Two Hearts


“Char, I have a surprise for you!”

“Amelia, I’m not really in the mood. I had such an awful day at work and I just want to relax.”

“Well, fine I’ll bring the surprise to you.”

That was all Amelia said before hanging up and getting everything set up for her best friend’s surprise. Amelia’s known Charlotte has had a tough couple of weeks and she has just the thing to make her forget all about her stress and troubles.

If Charlotte was in a better mood she would have worried about Amelia’s surprise for her. Amelia’s talked about it for a long time but because it’s been so long Charlotte didn’t think the surprise was even real. Charlotte changed into pajamas; a simply black tang top and gray sweatpants before making green tea and relaxing on the couch.

Thirty minutes later knocks were heard on Charlotte’s apartment door. She groaned slightly before getting up and opening the door to reveal a grinning Amelia with two very familiar guys with her; Jordan Staal and Kris Letang.

“Amelia, that’s Kris fucking Letang and Jordan fucking Staal.”

Amelia laughed, “It is, can we come in?”

“Yeah, of course.”

Charlotte moved to the side and blushed when Kris smiled at her. Amelia led them into the living room, taking a seat on Jordan’s lap after he sat in the single chair, leaving the couch for Kris and Charlotte.

“Well guys, this is my best friend Charlotte. Charlotte, you know who they are.”

“Yeah, sorry about before I was just really shocked and yeah.” Charlotte said blushing.

“It’s alright, that was the idea.” Kris said smirking.

“Can I get you guys anything? Food, drinks?”

“I’m craving pizza like mad.” Amelia said first.

“You are always craving pizza.” Charlotte said rolling her eyes.

“And that is a problem?” Amelia asked laughing.

Charlotte rolled her eyes, “So a cheese and a pepperoni?”

Everyone nodded so Charlotte got up from the couch and made her way to the kitchen to
order the pizza. She heard footsteps so she expected to see Amelia but she actually saw Kris. She immediately started blushing as she finished ordering the pizza.

“How much was it?” Kris asked once she hung up the phone.

“Uhm, twenty five fifty, I ordered cheese sticks too.” She said bashfully.

Kris laughed, “Good, I love cheese sticks.”

“Not to sound rude but did you uh- need something?”

Kris shook his head his hair falling in his face. “Not really. They started getting all cute and
cliché so I bailed.”

“I didn’t even know they were a couple and she’s my best friend!”

Kris shrugged, “I don’t think they are official yet. I’ve only known her for like a week and
Jordan’s known her for only two.”

Charlotte shrugged, “Well that isn’t so bad then.”

Before an awkward silence could start Charlotte’s ferret, Phineas, started playing with his new toys.

“What was that?” Kris asked confused.

“Oh, that’s just my ferret Phineas playing with his toys.”

“You have a ferret?” Kris asked excitingly.

“I do, do you want to see him?”

“Hell yeah I want to see him.”

Charlotte laughed and motioned him to follow her. Kris followed without a word to her
bedroom. Kris sat on Charlotte’s bed while she got out her ferret. Charlotte turned around smiling and walked right in front of Kris. Kris timidly reached his hand out and started to pet the ferret.

“He shouldn’t bite you.”


“He only bites people he doesn’t like.”

Kris had a look of determination on his face as he started to pet the ferret, hoping he
wouldn’t get hurt. Phineas actually rubbed his head into Kris’s hand.

“Do you want to hold him?”

“Uh, yeah sure.”

Charlotte carefully gave Kris Phineas telling him to be careful because he can be fast. Kris nodded his head in understanding and carefully held onto the ferret. Phineas sniffed Kris’s sweatshirt that adorned his toned upper body before snuggling into his stomach and starting to fall asleep.

Charlotte smiled widely, “Awh, he likes you.” She said sitting next to him. “He’s not the only one.” She muttered underneath her breath, not realizing Kris heard her.


Charlotte stood up as her husband whipped off his gloves and skated for the player who tripped him into the boards. Charlotte became nervous as the two were holding each other’s jersey and throwing punches left and right. Of course, she became worried not wanting her husband to be hurt but as a fan of hockey for years she wanted him to win the fight. Once the players were tackled to the ground the refs pulled them apart, it was clear that Kris Letang won the fight. Charlotte sighed of relief and sat down next to Amelia again.

“Come on Char, you know he would have won.”

“I know, I know but you know how it is.”

“I guess.” Amelia said shrugging. When her fiancé, Jordan Staal, gets into fights on the ice
she usually eggs him on.

The girls cheered on their boys and the rest of the team hoping for a win which they got. They chatted away with the rest of the team’s wives, girlfriends, and friends waiting for their significant others to appear from the locker room. Once Charlotte saw Kris she excused herself from the conversation and ran into Kris’s open arms. Kris spun her around before placing on the ground and kissing her just as passionately as their first kiss.

“Good game.” Charlotte said smiling widely. “Good fight too.” She said rolling her eyes.

Kris laughed, “Thanks. The guy didn’t even bruise me, pussy.”

Charlotte laughed but hit Kris’s shoulder, “That’s not a nice thing to say even though it may be true.”

Kris laughed and shook his head before kissing her again. “Hey Char, guess what?”


Kris kissed her yet again before smiling widely, “I love you.”
♠ ♠ ♠
Silly fluff but I thought it was cute. :3