Listen to Your Heart

Promise me this

Later that week I decided to go shopping to for ‘the perfect present’. Jake was at work so it was the only time I had to go shopping without him. So far all I had found was a mug that said ‘best boyfriend in the world’ which if I say so myself is a little to corny. I figured that eventually I would either suddenly think of something or it would just hit me in the face as I walked past it.
After about an hour of walking around I decided to take a break and continue after lunch. I was really craving something fattening so I settled for some Burger King. I sat there eating while going through all the photos on my phone. There were some cute ones of me and Mary and some really weird ones of Jake. It looked like he had stolen my phone and taken some photos of himself. I had to laugh at some of them. My favorite one was defiantly the one where he had his shirt off and he was trying to show off his muscles.
Then it came to me. I knew exactly what I was going to get him. I knew he would love it. I shot up out of my chair and headed towards the shop I was after.

When I got home I decided to call one of my friends from back home to tell her of my amazing present. I needed some help from her to make it perfect and I knew she had just what I needed. I picked up my phone and dialed her number.
“Where the tits have you been Haley?” I hear my best friend reply.
“Ohhh you know, here there and everywhere. What you been up to babe?”
“Absolute shit Haley, absolute shit. I wanna chill with you but then I remember you’re bloody in Texas, why did you have to move Haley. I miss you and Jake sooooo much. Ohhh and speaking of Jake, how’s the boyfriend going?”
“Woah calm down Steph. Hes been great but I need your help with something.” I told her my plan and as I thought she totally agreed that it was awesome.
“Yeah that’s no problem I’ll make sure it gets there no matter what.”
“ You’re the best Steph. I’ll talk to you soon. Love you.”
“Bye sweetness. Love you too.”
I looked at the clock noticing that it was almost 5:30pm and that Jake would be home from work at any time so I got started on dinner so that he wouldn’t have to worry about it when he got home.

Finally Christmas was here and I was so excited to give Jake my present. We decided that we would spend the morning at home and he would take me out on a ‘surprise date’, that I was not allowed to know about, for a late lunch. I didn’t like the idea of not knowing what was going to happen but I knew that whatever it was Jake would make it special. I woke up to the smell of eggs and bacon. It reminded me of home when my mother would make us special Birthday breakfasts. I smiled to myself and hopped out of bed finding my way to the bathroom. I tried to make myself look half decent and ended up giving up on any hope of that happening before 10am. I made my way to the kitchen to find Jake putting our food on the plates.
“Morning babe, you sleep well?” Jake asked me while pecking me on the lips.
“I slept great, how about you.” I replied with a smile.
“Yeah I slept really well. I can’t wait for our date later though. You are going to love it.”

We arrived at the place where Jake was taking me for our date. I had no idea where we were because Jake had made me put a blindfold on. I tried to argue the fact that it would ruin my hair but Jake pointed out that he didn’t care what my hair looked like because he thought that I always looked beautiful and he loved me no matter what I looked like. I gave him a few extra brownie points for that one.
I felt the car stop and I heard Jake tell me to stay where I was so that he could come and get me. I heard him open his door and run around to my side; he opened up my door and grabbed my hands as he pulled me into his arms so that I would not fall. We started walking as Jake lead me to the place he had picked for the date. I could hear the sound of rushing water but I couldn’t smell any salt, therefore we couldn’t be at the beach. Suddenly Jake stopped and turned me around. He told me to close my eyes as he took off my blindfold. I felt his hands brush past my ears to lightly tug on the knot at the back of my head. I felt the piece of material fall to the ground around my feet as Jake moved his hands towards mine.
“Haley, I want this to be the most amazing night of your life tonight so can you promise me one thing?” I heard Jake whisper into my ears. I felt the goose bumps rise on my skin as Jakes lips brushed along my neck.
“Anything Jake, anything.” I replied so lowly no one but Jake would have heard it.
“I want you to promise me that you will always stay with me. I never want to lose you Haley,” I felt Jakes hand move to his side as he pulled out something from his pocket. I slowly opened my eyes to see Jake holding a velvet box with the most amazing ring I had ever seen in my life. I looked up at him in surprise as I tried to grasp the question he was asking. “I know we have only been together for a few months now but I have known you for years and I could never imagine myself with anyone else. I understand if you aren’t ready for this but I just couldn’t hold it in any longer. Haley will you take this promise ring as a sign that we will one day get married?”
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I know that the end is really corny but ohhh well. I am planning on writing a new story some time soon.

Dedicated to Meegan & Sarah <3