Status: Active

Taking Them To Tartarus

Blowing Up Bikini Bottom


"Shhh," the reporter said as the camera man started rolling. "This is a special underwater piece. Taking Them To Tartarus is now live from Bikini Bottom, Ocean Floor. We are now standing outside what seems to be a pineapple, and obnoxiously loud, annoying laughs can be heard from inside it."

"Patrick!" A yellow sponge ran out of the pineapple from an iron door, over to a rock on the other side of a face-like stone. The rock opened and out came a pink starfish. The reporter and camera-man stared as one of the stupidest conversations went on between them.

"Jelly fishing, jelly fishing, jelly fishing!" they yelled as they headed off toward a field called Jelly Fish Fields. The reporter and camera man quickly followed them.

"Look at the pink fat one!" the reporter gasped as Patrick Star was stung by a jelly fish. The camera man laughed. "Oh, now look, that large one is about to sting the sponge!" The King Jellyfish swept over Spongebob and stung him. The reporter and camera man laughed.

"Look Spongebob!" the offensive pink star called to the dish cleaner. "This completely random crack filled with molten lava appeared out of nowhere!" The sponge pranced over to the pink star and stared at the flowing red liquid.

"What do you think it's there for?" he asked, his eyes widening in awe. The reporter rolled her eyes at the camera.

"I dunno, but let's get the whole town to come look!" The pink star raced off, the sponge with him.

"And, break," said the reporter. "Wow. Never thought we'd see a talking dish cleaner."

"You kidding me? We've seen worse."

"Which is why we made this show. To throw away any unwanted, annoying things like Spongebob Squarepants and Patrick Star." The camera man grinned and turned on his camera as a stampede of different sized, age, and colored fish hurried toward the crack in the ocean floor.

"What is it!?" a lobster called.

"That there is a volcano just waitin to erupt," said someone with a texas accent. A squirrel in an astronaut suit stepped forward. "Ya'll dont wanna go in there."

"How do you know, Sandy?" called a crab. "It could be a money pot, and you're trying to keep it all to yourself!" The crowd mumbled in agreement.

"Hello! I came from the surface, I seen things like this before."

"This isn't the surface!" someone else called. "This is Bikini Bottom!"

"Ya'll don't wanna listen to me, fine then! But I'll be laughin when ya'll are burnin' up and I'm on my way back home!" Sandy left in a huff.

"And there goes Sandy Squirrel, the only respectable character in Bikini Bottom," the reporter said. "Soon to be back in Texas, where everything's bigger."

The reporter frowned at the group of fish waiting on the edge of the unknown. Someone had to get them to jump.

"So, what do we do now?" she heard Spongebob say. Everyone started mumbling.

"How do we go in and look?" Patrick called.

"Look! It's king Jellyfish! HIDE!"

The fish started scrambling to find a hiding place, but there were none.

The reporter decided her course of action.

"Into the hole! He won't follow you!" she called loudly.

In hordes of thousands, the fish jumped into the hole, until the field was empty and none were left. The hole seamlessly closed up, and the reporter smiled at her camera man.

"Easy as pie," she said. The camera man thumbs-up-ed her and they headed for the surface.

"Now on to our next task. Stay tuned, for the next episode of Taking Them To Tartarus!"

The camera turned off.
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Haha, anyone who knows me and listens to Linkin Park's last album knows theres a line from a song in here.
Alright, this is just the first one. We have the next 3 chapters planned out, and we are taking suggestions on who to bash. If there is any character in any book, Mibba or actual novels and stuff, let me or Amrsmith8 know and we will bash them. Anyone goes, except we will only be bashing two real life people. Sorry, no real-life people.
Thanks for reading, and stay tuned for the next episode of