Status: Inprogress

Unplanned Parenthood

Chapter Fifteen

Claude’s View

Leaving Khierstyn standing in the center of the locker room after their disagreement the way he did made Claude feel like an idiot. He may have disagreed with her, but even he could admit he went about it the wrong way. He saw Danny heading his way, but before he coud get to him to scold him, and tell him what an idiot he had been, Claude looked at Matt Carle, Scott Hartnell, and James van Riemsdyk. "Guys, do me a favor and keep an eye on them for a few minutes. I have some apologizing to go do." Giving him confused looks, the trio nodded their heads without asking any questions before Claude turned and left the area. On his way past Danny, back in the direction where he left Khierstyn, he held up his hand in a stop manner, not wanting hear the scolding his older teammate and housemate was going to give him. He knew he was wrong, and he was going to attemp to fix it, without Danny, or anybody elses, help.

The sight of her sitting in the chair against the wall where he'd left her, almost in tears, made Claude feel like complete dirt! Taking a few more quiet steps toward her, he sank down on the floor beside the chair. "I'm sorry. I never should have responded the way I did. You were right, what Kaleb did was wrong, and my laughing at it made him think it was okay to do it again. I feel like complete shit for the way I treated you, I'm sorry I flipped out on you like that."

Knowing Danny had followed in the direction Claude had gone, Khierstyn didn't believe Claude had come back to apologize on his own. "If you're only here to apologize because Danny told you to, you can just get up and walk back over there because I won't accept any apology unless it's sincere!"

"Danny may have followed me over to that side of the locker room, but I never talked to him. I won't deny he was going to try because he wouldn't have followed me if he wasn't, but I realized I was an ass well before he ever got near me. Don't believe me, ask him, but I'm telling you everything I just said came directly from me. I wasn't coached in any way on what to say to you."

Khierstyn still wasn't sure she believed him, but she nodded her head anyway. "Fine, apology accepted."

"No, you still don't believe me. If you did, you'd look me in the eye an accept the apology. If you did, there wouldn't be a 'fine' on the beginning of your acceptence. Danny, come here!" Claude yelled across the room, getting everyone's attention.

Khierstyn couldn't believe he was doing this in front of his teammates, and the bad feeling she had about coming in the locker room sank in even deeper. "Claude, you're embarrassing me, leave it go!" She whispered through gritted teeth.

"No, not until you believe me."

"We could've done this at home, not in front of your entire team!" She exclaimed, horrified. "I'm never coming in here again! I'll come to practice with the twins, but I will never step foot in front of your teammates in a secluded area again!" She whispered as Danny reached them.

"She thinks I came to apologize because you told me to. Tell her I didn't even talk to you before I came back over here, so she'll believe me."

"Claude, now is not the time or place for this. Me, you and Khierstyn will sit down when we get home and you two can hash this out. I won't say a word, I'll just be the moderator in case it gets out of hand, or something. Got it?"

"So now you're gonna treat us like you treat the boys when they have a disagreement?" Claude asked, clearly annoyed.

"Yes, because this is not the time or place for this, and you are acting like a child! Act like a child, get treated like one. Now, go finish getting changed while Hartsy and Carle have the kids occupied, and then we'll all leave, so we can get this straightened out while they nap, and before the boys get home from school."

Getting up to go do as Danny said, Claude wasn't at all happy with what he had just said. He wasn't a child, he didn't need to be treated like one, and the fact that Danny took Khierstyn's side pissed him off even more. After pulling his shirt over his head roughly, he bent down to tie his shoe when he heard Keira scream at the top of her lungs. Forgetting about what had happened with Khierstyn, or tying his shoes, he took off in a run toward the twins. "What happened?" He asked Scott and Matt when he arrived back over there, seeing Scott trying to sooth Kiera by rubbing her back, as Matt appeared to be trying to hold Kaleb back.

"I was playing patty cake with Keira, and I guess Kaleb didn't like the lack of attention, so he came over and yanked her off the bench," Scott said handing Keira over to Claude as Matt lost his grip on Kaleb. Kaleb ran toward Claude like he was going to attack him, but before he could reach him, Khierstyn, who had also heard the blood curdeling scream from Kiera, stepped into his path, picking him up.

"Kaleb Michael, you can be rest assured you'll be punished when we get home! You're taking your nap, and when you get up, no snack, and tonight after dinner, you get no dessert! This behavior issue has got to end!" Claude scolded, as Kiera's cries quieted to violent sniffles.

"NOOOOO!!! ME WANT SNACK & DESERT!" Kaleb screamed in protest.

"Well too bad, you should've thought about that before you hurt your sister for no reason!" Claude responded causing Kaleb to begin crying. Sighing, Claude looked at Khierstyn. "Can you take them out to the car and get them ready to leave. I just have to finish tying my shoes and I'll meet you out there."

"How about I just meet you at home? You and Danny hitched a ride together this morning, so might as well come back home the same way." Claude nodded in agreement, handing Kiera over to her.

"Yeah, that works. If you beat us there, which you likely will, go ahead and put them down for their nap. If they fight you, okay, if KALEB fight you, let him go. I'll deal with him when I get home." Khierstyn nodded, walking out of the locker room with the twins.

"They're adorable, Claude, but Kaleb has major behaviorial issues you should get checked out by a pschologist," Andrej Meszaros said, from his locker stall. "You're probably wondering what entails me to say that. Lets just say personal experience. Just trust me, get him checked out," Andrej said, walking by patting Claude on the shoulder as he left the locker room.

Until today, Claude had thought Kaleb's behavior was getting better, but today's episode proved him wrong. He'd have to start looking for a good psychologist in the area to taking him to. Means Mesz had mentioned it, and said it was due to personal experience, maybe he knew of one. Claude didn't have time to worry about this now, he'd have to ask Mesz later. Right now he had to get home and make sure both were napping before he worked out the issues he'd caused with Khierstyn over their disagreement today. Maybe she was right, bringing them into the locker room was a bad idea.
♠ ♠ ♠
Boy this new mibba is proving to be a challenge. Took be fifteen minutes to figure out how to post the chapter. Blah. Anyway, I know this is a little boring at the moment, but it'll get better I promise!!

Comments would be great!