Status: work in progress.

Here is Where you Need to Be


I ran and ran, as fast as I could, my black paws hitting the ground with great force. My best friend, Theodore James, suddenly leaped on me we both went tumbling toward the ground. Before I hit the floor, I transformed into a small bluebird and flew up in the direction of the sun. I looked down at Teddy who quickly picked himself up and turned into a monkey and started to swing from tree to tree. The chase continued. "Serena! It's time to come home!" my mother called for me.
I changer once again, into my human form and started off toward my home. With every step I took my brown curly hair bounced. I looked behind me to see Teddy and I grabbed his arm pulling him closer to me.
"Cheer up, Buttercup," I looked at him and smiled slightly, he had been so depressed today, I could only assume it was because today was my last day in Wichita Falls, Texas. My mom has to move back to New York to help out at my father and hers law firm. Before I was born, my mom and dad had owned, 'Simon and Family Law Firm,' when I was born my parents gave the business to my uncle who was kind enough to offer his services, because they didn’t want me growing up in the city.
My father is now dead, he died from pancreatic cancer four years ago, I was only 13. Can you imagine? going through you teenage years without your favorite person in the world?
Today was my last day in Texas and I spent it doing my favorite things, having an incredibly fast chase with Teddy during which we weren't allowed to stay one animal for a whole minute, baking a cookie cake, and spending time playing video games. I could tell Teddy wasn’t having the easiest time, so I wanted to spend the whole day and night with him, we are having a sleepover, he doesn’t know it yet though.
"so, Teddy, I was aren’t doing anything later right? of course not! your spending the night at my house, silly!" I said looking at him, a big dopey grin suddenly appeared on his face.
"I would be honored," he politely said and bowed, trying to act like a gentleman.
I quickly jumped on his back, pointed in the direction of my house and yelled, "CHARGE!"
He took off quickly turning into a cheetah and ran as fast as he could and I held on to his fur as tightly as I could. We soon reached my house in less than five minutes he then turned into a wolf with me still on his back.
I looked over my shoulder to see a black cat pacing the porch, she quickly jumped off and turned into a tall pale women, her short brown wavy hair laid still on her shoulders and her brown eyes shined brightly in the light. She was my mother.
“hello, mother” I greeted her cheerfully and slid off of Teddy's back.
“Bonjour, darling. Oh and hello Teddy,” she looked at him and he bowed his head.
I walked inside and leaped up the stairs, skipping every other step. Before I knew it Teddy was right behind me, in his human form. I slowly turned the knob of my bedroom door and walked in, my lips quivered and a shiver went through my body, my mood had never changed so quickly. I looked around my room slowly, each wall was bare, no posters, no book shelves, and no pictures, nothing..
Teddy quickly engulfed me in a hug and tackled me to the ground, “cheer up buttercup!” he said in a mocking tone, I rolled my eyes.
“Get off of me!” I spat out laughing and tried to push him off, he pouted his lip like he was a five year old who was being forced to share his new crayons. I sighed and pulled him to me again, holding him close. I whispered, “I don't want to leave.” He rested his chin in my forehead and frowned.
“Neither do I..” I felt my arms go limp and I let him go. I pushed him out of my room and changed my clothes into my pajamas. I sighed loudly and opened my door and gliding down the hall, down the stairs.
I smiled slightly as I looked down at my mom, who had made my favorite dinner. I took a deep breath and my nose was flooded with the smell of mashed potatoes, chicken, gravy and creamed corn.
Dinner was quietist meal I have ever had to sit threw. Teddy on my left and mom on my right. No one said one word during the entire meal, just stare down at their plates. I quickly stood up and brought my dish to the sink and leaned against the counter. I looked around at the house that would no longer be here house in less than 9 hours..