From The Outside.

Heart Attack in Black Hair-Dye.


I cringed at the sound of my first name. I hated that name. It was a reminder of my past life, before I started being known around this stupid place. I knew that my own loving mother gave me the name, but I just... I just disliked it.

I turned around, flashing a smile at my mom. She was the only person left in the world who would call me Natalie. I mean, my grandma would, but she passed away a few months ago.

"Natalie, would you please walk your sister to the bus stop? It's her first day in middle school, and she's afraid," my mom explained.

I didn't need an explanation. I would've done it either way. I loved my mother and sister to death. I would do anything for them.

Nodding, I grabbed my purse and cardigan, then walked into the living room where my sister was shaking hard enough to notice from at least 20 feet away. I giggled at the scene, which ended in my sister crossing her arms and pouting.

"I'm sorry, Britt. It's just so adorable that you're so scared of your first day!" I squealed. Brittany just pouted some more. "Head on outside. I'm just gonna check myself in the bathroom real quick."

I made a habit of checking my image. Now that I was accepted by the popular crowd, image meant everything to me. If I had one thing out of order with how I looked, I would immediately go back to where I started. Back to being an outsider; no one knowing your name. That was a place where I didn't want to end up in. Especially with the career choice I had in mind.

Making sure my hair was in place, my lip-gloss shined like the stars, my brown eyes were surrounded with blue eyeshadow, and my 'N*Sync' button was placed right above my left breast, I frowned. I hated looking like this. I looked completely fake. I didn't feel like myself. But that's one of the sacrifices you had to make to be accepted.

I made my way outside, where Brittany was sitting on the porch bench. Her eyes lit up once she saw me walk out. I flashed her a smile then held my hand out.

"C'mon munchkin, we're gonna be late if we don't leave now."


"Marie, finally!"

I plastered on a fake grin, seeing Jenna walking toward me, her heels clacking at every step she took. I gave her a simple wave and smile, then wrapped my arms around her.

"You took forever!" She whined. "But hey, guess what. Kyle saved you a seat by him in the cafeteria." Jenna winked, then dragged me to the place where the Kyle Winston was at.

Kyle Winston was the most popular guy in school, mostly because he's captain of almost all the sports team, and not to mention vice-president of our school. But he's shallow, so I don't expect any chances with him.

While I daydreamed about Kyle, I felt eyes on me. I snapped out of the daydream and saw familiar hazel eyes directed at me. Those hazel eyes belonged to the one, the only Fred Iero. Or, at least I thought it was Fred.

He has been in all my classes since elementary, but I've only talked to him a few times. We worked on a project together, but that was pretty much it. Even as an outsider, I didn't talk to him. He had his group of friends, and I had myself. We just stayed out of each other's paths.

A sharp pain in the back of my head brought me back to the past. Back when I was a nobody. I hated those days. Those days, I wouldn't have anything. My mom and sister would be keep out of my life, scared to death with what I might do. My brother would be out on the road working for bands. And my best friend was all the way in England, living with her father.

"Marie, are you okay?"

I looked at Jenna, whose arms were waving in front of my eyes to catch my attention. I quickly nodded, then averted my eyes from Fred Frank and went back to filling my head with thoughts of Kyle.


Frank's Perspective;

Was Marie Bryar really just staring at me? I mean, I know she would glance at everyone once in a while, but she kept her eyes on me. She looked like she was about to cry, but I just shook it off as a glare.

I felt a hand on my shoulder. To my left stood Michael James Way, one of my only friends at this school. He shook his head, then looked at Marie's figure, which entered the cafeteria.

"Forget about it," he muttered. "You know that everyone's gonna set her up with Kyle. It's meant to be."

I nodded then adjusted my tie. I quickly put my binder in my locker, then hurried off to the gym. Mikey followed suit, sitting down next to me in the bleachers.

"Why do you like her so much? She barely acknowledges your existence."

I shrugged. "I don't know; I just feel like there's something more to her than beauty and makeup. She doesn't seem as fake as the others... I mean, I remember back in 8th grade. She had natural black hair, instead of her fake light brown hair that she has now. I'm not saying that it doesn't look good on her, I'm just saying that black suits her better.
But yeah, she had her long, straight, black hair... Wearing fingerless skeleton gloves, fishnet stockings, black and silver chokers, and Converse high tops. Now she's wearing heels, bangles, earrings for whores, and an Aaron Carter necklace. I just wished I talked to her before she became 'popular.'"

Mikey chuckled. "Frank, you're practically obsessed with this girl. So you guys worked on a project together once in 8th grade. Like that meant anything to her."

I shrugged. "We had to act like a married couple." This earned a laugh from Mikey. I rolled my eyes. "We actually took it seriously; we had a honeymoon over in Santa Cruz." I grinned, then revealed the promise ring Marie had gotten me in 8th grade. I kept it on a necklace chain, hidden under my uniform.

"What the hell is wrong with you?" Mikey laughed even harder. "Seriously, you're obsessed!"

I shook my head. "No, no! Okay, so anyway... We exchanged promise rings, and such; we got an A on the assignment. I guess we had a thing after the assignment too, but she..." I frowned. "... She forgot all about me once Christmas vacation was over. Something about an accident. She changed completely."

Mikey gave me a sympathetic smile. "Sorry, Frank. But people change involuntarily. It probably just hit her like a hurricane."

"No!" I scrunched my face up. "No, I saw her and Jenna hanging out at the mall, and she was still her old self. Nearly gave me a heart attack," I chuckled. "But I remember... She promised me she'd never change..."

"Give it a rest, Frankie. Just let things happen on their own. But I suggest you stop obsessively talking about Marie. She and the barbies are over there." He nodded his head to the group on the other side of the gym.

I snarled quietly, seeing Marie sitting on Kyle's lap. I could've sworn she shot me an apologetic glance when she saw me looking her way, but who knows? I didn't get much sleep last night.

I was too busy thinking about Marie, and how today would go.
♠ ♠ ♠
Frank, why are you obsessive. ._.
Anyway, chapter one. :)
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