Status: In process...

Finding Love

A Prophecy

Since Crow had proposed the question and Sabric had answered it, time flew by. Days turned into weeks, weeks into months. Crow wanted to spend every moment with Sabric. His father still hadn’t come home, and although it worried him; he was too strung up on happiness to really care.

In theory, Crow and Sabric were like a rose. Their relationship taking time to bloom, each petal filled with the wonders of love. The stem held strength, strength that allowed them to overcome any challenges that held them back. The thorns represented trust. This trust kept them bound together.

Crow needed someone to help him stay above the water that was drowning him. He couldn’t swim for his own. That’s where Sabric came in. Sabric was his life support, the thing that kept Crow afloat.

“Sabric… don’t ever leave me…” Crow looked up at Sabric.

“I would never.”

“Cross your heart,” Crow struggled to speak, his eyes filling with tears.


“Cross it…”

Sabric nodded and ran his finger across the area on his chest where the heart was.

“Sabric… I love you.”

“I… I love you, too, Crow. Forever.”

That day seemed so long ago. A year had passed and not much had changed since then. Crow and Sabric were the same two people, just older, and probably smarter. But it didn’t matter. Their love was still the same; and raging fire that would never die down.
♠ ♠ ♠
Title = "A Prophecy" by Asking Alexandria. I aw'd several times when writing this [in a good way] and I hope you enjoy it. And sorry it's so short. Major writers block, but I still needed to post.
Not sure if this is the end either. It might be... MIGHT... comments/subs? //shot :D