He's Dripping Blood From Real Fangs?

He's Dripping Blood From Real Fangs? Chp 8

He's dripping blood from real fangs?
Chp 8

"So you do have strong powers and you have to save the world? I'm sorry but I think they are making it all up!" exclaimed Manor. I jut got done telling them my story and Ed had fell asleep on the floor Manor and Matt were both sitting on my bed, but Matt was looking up at the ceiling. Violet was sitting on the floor Indian style and I was on an uncomfortable wooden chair.

"Why do you find it so hard to believe? I mean you saw when I was fighting with Violet. She was almost killed by me!" I sighed. Why is it so hard to convince him? He obviously doesn't trust me and yet he acts like he likes me. I think he's BIPOLAR.

"HEY! I was not almost killed by you I just wasn't ready!" whined Violet. I gave her a reassuring look.

"That doesn't mean anything I could have easily killed Violet too and you don't see me bragging about it." Said Manor which caused Violet to snort.

"You wish Mr. I-think-I-can-do-anything." Violet snorted again and gave Manor a death glance.

"But star doesn't look like the kind to be strong!" Manor still argued. I was now officially annoyed. Did he really think I was so weak? I was ready to snap at him but was being dragged out of the room by Violet.

"LET ME AT HIM... LET ME AT HIM!" I screamed kicking my legs around. Violet put me in the hall and slammed the door making sure they heard her when she said to not follow us.

"Okay where can we get some privacy?" she asked looking at me hopeful.

"Oh we can go to my favorite spot. Follow me!" I stated and started running.

I was running down the hall near the dining room table and ran into Glen. Hard. I was about to fall on the floor but was caught by Glen who looked like nothing had happened to him. He smirked. As fast as the smirk was placed was how fast it faded. He looked at me as if trying to read my mind.

"I'm so sorry I should've been paying attention and not running down the hall! Are you okay?" I blushed knowing I was blabbering.

"I'm fine" with that said he walked away. I couldn't help but frown. As he was walking away I glanced at the back of his head and soon my eyes were gliding downward resting on his ass. Wow he has a cute ass. I thought to myself.

He quickly turned around looking straight at me but I glanced away grabbing Violet and running outside as fast as I could.

I was still blushing a little when we finally made it to the garden. I looked around it was better at night. It looked so peaceful with the moon shining down on the flowers. The fountain was sparkling with joy.

I looked over at Violet who was still taking in the scene. She averted her eyes to me.

This is my favorite place. I love it here it helps me think and just relaxes me." I looked off into the moon which I truly loved. It held so much wonder to it, it just fascinated me.

"Yea, yea to the point already. You like this Glen guy don't you?" I started coughing on the air I just took in all at once.

"NO! He is just a friend" I lied. She looked at me like I was stupid and hit me on the back of the head.

"Liar! I can see it in your eyes. You are totally in LOVE with him!" she accused. Her eyes softened. "Look I know we started off in a bad way but we can fix it. I really do want to be your friend. You can trust me."

I glanced at her knowing she was telling the truth. "FINE! Okay I really like him but I'm sure its not love. He is the first guy I have had a crush on in a long time. I love the way his eyes hold some sort of mystery to them. I love how he worries and protects me without me even asking him to. I love the way he just is!" I screamed out to the moon. I looked over at Violet who was looking at me intently with her eyes sparkling.

"Wow! I have to hook you up! And better yet that leaves Matt all to me!" she smirked.

I felt happy here with my friend, Violet. I was deep in thought about Glen until my stomach started grumbling.

"I'm hungry lets get something to eat. Oh and what's up with Manor. He is just getting on my last nerves." I grabbed her hand and started skipping towards the dining room table.

"I have no idea he's just weird!" she made a face at me skipping but joined in anyways.

We sat down on the table which had a variety of foods and desserts on it. I was going to introduce Jacob and Violet to each other but I couldn't find him. She was happily chatting away with one of the maids while I was eating everything I could get my hands on. I grabbed a piece of cheesecake and grabbed a fork ready to dig in.

"Geesh Star don’t eat the whole table" Violet said in a sarcastic tone. The maid who I found out whose name was Casey and Violet were looking at me as if I were an alien who could do nothing but eat.

"I won't eat it if you don't want me to!" I said in the same sarcastic tone. I smirked and started eating my cheesecake.

I felt someone sit next to me but didn't bother looking since the mashed potato I was eating was so delicious. I had to leave my compliments to the chef!

"Wow I do like a hearty eater." Said the voice I knew so well. I almost choked. I looked over at Alex who was sitting next to me. I hated him! How could he be one of us? He irritated me so much there weren't even words to explain what I felt.

I wiped my mouth and pushed my plate away. "Well I don't like assholes that are cocky." I got up and grabbed Violet which I got a HEY from, but as soon as she saw my face she understood and told Casey she'll talk to her later.

Alex looked at me and smirked "Sassy! I like that in a woman too!" he waggled his finger at me and I stomped off to the huge living room with Violet behind me. I almost threw her on the couch from anger.

"I can tell you really don't like him. And if you don't like him then I won't either. I had a bad feeling about him earlier when I was coming in threw the window too. Boy when you're mad you can get really strong!" she threw her hands in the air wildly.

I started taking slow even breaths. And sat down next to Violet who was humming a song I heard on the radio I just don't remember what it was called. We started talking about guys and embarrassing moments. It was as if we have been friends since we were little.

Glen's point of view

After I got done eating I was walking down the hall and didn't notice that Star was running down the hall till it was too late.

She rammed right into me and almost fell on the marble floor but I caught her. She was so cute and innocent looking. I could feel a smirk on my lips but soon dropped it just as fast. I didn't want her to know I how I felt unless I knew she felt the same way.

"I'm so sorry I should've been paying attention and not running down the hall! Are you okay?" she blushed.

"I'm fine" I replied I started walking down the hall when I heard wow he has a cute ass. It sounded just like Star. I turned quickly but as soon as I looked at her she ran away dragging her friend with her.

Did she actually just say that? She was checking me out! I blushed at the thought, did I just blush? I had to find out how she felt about me. I turned around and started going to where I thought they were headed.

I followed them out to the garden making sure I was hidden. I hid behind some giant sunflowers and I heard Star yelling out "FINE! Okay I really like him but I'm sure its not love. He is the first guy I have had a crush on in a long time. I love the way his eyes hold some sort of mystery to them. I love how he worries and protects me without me even asking him to. I love the way he just is!"

Who was she talking about? Alex! She liked Alex not me! It had to be him she probably thought he was protecting her!

I held an even bigger grudge on Alex. I growled at the thought of him and Star going out. I ran towards the house and stormed in my room. I grabbed my ipod and shoved the headphones in my ears.

How could she like him, he is a jerk! I slammed my fist on the table and jerked the headphones out of my ears. The only thing that could calm me down is if I played my electric guitar. I took it out and started playing a song I wrote.

After about an hour of playing I was finally calm and laid down on my bed I laid my precious guitar next to me and felt my eyes starting to get heavy. I was soon fast asleep.

Star's point of view

We were still talking like if there was no tomorrow only to be interrupted by Casey.

"Hey girls, umm, the three guys ate already and they are each in their own guest room you two are going to have to sleep in the same room." She bowed and started to turn around.

"Casey don't do that we are your friends! Do you think we can have a sleepover in my room?" I exclaimed and jumped up.

Violet started clapping "Yea! Casey sleep over with us! Please it would be so much fun!"

"Okay! But we need pajamas? I don’t have pajamas!" Casey said with a sad smile.

"Go pick one out of my closet and Violet you go pick one out too. I want to see what Glen is up to." I said as I pushed Casey and Violet up the stairs. They both giggled and ran off to my room.

For the past hour I hear someone playing a guitar and it was perfect. I had to find out who it was, though I had a thought on who it was. I myself play the electric guitar and whoever was playing was flawless. As soon as I got to Glens door I noticed the playing stopped. I knocked on the door but got no reply.

I pushed open the door and stepped in quietly. I looked around and found Glen lying on his bed sleeping. He looked so cute sleeping. As if, he looked cute doing ANYTHING!

I walked over to him and started taking his guitar off the bed it was about to fall on the floor but as soon as I grabbed it Glen's hand grabbed mine and he slowly started opening his eyes.

"What are you doing!?" he said with anger dancing around in his eyes. I couldn't do anything but whimper. His hand was crushing mine.