Status: New Story- Complete

Imprinted on My Heart

Chapter 5

Alex’s POV

I got to school and I barely acknowledged any of the others as I sat on our bench and stared out at the parking lot waiting for a certain silver car to pull in. After 10 minutes Gabe grabbed my arm and spun me around saying
“come on man you can’t be that into her I mean Brice or that lot didn’t even do that with their imprint” I shook my head and replied
“it’s not because of that well actually it has a part but it’s not the main reason” Mia shrugged and said
“well what is?” I sighed and turned to face them fully with a grim face and spoke
“I think she’s being abused at home but she wouldn’t tell me anything” Jo and Mia gasped while the guys looked concerned.
“Why do you think that?” Nick asked and I sighed before telling them
“I grabbed her waist yesterday and she all but collapsed from pain in my arms, she has this massive bruise on her stomach in the shape of a fist but she wouldn’t say anything about it and just said she would tell me some time and to drop it” Jo shook her head and laid a hand over mine sympathetically
“this must be hard on you to see that, I bet you want to tear the person apart don’t you honey” I nodded and my free hand fisted
“I just wanna break their arm so they can never punch her again” Brice nodded behind me and said
“well here’s your time to find out ‘cause her cars here” I span around in my seat to see her park in a space and wait a moment while her step-sister got out and then another moment before getting out herself. I saw that she moved slowly as if it hurt and she had to support herself on her car. My brows creased in concern and confusion but as she walked towards us with a noticeable limp that she was trying to cover and dressed in clothes that covered her completely I guessed what was up and stormed out of my seat and over to meet her half way.

She was dressed in ( with a bare face and messy hair like she hadn’t even the energy to look like herself, she just looked totally worn down. She smiled when she saw me though I could see it was strained and she said in a cracking voice
“hey Alex” I kept my gaze hard and hissed
“don’t just hey me look at you! You’re a mess, what the hell happened last night?” she closed her mouth and I could feel she was about to lie to me so I said
“don’t even think of telling me some crap about how you tripped and fell onto a table” my voice and face softened as I saw her face fall and tears fill her eyes as she looked away from me. I tenderly reached up a hand and brushed my knuckles against her bruised cheek
“honey you look like you had a fight with Mike Tyson and lost, badly” she smiled slightly and I drew her to my side as I walked back to the bench.

I helped her sit down before I tucked her into my side and she grabbed my hand and played with it in her lap, refusing to look at the others. Jo looked at me with concern while Mia tried to coax Mae into looking at her
“Mae? What’s the matter? Will you look at me please” Mae just shook her head so I sighed and gently placed a hand under her chin to force it upwards and she fought me before finally letting me lift it and Mia and Jo gasped when they saw the lump and bruise there. Jo jumped from her seat and ran around the table to her side while Mia didn’t even bother going around and jumped over the table to grab Mae’s hand exclaiming
“oh my god your gorgeous face! What the hell happened” while Jo hugged her lightly and said
“please tell us Mae, we want to help” I heard Maeve mumble out
“I can’t, you guys will leave me” and I gripped her hand tighter while Jo hugged her a bit more and Mia started yelling
“Never in a Katrillion years would I leave you girly in this state! Tell me what happened before I rip it outta someone” Mae laughed lightly before gasping in pain and I motioned for Jo and Mia to back off which they did just as the bell rang. All of them looked to the building then back at Mae with concern and I nodded my head
“go to class guys, we’ve got English now together so I’ll skip with her and make sure she’s ok” they nodded and walked off to the building, not without each of them glancing back a few times to watch us.

When they were finally gone I pulled Mae into my arms lightly and asked
“what happened to you? You can barely move” Mae just shook her head and repeated
“I can’t say” I clenched my jaw and replied
“I won’t leave you honey, none of us will, what ever it is we will help you with it” Mae burst out into tears then and clutched my shirt in her hands as her tears soaked it.

I rubbed her back and whispered shh in her ear as I waited for her tears to stop flowing though it seemed they would go on for a while but they eventually slowed to the occasional sob and hiccup before stopping completely so I lifted her face to look at mine and asked again
“what happened Maeve?” she closed her eyes and said in a croaky voice
“my father beat me” I drew in a deep shaky breath which rattled back out of me as I whispered
“what?!” she clung tighter to me and said a little louder
“my father beat me”
“why?” I asked and she sighed before replying
“I didn’t get home on time so he slapped me and I flew into a wall, then he kicked me to the ground and when I snapped at him for calling Cashlin my mother he snapped and started kicking me all over, it hurts so much Alex!” she started to sob again and I shhed her again while rocking her until they stopped and I said
“you can’t go back there Mae, if he beats you like this he could kill you one day” she smiled lightly and said
“I’m not as fragile as I look Alex, I’ve gotten worse than this before” this statement didn’t make me feel better and she seemed to notice as she sighed and placed a hand gently on my cheek rubbing her thumb against it
“sorry but I have, anyway I think I just need to get through today and then I will feel better” I closed my eyes at her hands contact with cheek as I said
“you could stay with me where he can’t hurt you”
“Alex the beating I get from going home at the end of the day isn’t as bad as the one I would get if I didn’t; he says he wants me to leave but when I do and he finds me he then beats me worse for leaving” I rolled my eyes
“that makes no sense” she shrugged and replied
“he tends not to when it comes to me but I live with it” I shook my head and stated
“I don’t want you to go back there” Mae laughed softly and nodded
“I don’t want me to either but I have to, I can’t live with you” I pouted and she smiled softly before pulling my bottom lip between her fingers lightly and saying
“this doesn’t belong here” I smiled and she did the same back then I said
“well just to let you know that you are going to be having a lot of sleep overs ok?” she laughed again before looking worried
“I don’t think father would like that” I set my mouth in a determined line before I ground out
“he will, don’t worry” she just shrugged and said
“if you say so” before getting up from my lap, wiping her eyes and straightening her clothes and then saying
“Well I think we need to go to class, Lit will be ending and we don’t wanna miss any other classes” I nodded and asked
“so what do you have now?”
“umm Art & Design with the girls so if I’m in need of anything they can help me” I nodded with a smile
“good, and they can tell me if you run out or anything” she grinned and shoved me lightly though it didn’t actually move me. I stood up and raised my hands to the sides and said
“lead me to Art, I’m gonna drop you off then go to Biology” Maeve rolled her eyes but took my hand none the less and lead me into the building; the biggest smile imaginable appearing on my face once her hand was in mine, snug.

Maeve’s POV

I led Alex to my Art class by the hand with a huge smile on my face as I noticed how well they fit together, my small in his big. He had a few calluses in his palms indicating hard manual labour on something, a job maybe, I never asked
“hey Alex do you have a job?”
“Yeah I’m a mechanic on the weekends and days off” I nodded and said
“that’s cool I know a mechanic now, if I ever break down I know who to call” he laughed and the sound rippled through me causing a tickly feeling in my stomach.
“That’s all I’m gonna be good for now isn’t it? Free car work” I smiled back at him before saying
“well that and coffee” he laughed and I giggled at myself before we reached my class. We were a little early so I leant up against the wall next to the door, Alex doing the same next to me having yet to let go of my hand.
“You do know that I’m here for you though don’t you?” he asked me and I looked up at his thoughtful sincere face and I smiled
“yeah I know you are and I’m thankful for that, I’m glad to have people that know and will help me, I’ve never had that before” he looked puzzled
“what? No one has ever found out?” I nodded my head
“oh yeah people have found out but as soon as they did they all backed away from me like abuse was a disease they could catch and be as unhappy as I was” Alex sighed and pulled me closer to him by our joined hands where I rested my head on his arm as he spoke
“kids are cruel but I bet they were shitty kids with stuck up parents, we however will never abandon you in fact I definatly say that when we all leave this dump we get our own place, all of us and live away from our parents” I laughed and said
“that’s like 6 months away Alex” he nodded with a grin, apparently excited by his new idea
“yeah that’s plenty of time to get away and you’ll have turned 18 by then”
“yeah I turn 18 in 2 months”
“well then there ya go in fact when you turn 18 you can move out anyway, you could even live with any of us because I know we would be happy to have you” I laughed and said
“ok woah there Alex, a little ahead of yourself and you can’t speak for the others” Alex made a dismissive motion and replied
“of course I can I’ve known them all my life so I know what their reactions will be” I just laughed and then the bell sounded and the class inside started gathering their stuff. I looked at Alex and said a little disheartened
“well you have to go now” he replied in the same tone
“yeah, but hey I’ll see you later”
“ok” and then he was off down the corridor into the sea of students.