Status: just beginning

Our Last Song

New scenery makes me queasy

It had been about a month and a half since school had ended,I'm a senior....Happy?..some people would like to believe that i should be.I'm almost 18 finally I'm leaving the nest and embarking on my new found freedom in college where everything and anything could happen.But no me and my younger sister Anna are being shipped off to see my dad in California.Mom made up some bogus excuse saying that it was best and it would do it us some good to spend some quality time with dad.When she meant us she was referring to me the bad seed,I was a troublesome child that love to disobey to completely disobey.Defiant i was born with blonde hair but when i was 15 i dyed it blood red...highlighted my jaded eyes with dark eyeliner.I had fourteen piercings ten of them are in my ears the other four were in my nose belly side of my lip and my tongue..My skin glistened with metal poking out of my flesh.Somewhere previous in my life i was a all around American scholar...i got good the piano really well.My dad was my teacher he taught me everything i know.That's why when i turned 14 i loathed playing that more than ever.My parents split up leaving me and Anna alone by ourselves.Yea we had our occasional visits but nothing really stuck....You know? cant make a broken home seem happy.Anna never dared to ask why...i was too curious of a person not to ask so i did,Irreconcilable differences was his lame excuse i didn't believe it for one second,But hey if you wanna keep pretending like everything is OK then fine by me.Here i was in the back of our blue sedan being hauled away like a unwanted shipment of potatoes.Antisocial of course i was ignoring the people that were in the front seat.
''So did you tell dad about sticky fingers?''Anna asked clearly trying to be a little brat
''Shut the fuck up know your such a disease?''i spat spewing as much venom as possible threw my words.Clearly annoyed when Anna turned around to give me her''Miss mean eyes''i flipped her off so she could really understand that i hated her existence.
''Girls play nice''mom butted in her smile never faltering...ugh that pissed me off so badly since the divorce she always played as if everything was peachy keen there was never any emotion in her face...not even in her eyes.We finally arrived to the house and as much as i hated to admit it...Dads house was beautiful all cherry wood hinged up above the ground he lived by the water a beach was just like home back in new york we lived in new york by the sea that parted us from new jersey.Anna and mom got out to greet dad who was sitting on the veranda sipping coffee...his eye glasses at the bridge of his nose ready to fall off..
''HI daddy''anna embraced dad
''Hey john''mom forced one of her fake smiles again
Hesitantly i made my way up to the rest of them not even glancing at dad i walked pasted and went to explore..Taking off my sandals i wanted to feel the soft sand in between my toes i continued to observe people in bikinis some talking others sprawled out on there beach towels getting their tans...I watched as the sea gulls flew gracefully above the blue lava that seemed to never end it met the golden orb that gave us light..Not paying attention i ran into a crowd of boys who were breaking glass in the middle of the street.Forgetting i didn't have my shoes on until i felt the sharp penetration of the glass shard on the heel of my foot.Scarlet drops covered my hands as i tried to pick at the sore.
''Here let me help you''a boy who was in the crowd offered
Lifting me up he put me on the back of the truck as he asked one of his friends for a first aid kit.Flinching at the pain i tried to keep a straight face as he operated on my foot.At first glance hes cute...medium hair..kinda buff but not enough to actually show off with.His jaded eyes met mine i was kinda sucked into his cuteness before i saw he mouth the words done...i blinked.
''Im really sorry about my idiot friends we were just goofing...we didn't actually want anyone to get hurt..''he said bashfully
I looked past him to his friends he was with...what an odd bunch...there stood three guys playing kick the glass was tan with dirty blonde dreads....a pale porcelain looking one taller than the others he had a old 80s hairdo one that you know took forever to do black spiked up hair that had there occasional white streaks..then a short stumpy one that had on a hat blondish brown hair stook out the bottom.
''Hmm they are really dumb asses aren't they?''once my evaluation was done
''Yea i guess you could call them that''georg turned back around after flashing back at me smiling at his idiotic friends.
''Yup well i gotta bye''tirning around i began to walk
i thought he left me alone until i heard footsteps around me then he stopped in front of me
''Ummm..look i feel bad can i at least buy you a new pair of jeans''he said genuinely
Looking down i could see Scarlett all the way at my bottom half to my ankle...hmm great just what i needed.Playing it cool i dismissed him
''Eh..ill be fine...bye''i walked as fast as i could away
Browsing around it must had been a carnival stands were everywhere rides galore..i smiled and thought about all the times back home it was our annual family outing coney island we not eat at all the day before just to get would buy us everything caramel corn...cotton us all kind of teddy bears.
I stopped by a stand and brought a i walked i started to feel the ickyness of blood in denim clingling to the bottom of my leg..
Perusing i found a stand where jeans were displayed...looking and putting them to my body to see one i liked on me when a voice was heard behind me
''I like the skirt better''a girl pointed out
I looked up it was a teenager about my age...she was the kind of girl that mom didn't approve of.Straight black lip stick...laced black dress with purple ripped up stockings...a ring adorn her button eyes sneaky.
''Im Kat''
''Im Ki''
Once the introduction was done she finish helping me search for some new bottoms...
''How about this''?she held up a pair of dark denim ripped jeans cuffed at the bottom
''How much?''
''25$''she said after checking the tag
''Too pricy''
''Well will you look at that its on sale for free''she snickered slipping the jeans in her back
''No...wait ill buy it come on''i disagreed
Taking it up to the front i paid and we walked on getting to know each other..mostly she talked i just listened...she went on and on about how much she loved her boyfriend bill.Not really wanting to go home she asked did i wanted to meet him and i obliged...We wound up somewhere behind the carnival in a deserted place..nothing but a camp fire could be seen figures encircled it.Kat finally brought her boyfriend up to me...i grimaced who i saw who it was..He was with the guys from earlier the rock scientists that decided it would be fun to randomly crash glass onto a public sidewalk.
''This is bill''she smiled from ear to ear,obviously head over heels for him
Now i had a full view of him....first instinct was he was in some cult because he looked just like a vampire..You know how there is the color surrounding your eyes then its ur pupil...he was freaky looking...Nothing but smooth honey brown was in place no black dot that signal a pupil like a regular human being just all brown.
''HI''i responded uneasily
I joined the rest of the group and watched the fire while Kat sucked off bills face.
''Hey love can you pass me a soda from the cooler''?bill asked
''And when did you get into an accident and couldn't move your limbs get it yourself''i shot back,like a pet Kat ran over to fetch it for him.Bill looked at me....rolling my eyes i stared back at the fire.
''Your fiestyness is a turn on and i like it''bill inched closer to me looking at me lustfully
''Yea and your asshole tendencies really makes me wet''i said sarcastically
''Whenever i want something i always get''he hissed
''Well this want doesn't want you''i screamed before i kneed him hard in the gnats
Dishoveled i walk home...not what i wanted or needed...finally i walked in the front door to see my dad at the piano..
''And where were you its 1 a.m''?he questioned taking off his glasses like that really intimidated did when i was 10 but not now
''Out...and if you don't mind sleep is next on my agenda''i scowled going into my room...taking off my pants i plopped on my bed and slept for the rest of the night....''I HATE IT HERE'' was my last words before my eyes closed
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Well this is the first chapter hope u like it...sorry its so long but i just wanted to introduce the boys in before it bored u so plz comment subscribe...thankies