
Pepto-Bismol filled truth

“Dad!” I yelled as I slammed the front door shut.

“Kel-so, maybe you should just not,” Jon said trying to be the voice of reason. He was always like this. Being my voice of reason, calming me when needed. Usually I’d listen to him…today wasn’t one of those days.

“In here!” My dad yelled from kitchen.

“You have a lot of explaining to do,” I stormed in.

My dad looked up from the stove and gave me a curious look, “what are you talking about, Kelsie?”

“We’ve been getting things from people and you never told me?!”

He sighed and looked at Jonathon, “maybe you should leave.”

“Good idea. I’ll see you around, Kelsie.” He said and walked out the door without glancing back.

“Sit down,” my dad addressed me.

“I’ll stand, thank you.” I said crossing my arms.

He turned back around and sighed, “I don’t know what to tell you.”

“Hm, how about why there have been people giving us things? And why you never told me about it? And why I had to find out from someone else? And why I ha-“

“Okay, Kelsie. I get it. We’re in some trouble. People around town heard about it and have tried to help out. I’ve tried to decline but some people are just too damn pig headed to understand when you don’t want their help.”

“What kind of trouble?” I said quietly.

“Nothing I can’t handle,”


“Kelsie, it’s fine. Don’t worry about anything, okay? Now can you help me out?” He said giving me a small smile.

“Anything,” I said, desperate to make things better.

“Go pick up Danny from your Aunt Eliza’s okay?”

“Okay,” I said already dreading the task.

“Hello, Kelsie. You look like hell.” Aunt Eliza said as I walked in. Oh, the joys of family.

“It’s nice to see you too.” I muttered.

“What’s wrong with your face?” Um, rude? I know she doesn’t like me but can’t she just be nice to my face and talk about me with her lady friends when I’m not around like normal people? No, of course not. This was my Aunt Eliza we’re talking about.

“Not enough sleep, I guess.” I said annoyed.

“I suppose you’re here for Daniel,” She said leading me into her very bright pink kitchen.

She always had some odd fascination with pink. It was a ‘pure and fun’ color. At least according to her. To me it’s obnoxious to see every other room some shade of pink. Especially her Pepto-Bismol looking kitchen.

“Here, have some hot chocolate.” She said handing me a light pink cup.

“Thanks,” I said sipping it. “So where’s Danny?”

“Upstairs sleeping,” she gave me a big smile.

“Okay, well I’ll go get him.” I started to get up but she moved in front of the door.

“Sit down, child. You won’t be taking him anywhere.”

“What are you-“

“Quiet!” She said, her eyes turning a black darker than night. Her skin was slowly shedding away, falling onto the floor until there was nothing but a green human with black eyes and snow white hair standing in her place.

“What-what are you?” I said backing away.

The green alien slowly gave me a smile, showing its razor sharp teeth in the process.

“It matters not child. Soon you will not be a problem.” It said, giving me that smile again.

“What are you-what are you, whoa.” I said as the world started moving from under my feet. I felt myself falling and tried to grab on to something. I heard something fall on the floor and
realized I took utensils from the counter top to the floor with me.

The green human came closer to me, baring its razor sharp teeth at me again. I grabbed what looked like a knife and tried slicing it. I heard a piercing scream break through the dizziness and hoped that I had somehow wounded it.

I tried getting up but I couldn’t move; I was paralyzed. I tried screaming but no noise came out. It was as if I had no control over my body.
I heard a soft growl, then a crash before I was swallowed up by my own darkness.
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So, I'm sorry for not updating for so long. I've had a huge case of writers block. I hate writers block, grrr.

But at least I wrote something. :D
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