fangs?

He's Dripping Blood From Real Fangs? Chp 4

He's dripping blood from real fangs?
Chpt 4

I ran to her while picking up speed and flung the hissing blue lightning ball at her.

She jumped out of the way, but the blue ball was still following her. I got out of my trance and remembered what was happening. I am not a murderer I didn't want to kill Violet no matter how much I disliked her. By now Violet was running around trying to escape from the whizzing blue ball.

Matt, Ed, and Manor jumped out of the tree house and ran to me.

"That was AWESOME!" Ed screamed. I looked at him like he was stupid and turned towards the other two.

"That was horrible it was as if it wasn't me I mean I knew I was fighting but I couldn’t stop it until after I threw the ball at her which I may suggest we help Violet she has been running around in circles for about ten minutes I don’t think she will be able to last much longer. Come on!" We started running towards her but we were soon tired of running around in circles.

"Okay we need a plan!" Manor said. "Okay I got one you see how she keeps running around the tree house well if we break your garage door Star then I'm sure we can slow down the ball buy making it break threw the metal and if it slows down…" I interrupted him

"If it slows down then we can tell Violet to hide behind the tree and maybe it will dissipate by the time it reaches the tree!" I was jumping up and down because we had a plan or maybe it was the chocolate I ate earlier. Either way we had to get moving. Good thing my parents were out of town.

"Yep exactly, okay come on Matt let's go rip off the garage door, Ed stay here and make sure Star is safe" Manor winked at me and ran off towards the front of the house. I guess Matt saw this because he stormed off towards the front of the house.
As soon as they disappeared Violet ran near me and almost ran me over she had nothing but fear written all over her face.

Ed obviously thought this was a time for playing considering the fact that he grabbed me and brought me in close to his chest.

"Let go of me we have to help Violet" I started struggling and instead kicked him in the groin. He groaned and fell on the floor.

"Get up Ed this is no time for playing!" yelled Matt. He kicked Ed, who shrieked in pain. Oh wow did he sound like a girl.

Manor and Matt grabbed the garage door and started running towards the tree. They stopped midway and waited.

"Violet…VIOLET!!" screamed Manor. Violet that was now panting but still running looked at Manor.

"W…w…what d…d…do y…y…you WANT!" she stuttered.

"Run over under the garage door and then run as fast as you can behind the tree." He yelled loud enough that Violet heard over the whizzing and hissing of the ball.

She did as she was told and ran under the garage door the ball was sent straight into the door and it cut threw like if the door was made of paper. It didn't slow down.

We were in shock there was Violet behind the tree and the ball coming at her at a frightening speed. If she stayed there she would get hit.

"RUN VIOLET, RUN!" I screamed in panic.

She ran from behind the tree as fear shot threw her face. She saw me and started running towards me. She was so scared she ran to the person she least liked.

Wait a minute if she is running towards me… She ran around me and grabbed my hand.

Now there were two of us running away from the ball. She was way faster than me that I could barely keep up she was pretty much dragging me.

Since we were going so fast I couldn't see the scenery and I only saw a blur of things. Violet looked back at me and dragged me behind the tree. I turned around and the ball was still coming after us.

"Violet! Let go of my hand!" she turned towards me, but kept running

"Are you crazy you'll die!" she screamed. "Besides today's a full moon I should transform in a while" she smirked but you could tell she was faking it. She was scared you could see it in her eyes.

"NO VIOLET LET ME GO I CAN'T KEEP UP" I screamed back.
She didn't let go of my hand and kept running.

All of a sudden she started picking up speed and her body started to pulsate. Is she transforming?

She kept picking up speed and I couldn’t keep up much longer. We were going so fast I didn't notice the tree root that was sticking out of the ground.

I tripped and fell so fast, Violet turned around and went to help me get up. I finally stood up.

"Thanks" I told her

"Don't mention it now hurry we have to keep running the ball is getting closer!" she was about to run but I saw the reflection of the ball picking up speed in her eyes. I turned around and the ball was only inches away from my face. Oh no was this how I was going to die!

I looked around and saw nothing to throw at it. I could hear the hissing of the blue ball become louder it was only centimeters away now.

I could hear footsteps running towards me and I felt a hand grab the back of my shirt but I didn’t budge. No matter how strong they were I felt as if I need to protect everyone. As if this was the right thing to do.

The ball came whizzing to me but all of a sudden took a sudden turn. It went right around me and headed back at Violet who started running again.

I looked around and saw the path she was taking I started running along side her and started picking up speed fast. I was running faster than her. I got about fifteen yards away from her and stopped dead in my track.

"Violet run towards me HURRY!" she did as she was told and ran past me the only thing that was left was the whizzing ball. It came directly at me. Its hissing started to turn into roaring as it neared. I ran towards it and jumped in front of it. The last thing I heard was Matt and Manor screaming "NOOOOO STAR DON’T DO IT!!"

And then everything went white.