He's Dripping Blood From Real Fangs?

He's Dripping Blood From Real Fangs? Chp 9

He's dripping blood from real fangs?
Chp 9

"What are you doing!?" he said with anger dancing around in his eyes. I couldn't do anything but whimper. His hand was crushing mine.

His eyes were burning a crimson red and bore into mine.

"I-I-I wasn’t do-in any…thing, OOWW my hand is being crushed!" I practically screamed out in a loud whisper. He let me go and I noticed his eyes weren’t that certain red anymore they changed back into their normal colors. He was still looking at his own hand avoiding my glare. He lowered his head so I couldn't see his face.

"Sorry, what were you doing in here?" he still had his head lowered and was speaking softly.

I managed to get out a whisper that was loud enough for Glen to hear me. "I just wanted to check up on you to see if you were okay." I started rubbing my hand. There was a sickening tension in the air I'm sure you slice threw it with a knife.

"Well as you can see I'm okay" he snapped. What the hell is his problem? Why is he being so rude? I tilted my head finally figuring out that I think to much to myself, I mean I'm always asking myself questions that I don’t know the answer to. Oh well.

"Well is there anything else?" he stated in a bored tone. He started putting on his headphones not even letting me answer his question.

I quickly turned around making sure to make a scene. As I was storming out I saw a pack of barbecue chips, I grabbed them and tossed them all over Glens bed making sure to get some on his head. No one was going to act like that towards me and get away with it.

I huffed and slammed the door shut, but before I even got to my door I got pulled right back into Glens room. I struggled knowing I had gone too far. Well he deserved it, didn’t he?

I was pushed onto his bed that was full of potato chips, I'm certain I smashed most of them. I pushed myself up and rested on my elbows waiting for all hell to break lose.

There he was glaring at me, he was smirking. Of all times he's smirking NOW! What the hell is he a psycho, he is supposed to be angry.

He started smirking evilly and started walking towards me slowly.

I was about to run towards the door but was too slow Glen was already on top of me. He was gazing down at me still smirking.

"You shouldn't have done that…I am half vampire you know I could easily suck all the blood out of you right now." I shuttered as he started lowering his head towards my neck. He let out his fangs and he softly grazed my neck with them.

The door flew open so suddenly I was glad someone was going to save me. I looked over to the door only to see Violet and Casey staring at us wide eyed. They looked from me to Glen and back to me again.

"Its not what it looks like…umm…he…I ….we…" I stuttered. Glen jerked back his head and got off of me helping me up.

"Umm she came in here and dropped those chips on my bed so she can act like the chip queen then she laid in it and I saw one chip she didn’t crush so I made a grab for it even though it was next to her head and that is why we were like that." Glen muttered and smiled. That had to be the stupidest thing anyone could think of.

"Yea...Sure…anyways come on Star we have a slumber party to go to!" Violet and Casey both stated. They both got a hold on my hand and dragged me out of his room the last thing I saw Glen do was roll on the floor laughing. Oh he was going to get it; he made me look like a fool... I mean who wants to be queen of chips?


"What were you doing in his room in that position Star?" Violet demanded shaking her head and tapping her foot in a menacing fashion.

I looked at her and Casey "I wasn't doing anything it was just as he said" I blinked "I really did want to be the queen of chips!" I felt my left eye twitch.

"Oh yea if that was it then why is your eye twitching?" she asked daring me to speak.

"It's because I feel some thing in my eye I think it's an eyelash." I turned and headed towards the nearest mirror pretending to take an eyelash out of my eye. I flicked off the imaginary eyelash and blinked.

"See I told you it was just an eyelash!" I said desperately trying to make her believe what I was saying. She smirked.

"Yea okay …. Do you really think I'm that slow? I know that’s not the truth" she pushed me on the floor and sat down next to me with Casey doing the same. "So tell us what actually happened."

I knew that I had lost; I was planning on telling Violet but later. I started telling them what actually went down.


I had got done telling them the story a long time ago and their comments were "Oh how cute" and "That is so romantic". Yea right as if being called a chip queen is romantic or cute.

We were now just acting stupid and randomly yelling out stupid things while stuffing our faces with popcorn and chips. We even found a giant piece of cake and shared it.

"Hey I know lets play truth or dare!" screamed an overly excited Casey. "Okay Violet you first what do you pick?"

"Umm I pick dare" she said while putting a handful of popcorn in her mouth. Casey and I started exchanging glances. Upon her face grew a mischievous smile and she started to clap her hands together.

"I dare you to grab some of Star's bras and put them all on you and run inside everyone's room screaming BOOBIE RAVE!!" I quickly stopped smiling.

"HEY why does it have to be my bras?" I asked helplessly.

"Because I said so!" I started getting up I was hoping to get to my closet and lock it before they could touch anything. I ran towards my closet racing Violet to it but I felt the floor beneath me move. WTF was that?

I was too late I realized it a moment to late Casey was pulling the blanket that was underneath me made it twist around my ankle.

I slipped and fell flat on my face thank goodness for the pillow that was directly beneath my face. It saved me.

"You could have killed me you evil whore!" I said pointing accusingly at Casey who was rolling around on the floor dying of a laughing attack.

"Hey why are you laughing so much? It wasn’t funny." I said shocked. She raised her hand and pointed beyond me. I turned around just to see Violet laughing and screaming BOOBIE RAVE at the top of her lungs with MY bras all over her one was on her head like a hat. I could hear her slamming doors and she finally made it back to us throwing everything back in the closet.

"What the hell it's THREE in the morning! WHAT THE HELL ARE YOU DOING" I turned to see all the guys in my doorway with bloodshot eyes.

"Oh and whoever's bras those are YOUR HOT!" Ed screamed winking at me.

I could hear everyone going downstairs complaining about not getting sleep and being hungry. I could also hear the laughter of Casey and Violet. I stayed upstairs and covered my face with a pillow embarrassed. I couldn't face them now.

Next thing I know the pillow was snatched away from my face and I was being pinned to the bed. Alex was on top of me now trying to kiss me.

"AHHH! GET OFF OF ME …G-G-GEET O-F-FF NOW!" I struggled but nothing was working. I cried in desperation but he got a hold of me with one hand and covered my mouth. I tried shaking my head to catch his hand off balance.

Glen help… somebody help me!

I heard a tear and took noticed that he managed to make a giant slit on the side of my shirt enough to show my ribs. He put his hands on my hips and started rubbing up and down my hips. WTF I couldn't move! Did he put some sort of spell on me?! My body was stiff it wouldn’t move I could only think, blink, and breathe.

I felt tears start streaming down my face as I could see that I was trapped, I couldn’t do anything. I felt his body being torn off mine and opened my eyes only to see Glen standing there looking angry. He looked down at my body and I could see sorrow in his eyes but as soon as Alex got up and tried to attack him his eyes turning into that crimson red color that frightened me so much. They just kept attacking and attacking each other but from what I could see Glen was winning.

My body started to tingle and I knew I was soon going to be able to move again. Soon, very soon.

Glen was punching Alex in his stomach nonstop but Alex pushed him off and sent him flying towards the wall. Glens head hit the wall and I heard and horrible crack. I saw Alex pick him up by his shirt and lift him up in the air so he could finish him off.

I WON'T stand for it. I quickly got up and lunged my self to Alex who didn't sense me coming. I grabbed his head and slammed it hard against the desk, I knocked him unconscious.

I ran to Glen who was thrown on the floor from the impact. I hugged him tight and started sobbing quietly into his chest. I didn't even hear the others running upstairs and coming into my room.

"GET HIM OUT OF HERE! DON'T LET HIM GET NEAR ME OR GLEN!" I screamed into Glen's chest.

I could hear them shuffling in the room and dragging Alex out of my room, I felt a hand on my shoulder and looked up. Violet was looking down at me with sadness in her eyes.

"You have to tell him how you feel." with that said she walked away. Knowing her I knew she would tell the others what was happening and how I feel about Glen.

I buried my head in his chest and tightened my grip afraid of him dying. It only caused me to sob even harder. I didn't want him to be gone.

I could feel his hands lifting as he embraced me bringing me in tight. We were like that for about five minutes until he pulled me off of him. His face was only inches away from mine as he lifted his hands and wiped the tears off my face.

"w-why are you crying?" he said in a soft whisper I could barely hear him. But I heard him and he knew it too.

"Be-be-cause I LOVE YOU!" I screamed out. I finally admitted it to my self I WAS in love with him. I really was.

He looked at me hopefully and sent his lips crashing into mine. It took me a while to notice what he was doing and I started kissing back. I parted my lips and felt his tongue explore mine. I pressed myself on Glen and deepened the kiss.

By the time we pulled apart we were both trying to catch our breath. He kissed my nose and rested his forehead against mine. I could feel his hot breath on me.

"I love you too." He whispered as we started lean in to kiss again.