He's Dripping Blood From Real Fangs?

He's Dripping Blood From Real Fangs? Chp 6

He's dripping blood from real fangs?
Chp 6

I awoke to a smell of bacon and eggs. Wait a minute, is that sausages I smell? I sniffed the air frantically. Oh how I LOVED those little bitty sausages. I was still sniffing the air when a voice scared the living daylights out of me.

"Don't do that it makes you look like a homeless dog." Glen stated. I literally jumped off my bed and rolled onto the floor with a hard thud. Just a little bit higher and I would’ve hit the desk that was near me.

"Wow she sure is clumsy. Either way make sure she takes a shower and gets dressed before she comes downstairs." Jacob said, obviously he was the leader of the two.

I got off the floor and rubbed my head my eyesight was still a little blurry from the fall but started to regain its full capacity. I looked around the room. It was b-eau-ti-ful! I loved it the bed was a huge king sized bed and the walls were black with white designs all over them. The wood furniture was mahogany and the night stand, desk and curtain rods where made out of red marble. There was a huge plasma screen TV installed across from the bed and it had a surround sound system. There was a new red apple laptop on the desk and a red ipod connected to it. Was this going to be my room? I was lost in admiration for the room that I didn’t hear the footsteps coming from behind me. I looked over at Glen who had a smirk on his face.

"No this is not going to be your room. This is my room! And I am ever so great you like it because your opinion means everything to me." He said in a sarcastic tone. I hate to admit it but I really did like this room it was sad it wasn't going to be mine. I frowned in my own sadness and jealousy.

"Oh whatever you know you wanted my opinion! Okay so if this is your room where is mine?" I asked curiously not even noticing that he just read my mind.

"I'll show you your room after but it is truly sad that you didn’t even notice I just read your mind." I gasped he did just read my mind didn't he? Why is he able to read my mind and why couldn’t anyone else read it?

"Because honey we are the same species we are supposed to be comrades even if I am half vampire and you are angel. You can read my mind too but you have to find that out on your own, I sure as hell ain't going to help you. I mean I didn't get any help from Jacob. I had to learn it on my own." He stated flatly.

"Oh well where's my room so I can take a shower?" I was now up and looking at Glens IPOD. I turned it on and saw a couple of songs, Thanks for the memories by fall out boys. Umm…Panic at the disco, all American rejects, Green day, MCR. He had all my favorite bands. At least he has good taste in music. Hmm what about clothes? I was ready to walk to his closet when a pair of hands wrapped around my waist and brought me in closer. I looked around me but couldn’t see this persons face considering I wasn't able to turn around. Wait a minute is this Glen playing a trick on me?

"Sorry babe, you wish it were me but it isn't" Glen said and walked right in front of me in order to prove that it wasn't him behind me. I gasped loudly and started wiggling around.

I got frightened but was more curious to see who was behind me. I was getting ready to elbow him when I was spun around quickly and felt lips crashing down on mine. I pushed him off me and managed to throw him on the bed.

"WHO THE HELL ARE YOU?" I yelled furiously while frantically wiping my lips off on my shirt. I looked down at the two most gorgeous brown eyes; they had a certain depth to them as if he was hiding something. I was lost in his eyes until he flicked me on the head.

"OWW! What was that for?" I screamed in pain but managed to jump on him and grab a pillow as my weapon. In a matter of seconds I was the one laying on the bed and he was the one on top of me holding the pillow menacingly. I was about to push him off when he leaned down on me and whispered into my ear "If you wanted me in bed that much you should have just asked I would have easily made this the best day of your life." He smirked and was about to kiss me again but I put my hands on his chest and out of my hands came a small shock of lightning that was able to send him flying across the room. He flipped in the air and landed on his feet.

He had a furious look on his face but it was soon turned into a wink and a smirk. I glared at him… Oh I am so cool I can shoot lightening out of my hand, I shall be called the lightening shocker!

"So I see you have met Alex just ignore him and hurry and go get dressed." Said a calm Jacob who glared at Glen. "Didn't I tell you to make sure she took a shower and dressed now go show her to her room."

I felt a strong hand grab mine and drag me down the hall and to the right. Glen opened the door and pointed inside, "Oh and you will not be called the lightening shocker." With that he shoved me into the room.

"Okay this is your room and the closet is full of clothes that are yours. Take a shower and hurry downstairs to eat breakfast" he walked back down the hall to his own room where he kicked Alex out and turned up his music so I could barely hear the base. I caught Alex looking at me with perverted eye and ran into the room. I was NOT about to be eye fucked. How rude of Glen he didn’t even show me where the bathroom was in this thing.

"Oh sweetie the bathroom is next to the closet" I heard Alex scream threw the door. Was he eaves dropping on me? Well duh. Freakish psycho perverted boy.

"Yes I am babe." He screamed again. "I really wouldn’t call it eavesdropping though since you're thinking it. Its more like being in tune with your thoughts" I could feel him smirking and ran towards the door and locked it. Hehehehehe. I turned around and was disappointed to see that my room didn’t look anything like Glens it was the same size but it was so plain. The walls were white and the furniture was black. It didn’t have any TV in it or computer. I was completely disappointed and ran over to the closet hoping just hoping they picked out cute clothes and not ugly ones.

I took in a deep breath and opened the door slowly. Inside was a freaking full store of different clothes. The closet was huge it was bigger than my old room. All the clothes were color coded and had different sections. Some of the clothes were sexy while others were preppy and plain it even had emo clothing. The pajamas had there own rack and all the clothes was just beautiful. The sundresses were across from the sexy clothing which had corsets in them. Across from the pajamas was the normal comfortable clothing. I walked threw all the clothing and couldn’t pick anything out. It was too good to be true.

I got to the end of the closet and noticed another door on the corner. Well since nobody is watching I think I'll go check it out. I walked over to it and turned the handle. I pushed the door opened and was speechless. In front of me were the most gorgeous gowns and jewelry I have ever seen. I was about to touch the jewelry but was disrupted by someone knocking on my door.

"Are you dressed yet?" yelled an annoyed Glen.

"No I haven’t even taken a shower." I yelled back.

"Ok hurry up and take a shower, open the door Jacob said I have to escort you downstairs. I unlocked the door and was about to tell him to sit on the bed but saw he was already in it. He was just staring off at the ceiling. I ran to the bathroom and undressed.

I was rinsing the shampoo off my face when I heard the door creak open. I got finished rinsing the rest of the shampoo off and pulled the curtain open a little just so I could see who opened the door.

And there he was shaving.

"Gllleeeennnnn" I whined. "What are you doing in here?" I asked.

"Isn't it obvious I'm shaving? Since you have to take your precious time taking a shower I figured it would at least be reasonable if I take my time and shave.

"Okay whatever but don’t go doing anything perverted." I looked at him threw the mirror and looked away at his annoyed glance. I shut the curtain and continued my shower. I hated it being so quiet. Ever since I was a little girl I would always sing while I was taking a shower it didn't matter to me who was in there with me. The weird thing is when it deals with singing outside of my shower I wont do it unless I'm alone because I'm very self conscience about my voice I think I sound horrible. I started singing that lala song by Ashlee Simpson.

"You can dress me up in diamonds
You can dress me up in dirt
You can throw me like a line-man
I like it better when it hurts

Oh, I have waited here for you
I have waited

You make me wanna la la
in the kitchen on the floor
I'll be a french maid
Where I'll meet you at the door
I'm like an alley cat
Drink the milk up, I want more
You make me wanna
You make me wanna scream

You can meet me on an aero-plane
Or in the back of the bus
You can throw me like a boomerang
I'll come back and beat you up

Oh, I have waited here for you
Dont, keep me waiting

You make me wanna la la
in the kitchen on the floor
I'll be a french maid
Where I'll meet you at the door
I'm like an alley cat
Drink the milk up, I want more
You make me wanna

You make me wanna la la
in the kitchen on the floor
I'll be a french maid
Where I'll meet you at the door
I'm like an alley cat
Drink the milk up, I want more
You make me wanna
You make me wanna scream

I feel safe with you
I can be myself tonight
It's alright, with you
Cuz you hold, my secrets tight
You do, You do

You make me wanna la la, la la la, la la, la la la la la la la la la
You make me wanna la la, la la la

You make me wanna la la
in the kitchen on the floor
I'll be a french maid
When I'll meet you at the door
I'm like an alley cat
Drink the milk up, I want more
You make me wanna
You make me wanna la la
in the kitchen on the floor
I'll be a french maid
Where I'll meet you at the door
I'm like an alley cat
Drink the milk up, I want more
You make me wanna
You make me wanna scream

You make me wanna la la, la la la, la la, la la la la la la la la la
You make me wanna la la, la la la la
You make me wanna la la, la la la, la la, la la la la la la la la la
You make me wanna la la, la la la la
You make me wanna la la, la la la, la la, la la la la la la la la la
You make me wanna la la, la la la la"

Yes I know it's an old song but hey it’s the only thing that came to my mind at the moment. As soon as I was done singing I got done with my shower. I grabbed the towel and wrapped it around me. I got out of the shower and noticed that Glen wasn't there. "Man I must have scared him away with my singing. Maybe I should do it more often!"

"Don't be so sure. I left because I was done shaving now hurry up and get dressed." He stated clearly.

"I don't know what to wear." I said while applying liquid waterproof eyeliner on both top and bottom lids.

"Fine I'm going to choose but you better wear it" Glen said. He left to her closet and came out with a red ribboned corset and a jean mini skirt with red ballet flats that had a small red bow. It was actually a cute outfit.

"Huuurrryyy uuuuppp!" he said with a mix of whiny and bossy tone. I turned heading towards the bathroom to change. OH YEA, duh, I forgot to get my clothes. I spun around quickly and caught Glen staring at my legs. As soon as he noticed that I saw him he averted his eyes else where.
I hurried to him and grabbed my clothes I was walking towards the bathroom once again. I really hope she didn’t see me.

I turned around and spoke up. What the hell was he talking about?

"You hope I didn't see what?" I asked curiously. He started turning red and looked bewildered.

"You just read my mind!? It took me almost a year to accomplish it!" he said ecstatically.

"Oh are you serious! It sounded like you said that out loud. I wasn't even trying to read your mind. Anyways I'm happy but what did you mean when you thought that you hoped I didn't see." I said knowing exactly what he was thinking, for checking me out.

He turned a brighter shade of red and his expression was hard to read. He then replaced the embarrassment with a smirk and instead walked towards the door; he opened the door and in came Alex. Disgust shot threw me as he could see I was in only but a little towel.

The way he looked at me made me feel as if I was standing naked in the room. I turned and made a run for the bathroom. I shut the door as fast as I could and locked it.

Alex made it but a second to late I slammed the door right in his face. I got dressed quickly as I had to attend to the moaning Alex whom I probably broke his nose. I quickly combed and blow dried my hair. I left it down today as it would be good for the outfit. I grabbed a cucumber melon lotion off the shelf and applied it.

I opened the door only to find out Alex was okay and he was just acting as if I slammed the door on his face. I saw a laughing Glen on my bed and I stormed out. I looked back one last time and saw that I had captured both of their attentions. Alex had a perverted look on his face while Glen had a dreamy look on his face. Wow she looks hot I wonder how she would look in bed! Thought Alex. She looks beautiful. Thought Glen who obviously forgot I can read minds now. I grinned.

As I was leaving I heard Glen jump off the bed and run towards me.

"Hey wait you don't know where your going I have to escort you!" He screamed as he caught up with me. He got shoved out of the way by Alex and hit the wall.

"NO I want to escort her!" he told Glen with a big smirk on his face. Oh no, Mr. cocky better not escort me I rather jump off a 50 foot building. He made a face and grabbed my arm forcefully.

"Don't worry Hun I won't bite" he eyed my neck "that is unless you want me too"

"Eww get off me" I squirmed and got free once I did I ran and hid behind Glen who was now looking pissed.

"Fine if you want this little sissy you can have him….that is for now. It's not the first time I'm going to take something he wants." With that said he walked away. I glanced at Glen who looked downright furious. He silently fumed while walking back to his room. The tension was strong. I was suddenly alone.

"Hey wait you were supposed to show me where the kitchen is!" I yelled I walked to his room and tried to open it only to find it was locked. I started walking to where I thought the smell came from and after about 20 minutes of walking up and down stairs and corridors I finally made it to a door. I pushed it open and found Jacob sitting outside just daydreaming. As soon as he heard me he turned abruptly.

"Where have you been all this time? I went looking for you and went to ask Glen who had his door locked. No sense in asking Alex because he went out. You should have eaten a long time ago." He stated. He clapped his hands and a chef came out. "Order what you would like". With that said he left me sitting at the table by myself. Before he got in the house he told me training starts tomorrow at five in the morning and that I have to meet him outside.

As I waited for my scrambled eggs and sausages I couldn’t help but admire nature. It was beautiful here. The house was surrounded by trees and outside of my room well actually where I think my room is. Is a garden it looked like a maze from here? I will surely have to go down there myself.

I ate and finally finished. I got up and started walking back inside towards the back door so I could go to the mystery garden.

I freaking got lost trying to find the back door. Hey at least I know how to get to my room and the kitchen now! I started walking to my room exhausted.

I threw my self on my bed and found a note on one of the pillows it read:

Sorry I couldn't show you the way to the kitchen, but I was mad. Please forgive me. Glen

Aww. How sweet. He's real straight forward isn't he.

I started daydreaming about strawberry cheesecake and looked around my room. Hey what's that? Hmm… I never noticed there was a double door. I walked over to it and opened it. It was a balcony and it had a small spiral staircase heading down to the floor.

I was right the garden was in front of my room and I had an easy way down to it. I stepped outside and closed the doors I started climbing down the stairway but stopped because I heard Alex come into my room and go out to the balcony.

"Hey what are you doing out here babe? Its dinner time hurry up Jacob doesn’t like to be kept waiting. Oh and what are you doing?" he asked.

"Nothing I was just trying to get some fresh air" I said sighing and going back up the stairs. I was glad to find that Alex had left already. I started walking down the hall but was stopped by Glen. He looked me in the eyes and smiled. I could tell he was sorry.

"Hey I'm really sorry for not showing you the way b..."he was cut off by Alex. What the hell is he doing here I thought he left! Boy was he sure annoying. Whoops I forgot they could read my mind. I looked at Glen who had a satisfied smile on his face. He smirked.

"You heard the lady she doesn't want you here." He stated matter of factly. Boy they sure can both be cocky at some points. His smirk grew into a grin. Aww how cute is he. His grin grew even wider.

"Please she's only saying that because you’re here if it was just me she would have been all over me. Trust me I know." Alex said and smiled. I looked over at Glen whose smile faded and looked like he was about to punch Alex in the face. His eyes were glowing orange and his fangs started to come out.

I looked over at Alex who was doing the same. OH no they're transforming. I looked over at Glen who was starting to take his wings out and ran to him.