From The Outside.

Because the Drugs Never Work; They're Gonna Give You A Smirk.

Frank's Perspective;

"Mikey, Mikey! She thinks we're 'dope'!" I grinned, bouncing up and down in my seat, tugging on Mikey's jacket. He sighed and chuckled. "What does 'dope' mean anyway?" I furrowed my eyebrows, thinking of anything that may have sounded like a synonym for dope.

"Dope means drugs. Well, as far as I know anyway."

Mikey and I turned our heads to our right, seeing a girl with electric blue and black hair sitting down, holding a very thick book. Her skin was the color of ivory. She looked petite, with a dash of adulthood around her chest area... If you know what I'm saying.

"Drugs? So we're drugs?!" I asked, finally tearing my eyes away from the girl. "Mikey, how is that a compliment?" I licked my dry lips and scratched my head, trying to decipher what Marie had said.

Mikey shrugged me off and smiled at the girl. "Hey, I'm Mikey." He stuck his hand out for the girl to shake, who took it with her own small hands. I grinned at Mikey, who just rolled his eyes in return.

I'd been trying to set Mikey up with someone -- anyone -- since forever ago. I'd always thought that he liked every girl I hooked him up with, but apparently, he was just being nice. That's the difficult thing with Mikey: you never know if he likes someone, or is just being a friendly bastard.

"I'm V. Or Ronnie. Or Envy. Or Veronica. Whatever," she smiled. She held her hand out in front of me, inviting me to shake it. I took it happily, feeling her soft hands against mine. "Your hands are really..." She grabbed my hand and examined it. "You play guitar, don't you?"

I nodded, smiling. "Yeah; I've been playing since I could remember."

I thought back to the memories I had with Marie, sitting by the beach and playing my acoustic guitar for her. She would sing, her voice sounding like angels from up above. Our usual song would be You and Me by Lifehouse only because it was the song that came on during our first kiss. In all honesty, she was my first and only kiss.

"Well, next time you can, you should play for me." Veronica grinned, then let go of my hand.

I shrugged, "I don't know. Maybe..."

I didn't really like playing guitar for anyone ever since the incident with Marie. It just didn't feel right if her voice wasn't accompanying my guitar. It felt wrong, and sounded disgusting.

A loud whistle interrupted my thoughts. "Come on guys! Time to change!"

I groaned then stood up. "'Time to change!'" I mocked in a silly voice that was nothing close to Ms. Frasier's voice. She probably heard me because she shot me a dirty look.


Marie's Perspective;

I flashed Jenna and Kayla a fake smile. "Your hair looks totally fab!" I grinned, running my hand through Kayla's hair. "I mean, you can't even tell that it's not natural." I held in a laugh. Her hair looked completely fake. It wasn't even dyed correctly. But you had to lie your way through life to succeed.

"I know right?" Kayla scoffed. "OMG! Olivia just texted me saying that you were talking to those two freaks from the bleachers?!"

I raised an eyebrow, then sighed. I quickly thought up of an excuse. "Oh yeah. They asked me if I wanted to go to prom with them." I groaned, then ran my hand through my hair. "Then they asked me about drugs! I was like 'Um, ew! I don't do that!' And oh my goodness, they wouldn't, like, leave me alone."

I mentally slapped myself. That lie wasn't even built up correctly. But I guess I wasn't completely lying. We did kinda talk about those things... It just didn't go exactly how I explained it.

Jenna groaned. "Ew, like... If they ever try to talk to you again, just tell us, and we'll, like, tell them off or something."

I nodded, then quickly looked at myself in the mirror. Everything still looked the same from this morning. I grinned, then pushed some of my hair behind my ears. "Hey, are you guys gonna skip today?"

Jenna and Kayla shrugged. "Probably," they answered in sync.

"Why, are you?" Kayla asked.

I shook my head, "Nah, my mom's already suspicious because of last year."

"Oh... Well, are you at least going to the party this weekend?" Jenna wondered.

"Uh..." Crap! Bob was coming home this weekend! I quickly thought up of a lie. "No, I'm grounded."

The girls shot me a look. "Ew! Why?!"

I faked a grin and cracked my knuckles. "My mom caught me in bed with a guy." That was obviously a lie, but they didn't have to know. The girls jaws dropped down to the floor as I walked out the bathroom. "Just keep it a secret!" I yelled back.

I turned back seeing a smirk on their faces. They were both on their phones; Kayla was texting and Jenna was talking. No doubt spreading around what I had just said.

Oh gosh, what have I started?!
♠ ♠ ♠
Such a long chapter title. >.<
Oh wells. :3
This is pretty much a filler, introducing a new character and such.
:)So yeah.
Hope you guys like it! ^-^
PS, thank you CoolWhip48 & PsychoBarbie for the comment. :)
PSS, Ms. CoolWhip should update her story 'I'm On My Way Down Now...' because I was hooked on it. >.<;