From The Outside.

It's a Compliment, I Swear.

Marie's Perspective;

It was just the beginning of first period. I didn't want to get up. I was just comfortable here on Kyle's lap. But stupid Ms. Frasier forced us to go and get seated on the bleachers.

While the other girls were going to the bathroom to put on makeup and the boys going to the locker room probably to shoot some steroids in their system, I took a seat all the way at the top of the bleachers, where two other boys were located.

I recognized one of them as Fred Frank. His name is Frank. Anyway, one of them was Frank, and the other was... Mickey, I think? Something along those lines.

"Uh, hey Marie..."

I looked over and saw Frank staring at his hands, attempting to talk to me. Aw, that's adorable. Someone's actually too shy to talk to me. Well, that's what happens when you're in the popular crowd. Oh, and you have to have some attitude. Jeeze, this is gonna sting a bit.

"If you're gonna ask me if you could be my date to prom, don't bother," I scoffed, doing a hair flip. "I mean, look at you!" I looked him over. "You're like... A Gothic freak!"

I looked the other way, making sure he didn't see me cringe when I yelled the last line. I felt completely and utterly fake. I was such a hypocrite! I remember, I used to be called a Gothic freak all the time. It hurt me so much, knowing that I wasn't. Every name I was called stabbed me. But I had to do this. It was the only way to stay happy.

As my breathing became more and more rapid, I felt an arm on my shoulder. I squealed lightly, and shut my eyes tight. My chest turned tight, and I just couldn't get the energy to speak.

"Marie? Marie?!"

It was a voice that I didn't recognize, probably belonging to that Mickey guy. I heard some whispers near me.

"Mikey, what's happening?"

So his name was Mikey. I'll have to remember that too.

As the tightness of my chest decreased, I opened my eyes. I looked back over at the two boys and bit my lip.

"I'm sorry," I mumbled. "I shouldn't have been rude..."

I had a strong belief of karma being true. If I do something bad to someone else, I get it in return. If I do a good deed, I get a good deed back. It's quite an easy concept.

"It's alright, we're used to it," Frank grinned. "But no, I wasn't gonna ask you to prom. I don't even wanna go to prom." He scrunched up his nose.

"Ha, that's adorable," I smiled. "I don't wanna go to prom either." I frowned, knowing that I would be forced to by Jenna and Kayla. "I'm Marie."

Mikey groaned. "I'm so tired of hearing that name!"

I raised an eyebrow. "Excuse me? That's very rude," I pouted.

Mikey's eyes widened. "No, no! Not like that!" He scrambled for an excuse. "No, it's just my aunt's name is Marie, and she just died recently. I didn't really know her, so..." He glanced at Frank, who sighed.

"Okay... You all seem dope; maybe we should hang around after school, preferably without those fake bitches over there," I whispered. I made sure they didn't hear me, because if they did, I'd be ruined.

"Dope?" They questioned.

"It's a compliment, I swear." I grinned, then walked off to the bathroom, wondering what were taking these girls so long.

They were probably putting their plastic faces on.
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A short little filler before I head off to school. :)
Then I'll probably update after. ^-^
Good morning everyone. <3