its kind of a funny story.

Your Smart Kid, So be Quiet.

Hello. My name is Elijah Rainia Peltier.Im 16, and im gay. I'm white but i have a black boyfriend.His name is michael. We were made for each other.But mostly I have a best friend Jamie.Shes really quiet. And shy. when shes with me she is crazy. I come from a poor family. but i won a contest and got a sports car. so most people at school don't know.anyway thats my quick bio.

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I was done with my test in about five minutes.My math class tests are about four questions long.Public schools never try... . I looked over to where Jamie was sitting. she was drawing. I could tell by how her pen was so swiftly moving. We made a pact to never use a pencil. It was good times...
but today was not the day to reminisce.I was mad at her.Jamie was my best friend. Ive never been really mad at her in my life.Ive know her sense fifth grade. She asked me too the dance. i said yes. we wen't and we danced. she tryed to kiss me,but it dident want to. i promised that day that i would be freinds with her forever. If i broke that she would hold it against me. well now its 4 years later and we're still friends. Go figure. We havent gone a day without talking.I love her. I don't just say that to anyone.
We needed to talk.
I saw people get up and give their test to the teacher. I stayed back and waited for the bell to ring. the bell rang and all the students started streaming out the classroom. jamie was the last. I saw her put on her headphones as she was leaving. its just like her to listen to music right when schools over.
When everyone was done i finally got up, and gave my paper to Mrs.meyers. she looked me strait in they eye and said "Tell your girlfriend,Jamie,that if she doesent show progress in the next 3 weeks i'm going to have to fail her."
"yes,ma'am. oh and by the way. 1. Your test are to easy. 2. no one cares what you think. 3 shes not my girlfriend.and 4.
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to be continued. sorry dident have time to finish.