Breaking Slowly

Fading Slowly

You never go
You're always here (suffocating me)
Under my skin
I cannot run away
Fading slowly

“Do you love me?”

Connor looked up to see Victoria leaning against the entrance to the bathroom, her long red curls pulled away from her face. She was dressed in a sheer pink teddy while pink garters were attached to her matching lace stockings. She was gorgeous, her voluptuous body displayed to perfection.

“You know I do,” Connor responded, folding his arms behind his head as he reclined on their bed.

He watched as Victoria smiled, her odd golden eyes flashing with pleasure. They played this game every time they hooked up. It started about three months ago, Victoria not wanting to spend the night alone and Connor needing an itch scratched. That one night expanded to once every week. If one felt lonely or needed a scratch they just had to call the other and set up a time.

Victoria shook her head, “No, do you love me?”

Connor rolled his eyes, “Come on, babe. You know what we do is just physical. No emotions are involved.”

Victoria straightened, her hands clenching at her sides, “You just don’t understand.”

Connor sighed and rose up on his elbows, “Understand what? Tori, the only time we’ve spent together has been in bed. The sex is hot, but I don’t want to be in a relationship.”

Victoria stepped closer, fury imprinted in her features, “You don’t understand how lonely I’ve been. How lonely an existence like mine is.”

Connor sat up, a little apprehensive, “Victoria?”

She snarled, not a cute playful snarl or a hot sexy snarl, but an animalistic snarl. Connor backed up as far as he could, pressing his body against the head board when Victoria crawled onto the bed. She was on all fours, slowly crawling, when the change began. With wide eyes, Connor watched as her hair extended to cover her body, the red strands becoming fur. Her chin and nose elongated into a muzzle and her human eyes turned wolf.

I'd give it all to you
Letting go of me
Reaching as I fall
I know it's already over now
Nothing left to lose
Loving you again
I know it's already over, already over now

“Oh, shit. Ohshit, ohshit, ohshit,” Connor whimpered as the wolf snarled, the animal advancing until they were nose to nose.

“You don’t understand now,” the creature growled, her voice guttural, “but you will soon.”

The animal attacked, ripping into Connor’s throat as the man’s scream was cut short. Blood gushed and tissue was torn until the animal was satisfied with her work. She stepped back and watched as Connor flopped on the bed, his nerves causing his muscles to spasm.

“Now you’ll know how it feels to be lonely. How it feels to know that no one will ever accept you for who you are.”

Connor couldn’t speak, could barely even blink his eyes as he watched the wolf run out the open window. His body felt warm, growing hotter with every breath he managed to wheeze in. Pain spread from the wound, becoming more excruciating with every second as his shaking got worse. He tried to scream, but his vocal cords had been torn in the attack and the only sound he could make were gurgled mumbles.

My best defense, running from you
I can't resist, take all you want from me
Breaking slowly

I'd give it all to you
Letting go of me
Reaching as I fall
I know it's already over now
Nothing left to lose
Loving you again
I know it's already over, already over now!

The pain escalated, his mind screaming out when his voice couldn’t. His skin prickled with unwanted awareness as he watched the hair on his arms thicken and expand. His nails hardened into tough claws, the pads of his fingers darkening with rough skin. The bones in his legs reshaped painfully, his thighs curving out while his knee folded backward.

The brown hair on his head shifted to cover his skin, his eyebrows thickening to cover his eyelids. His skull mutated into the shape of a wolf’s, forcing his skin to stretch. As his hair covered his face Connor could feel his throat healing back together, the scream that he didn’t know he’d been making coming out as a shrill howl.

You're all I'm reaching for
It's already over
All I'm reaching for!
It's already over now

I'd give it all to you
I offer up my soul
It's already over, already over now!

Connor’s hands clenched into the sheets, his nails shredding the mattress. He howled again, this time breaking all the glass in the room and the bathroom. His pain intensified even more as his organs reshaped to become a wolf’s. He could feel the fur stretching over his chest as the hair on his legs rose up his stomach. His pain peaked into white hot territory as his body bowed on the bed.

Then, just as it started, the pain was gone.

This time when he howled it was full of relief as he fell back down, leaving him panting on the ruined bed. He rose, leaning on one furry arm as he tried to come to terms with what happened.

Pushing himself up to a sitting position Connor lifted his head, his eyes landing on the cracked mirror in the bathroom. Connor froze as the creature stared back at him; the horrific wolf hybrid breathing heavily as it sat on a blood stained bed. Connor lifted his arm and watched as the animal did the same. He couldn’t believe it. Somehow Victoria had passed her freakish disease on to him.

She’d forced him to become this monster.

Feeling his fury at her betrayal Connor threw his head back and howled one last time. The sound carried through the lands, expressing his pain, carrying his message of revenge and retribution.

His howl was echoed by another, this one filled with mockery and a challenge. At Victoria’s howl Connor knew what he was going to do next.

Hunting season has now started.

Give it all to you
Letting go of me
Reaching as I fall
I know it's already over now
Nothing left to lose
Loving you again!
I know it's already over now!
It's already over now!
I know it's already over, already over