‹ Prequel: Masquerade

The Wolf In Me


I stayed behind as Stefan and Tyler walked forward closer to the camper. Jules was pacing in front of it. Suddenly she glanced up in our direction. “I know you’re out there,” she called.

Stefan and Tyler then walked forward, Stefan holding Tyler’s arm. “Where’s Caroline?” asked Stefan instantly.

“Locked up tight,” said Jules. I glanced at the trailer behind her. I’m betting that’s where she is. I didn’t think I could get to it though.

“Let her go and I’ll release Tyler,” bargained Stefan. “Doesn’t have to get any messier than it already has. I’m not your enemy Jules.”

“It’s a little late to be waving a white flag don’t you think?” said Jules.

“You need to leave town,” said Stefan. I could see his patience thinning. “No one else has to get hurt.”

Suddenly an arm wrapped around my torso and another covered my mouth. I immediately tried to break free but was unsuccessful. “Behave and I won’t kill you,” a voice whispered in my ear. I had no doubt that he meant it by the tight grip he had on me.

I relaxed my body and then he grabbed my arm and uncovered my mouth. “Scream and I’ll kill you,” he said. Then he started pulling me towards Stefan and Tyler. I glared at him as he dragged me forward to stand beside Tyler.

“My brother the peacemaker,” he said with a smirk. “Since Stefan got here before me, I’m going to let him try it his way before I resort to my way, which is a little bloodier.” His grip on me tightened and I could feel an instinctual growl wanting to escape. “So give us Caroline.”

“Let go of Tyler and Willow,” she said enunciating every word clearly.

“Give us Caroline,” Damon said impatiently. “There’s not a full moon. It’s not an even fight and you know it. We will take you.”

“I’m not so sure about that, tough guy,” said Jules. She then let a long, high pitched whistle go through the forest. Instantly many werewolves came out of the surrounding trees. They carried stakes and one a flame thrower.

“Let’s try this again,” said Jules. “Give us Tyler and Willow.”

“You heard her,” said Damon. “Go,” he whispered. He released me from his grip. “Get over there.” Cautiously Tyler and I moved to stand behind Jules. I could every hair on my neck stand up as I moved. Everything else was deadly silent except for the breathing of the wolves.

“Which one of you killed Mason?” spoke up one of the wolves.

“Uh, that would be me,” said Damon pointing to himself.

“Boys,” called the wolf. “Make sure that one suffers.” They were going to kill them. Suddenly Damon rushed forward towards Jules. Tyler ducked inside the trailer, pulling me with him. Both of us were breathing heavy, adrenaline starting to course through our veins.

“Tyler, we can’t let them die,” I said wanting to get out there.

“Why not?” he said. “They killed Mason.”

“And if we kill them it makes us no better. It will just be one vicious cycle. It has to end, Tyler. You’ve grown up with Caroline. She’s our friend, she’s helped us. If we don’t help her she’ll die.”

Tyler moved up the steps and inside the trailer more. Instantly our eyes caught on the cage in the back. Inside was Caroline, bloody and disheveled. “Tyler!” she said happy to see us. “Tyler, there’s a latch on the door and I can’t get to it.”

Tyler looked back at me questioningly. I gave him a nod. “Tyler?” questioned Caroline worrying that he wouldn’t help. I could see the vulnerability in her mind. “Tyler, please,” begged Caroline shaking the cage door.

I could see the tense muscles in Tyler. He was frozen, confused on what to do, who to trust. “Tyler,” said Caroline about to cry. I then pushed him forward. Unfreezing he quickly undid the latch to the cage and lifted up the door. Caroline crawled out and I then hugged her.

“Quick, Damon and Stefan need help.” Caroline went out ahead of us. “Tyler, it’s the right thing,” I said and kissed his cheek. He was so lost, so confused. He grabbed my hand and led me towards the door. As he was just about out he paused.

“Tyler, what is it?” I asked. He only could stare at something I couldn’t see. Then suddenly all of the wolves became moaning and crying in pain. They dropped to the ground.

“What the hell is going on?” asked Tyler. Tyler moved out of the doorway and I followed. I hugged his arm as a form of comfort. Looking over we saw a guy standing there and addressing the vampires. Tyler and I moved towards him cautiously.

“When your friends awaken, give them a message. They need to get the hell out of this town.” He then turned around and followed the vampires away from the trailer. Tyler and I looked around horrified at the bodies. Some were dead and some were unconscious.

As soon as the vampires left they began to stir and awaken. I stood next to Tyler, neither of us moving. “Are you two okay?” asked Jules coming towards us.

“We’re fine,” I whispered.

“That guy gave us a message to tell you. He said you needed to leave town.”

“Alright,” said Jules. I could hear the sadness in her voice. “Why don’t you two go home? I’m sure they won’t try anything again tonight.” Tyler nodded and then both of us left. We walked the way to Tyler’s home which wasn’t too far away.

“Tyler, I don’t know if I can handle this,” I said once we entered the house. “Seeing what they did to Caroline… I don’t want to be a part of this.” I could feel tears begin to overflow in my eyes.

“I don’t either,” said Tyler hugging me to him. He soothingly stroked my hair. “Jules is only trying to help us though. That’s all she wants.”

“But at what cost? She wanted to kill Caroline.”

“It’s what she sees as right. They don’t like vampires. To them all vampires should be killed.”

“I don’t want it to be like this,” I whispered. “I don’t want to hate anybody.” Suddenly I sat up. “You need to apologize to Caroline,” I sternly told Tyler.

“What?” he asked.

“You stood there and debated on helping her. You actually questioned helping her. I can’t believe you’d do that. After what she did for you it shouldn’t have been a question.”

“She lied to me,” argued Tyler. “She knew my uncle was dead and yet she didn’t say anything.”

“She did it to protect you, Tyler. I talked to her today. If you had done something against Damon or anyone of them, you would be dead. Damon wants to kill you, Tyler. He believes that all werewolves aren’t to be trusted and should be killed. She didn’t want you dead.” I could tell by his expression that he knew I was right.

“Tyler, go talk to her right now. You owe her an apology.” I stood up and pulled him to his feet.

“I’ll be back soon,” he said giving me a kiss. I watched him go, longing to stay with him. All this werewolf and vampire drama was very traumatic. And I had thought the full moon was the worst of my worries.


I showered and was drying my hair when I heard my door open. Turning I saw Tyler walking in. “How’d it go…” I asked but when seeing his expression I knew it wasn’t good.

“She hates me now,” he said clearly upset.

“After what she went through tonight I’m sure she’s just traumatized. She’ll forgive you later.”

“I’m not so sure. She has every right to hate me. Jules had a gun to her head and I just stood there and watched. I didn’t do anything.”

“Hey, hey,” I said going over to him and wrapping my arms around him. “We’re new to this world. There’s so much we don’t even know it’s hard to know who to trust and who to believe. You can’t beat yourself up over it.”

“I’m going to go talk to Jules now. I wanted to see if you’d like to come.”

“I don’t think I can,” I said shaking my head. “I just want to go to sleep. I-I can’t handle this stuff.”

“Okay,” he said. “It shouldn’t take long.”

“See you later,” I said giving him a sad smile. I then went and lied down on my bed. Tears started to fall and I quickly wiped them away. I wasn’t even sure why I was crying. Closing my eyes sleep quickly overcame my tired mind.
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It felt weird writing this chapter