Listen to Your Heart

The Big Move

Sometimes you can’t help it; you never know when it’s going to happen.

When my best friend and I moved to Texas from Australia I never expected to fall in love. We both decided to focus on our careers when we moved, me on my nursing and him on his singing. He had always loved to sing. When we first met we were in a pub and he was playing with some band. After he had finished he came down to have a drink and we started talking about anything and everything. At the time I was 20 and still at college and he was 21 and chasing down his dream. It didn’t take long for us to become best friends. I told him of my dreams to live in America with my other best friend Mary and he told me how he also wished to live in America because he thought it would help him start his career in the music industry.

I never thought I would end up in America in the way it happened. Only a few months before I had finished my nursing degree Mary got into a terrible car crash killing her instantly and sending me into a deep depression. Mary and I had been best friends since high school and were like sisters so her death affected me more than any of her other friends.

Not long after I had finished my nursing degree I was sitting in my apartment room floor looking at pictures of Mary and I broke down. After about ten minutes of crying I felt a pair of strong arms wrap around me. I knew just who it was; there was only one person that had a spare key to my apartment. Jake. I instantly wrapped my arms around his waist and hid my face in his chest and just cried.

“Hayley, shush, everything will be alright. I’m here now, you will be alright.” Jake said trying to soothe me.

“It’s not fair, we were supposed to go and live in America and have the time of our lives and meet loads of people and fall in love and…..” I blabbed on.

“And you will but you have to try and move passed this. Live your life like you know Mary would want you to. You can still do all those things without her. I know, why don’t we go get a coffee, I have something to tell you.” He whispered in my ear while pulling me up from the floor wiping my tears away. I looked up at him and gave him a small smile and took his hand as we walked to the nearest coffee shop.

When we walked into the café he lead me to a table and sat me down then went to get our coffees. He came back and handed me mine then sat down.

“So, what was it that you wanted to talk to me about?” I asked looking up at him.

“Well I found a house in Texas and I know how you have always wanted to live there, so I was wondering if you wanted to move with me. I wanted to check with you first cause I am not going if you don’t come cause you still need me here but I really want you to come with me and I know Mary would love if you continued your life and….”

“Jake, shut up, I would love to go. I mean it’s not the way it was planned but what the hell. I have to start living my life again and what better way of doing it than in a new country.” I said smiling up at Jake.

He smiled back at me and took a sip at his coffee. In that moment was when everything started to change between us. Little did I know that during my low he had started to see things in me that he never noticed before.
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This is my first story and I know it ain't that good but I thought what the hell, ohhhhh and my best friends forced me to post it.