*** Me Alone - Room Nine

Strange memories can you lead you to the future.

After almost an hour of driving, Gee finally got us to where the bus was… but, wait, there was no bus, only a big building in front of us.
- Where’s the bus? – I asked, raising one eyebrow, and finally breaking the silence between the three of us.
- Well, remember I told you we needed to tell the fans the fact we weren’t married? – Frank asked me, and I nodded, a little contradicted to the fact that he was talking to me. – Well, we’ll have the interview with MTV here; you’ll have to be there, ‘cause we won’t leave you on the car alone, so, come on – he said, casually, and I obeyed, despite I was a little pissed at what he said.
- I can watch over myself – I stated, pouting a bit, which made Frank laugh, and my mad mood with him instantly flown away. – What?
- You’re cute when you pout… and, we know you can watch over yourself, but we don’t want you to get bored – Frank replied, and I smiled a very small smile at him, which made his eyes shine. – Are you still mad at me?
- We’ll talk about it later, Frank. I don’t wanna get mad right now, ‘kay? – I replied, trying not to let him see how easily he conquered my heart when he laughed or when his eyes shined. – Now, let’s get inside… oh, and by the way, is my band in there?
- Nope, they’re at the bus, getting the things all set up for when we arrive – Gee replied, looking at me as we entered the elevator. – Oh, you don’t mind sleeping with Frank, do you? Your band said you wouldn’t mind…
- What the fuck? Why? – I asked, and I gazed for one second at Frank, seeing he had gotten hurt by my little fury attack.
- Hum, there’s no more room for the rest of you… We had one bunk free, from when Bob left, and Sam and Jenna took it…
- Where’s Christopher going to sleep? – I asked, all my fury flying away, and worrying filling my voice.
- With me, actually – Gerard replied, blushing and slightly smiling, while the elevator stopped; what should that mean?
- Oh, okay then; I don’t mind sleeping with him, we’ve been through worst positions before – I told both of them, making Frank flush and look in my direction in a weird way. – What? It’s true – I stated, casually.
- I didn’t need to know all that, but okay – Gee replied, laughing and knocking on the door, and I got a bit shocked at the room we were about to enter: room nine; that number made me think even harder about the week me and Frank spent together. – Now, shut up with that, we don’t need to tell the world about you two.
The instant Gerard said that, the door was opened, and the person who was going to interview the guys, smiled in expectation.
- Hey there, guys – the girl said, that creepy smile still hanging on her face, and her eyes flashing between me and Frank, making me have this bad feeling about her interview.
We sat on a couch, and I was almost forced by the girl to sit beside Frank, squeezed between him and Gee. I felt a little awkward about being in the middle of them, since this was a My Chemical Romance’s interview, and I surely wasn’t part of MCR; even if I was going to tour with them, I was just the lead-singer of their opening band, nothing else.
- So, guys, you called us up ‘cause you wanted to tell something to the world… We’re wondering what it might be – the girl said, after all was set up and the cameras were already on record mode. – Maybe someone has gotten any family trouble… - she suggested, immediately looking at me and Frank, and the camera following her movement; I flushed.
- Well, kind of… - Gee started, and both of the spotlights turned to him. – Me and Frank did something, a while ago, you know? Just to see the fans reaction.
- Let me guess, you’re talking about your kiss with him in your former concerts? – The girl tried to suppose, and I laughed a bit at the mention of that.
- Actually, we’re talking about our separate marriages – Frank hurried to answer, before the girl got too into that theme. – We just wanted to let our fans know that we’re not actually married, we just pretended we were to see how you would react to that, after all me and Gee had done on stage – he said, letting the girl confused, but instantly smiling, since she now had the connection she wanted so bad to change the theme.
- So, if you’re not married, Frank, I suppose that’s your girlfriend, unh? – She said, smiling, and my eyes opened widely. – I mean, I heard what Gee said at the door, so, I suppose that she’s with you…
Me and Frank looked at each other, and before any of the guys said something that would ruin the interview, I put on my acting skills.
- Yeah, you’re right… I’m Brittany, by the way – I said, smiling at her for a while, and then holding Frank’s hand. – We’ve been together for a while, now, that’s why he wanted to let the world know that he wasn’t actually married to the other girl, you know? We wanted to let the world know how much we love each other – I continued, leaning my head on Frank’s shoulder, who had gotten out of shock and had put an arm around me, holding me so close I almost believed he really loved me.
- Oh, so, you’re really a couple… Are you going to tour with them? – She asked, and I felt like now I could be a little honest, at least.
- Yeah, I am, but that’s because our band will open their shows; actually, we met after the auditions, when they told us we had been the chosen to tour with them… We started talking to each other, and the things went on naturally from there, and here we are now, happy as ever – I answered, smiling genuinely at the mention of my band.
- Oh, really? What’s your band’s name? – She asked, and I blushed a bit, for being the one always talking; I think Frank noticed that.
- “Fuck Me Alone” – he said, and the girl looked shocked for a while. – It’s the name of Tany’s band, “Fuck Me Alone” – he smiled at me, and then kissed my forehead.
- Interesting name… Can we know what made you choose that name? – She asked, looking at me again, curiosity filling her eyes.
- Hum, past shit – I said, and then covered my mouth. – Oh, I’m so sorry for my language, but I kinda speak like that every day, and habits like that are hard to break, you know?
- It’s okay, they can cut it or “pii” it or something – Frank calmed me down, and I laughed so hard I couldn’t breathe. – I love the way you laugh – he said, uncontrollably, and looking straight in my eyes.
- Hum-hum – the interviewer coughed, as the guys around us laughed the shit out of them. – We shall proceed with the interview, love-birds… So, MCR, what do you think it will be the fans reaction to this statement? I mean, not the one of Frank loving the way Brittany smiles, but the one that you aren’t married, after all…
- Hum, I really don’t know, but I just hope they still love us, ‘cause we still love them, and our personal lives have nothing to do with our music… well, it kinda has, since we write the lyrics based on it, but not in the way that… oh, gosh, I totally lost myself in here – Gee replied, and I laughed a bit at his statement, and quickly tried to help him.
- What he means, I think, is that being married or not will not change the way they feel about their fans, or the way they sing to them… It’s just their personal shit, nothing to do with them, you see? – I said, and Gee hi-fived me.
- That’s exactly what I meant! Girl, you’re really smart! – He said to me, and I smiled at him.
- No I’m not, but you’re so dumb you actually think I am – I poked him, and he looked at me pretending he was angry. – I’m just kidding, Gee – I added, before he could try to say or do something that would embarrass me.
- He knows, honey – Frank whispered in my ear, and I looked at him and smiled, since he was being so adorable I totally forgot that he only wanted sex from me, believing he actually felt something more than that.
- I know, baby – I replied, and leant in to kiss his lips softly; after that, the interview went on normally, just a few more questions and some more kidding with the guys, and it was time to go to the bus.
Mikey and Ray had came together on Ray’s car, so, they went to the bus in their car, leaving me alone with Frank and Gee. On the second me and Frank left the building, I escaped his arms around me, not wanting him to see how much I was enjoying it.
- So, you’re still mad… - he said, looking away from me as we entered the car.
- I’m not mad, Frank, but I won’t let you just have sex with me like I’m still a slut; I’m not like that anymore – I told him, not even bothering about the fact that Gee was inside that car, too.
- But I don’t want to! You understood it all wrong – he said to me, and I sighed, while wondering if I should give him a shot to explain it, or not.
- Okay, so, explain it to me as if I’m really, really dumb – I asked him, and he looked at me hopefully.
- Okay, so, here’s the thing, when Gee said that you and I were “doing it”, he meant about talking, since I told him I needed to tell you something – he said to me, with an angel face and words that seemed so genuine I actually believed him.
- Hum, right… so, what did you want to tell me? – I asked, smiling slightly at him.
- I don’t know if you still wanna hear it – he said to me, and I looked at him suspiciously.
- Sure I want – I replied, almost begging him to continue.
- Okay, here it goes, then… uff, there’s no easy way to say this – he told me, and I got a bit scared, but he was so red that I doubted it was too bad for me, but bad enough for him. – Well, here it goes: I fucking love you, Brittany; since that week we spent together that I’m not able to think about anyone else but you, you’re the only girl I’ve ever been so intimate with, and I trust you with every single piece of me – he told me, and my tiny smile faded as he finished his sentence.
- Is this a joke, Frank? Is it? – I asked him, my mad tone appearing again on my voice. – ‘Cause, if it is, it’s not funny, at all! It’s not funny to play with a girl’s heart that way, Iero! – I almost screamed at him, the amount of angry emotions playing inside my chest.
- But it isn’t a joke! I’m more serious about this than ever! – He replied, quickly trying to explain me how it wasn’t a joke. – I mean, every single day I dream of you, every single day I remember that week…
- You really mean this? – I asked him, my emotions all settling on my chest, being replaced by a huge crashing feeling I couldn’t describe, yet; happiness, maybe?
- More than anything, Brittany – he assured me, and I looked him straight in the eyes, since he had turned all of his body on his seat to see me. – I couldn’t lie to you.
- So I should stop lying to you too – I said, and he looked hurt at me, from knowing I had been lying to him. – Frank, I’ve been pretending all along that I don’t give a crap about you, when, in fact, every time I look at you I remember the way we’d been together, the night when you gently kissed my lips, how I fell asleep in your arms… When I first auditioned to be on tour with MCR, I wasn’t really thinking at what I was singing, I was just nervous that you would or wouldn’t recognize me, and all that… And when you insulted me, it really hurt me, you know? When you saved me in my shower, one week after that, I felt so good knowing I was with you… I guess I’m in love with you, Frankie – I told him, being so true to him I almost passed out.
He was about to say something, and I could bet it would be really cute, but Gerard decided to interrupt us, stopping the car.
- We’re here, love-birds. Hurry, we don’t have the whole day! – He said, as me and Frank didn’t move; after a while, we both got out of the car, but Frank totally ignored me, walking straight to the bus without even saying a word or seeing if I was following him. That really hurt me; was that his reaction to me actually confessing my love for him? For real? What about what he had said before about being in love with me? Maybe that had been a big fat fucking lie, and he was just kidding me, after all; and I had messed up his little joke by confessing that I loved him. “Good one, Brit!” a little voice inside my head told me, and I almost burst out crying.
We got inside the bus, me being the last one to get inside, and I saw my band mates there, just chillin’ out, but I didn’t care; I could tell by the look on their faces they knew I was sad and angry, and they knew that when I was angry, I could become I real beast.
- Look, Frank… - I said to him, as if I was demanding him to look at me; and he did look at me, but never gave me the chance to speak.
- Were you being serious, on the car? – He asked, and I saw his slightly mad face turn to me, and he stood in front of me, his lips just some centimeters away from mine.
- No, Frank, I was kidding – I said sarcastically, while rolling my eyes. – Of course, you dumbass! I don’t usually play the people that I care about, you know? – I told him honestly, and his eyes shined, but I couldn’t get the reason to that fact.
- Will you be my girlfriend? – He asked, out of nowhere.
What was he saying? What was that? Me, being his girlfriend? What? ”Just say yes, retarded! that voice came again, and, for once in my entire life since I first heard that voice, I actually followed its instruction.
- Yes – I said, so automatically Frank actually doubted that had been my answer. – Fuck yes, yes, yes! Holy horny fuck, YES! – I almost screamed on his face, as a big opened smile spread across my face, making me look like a teenager who had just been asked to the prom by the hottest guy in the school.
- Really? – He asked, still insecure that I really meant it; if he couldn’t believe my words, what could I do to prove him it was a ‘yes’ that I really meant?
The answer came to me easily, brought by that annoying but helping voice, that, by making fun of me, only gave me more strength. I leant in and kissed Frank passionately, like we never had kissed before; all we had done was peek soft kisses on the lips of each other, since we met, but this was different: my tongue fought over his resistance, and actually made its way to his mouth, sneaking in and battling with his tongue over dominance; he won, but I decided we weren’t close enough, so, I put my hands on his neck, leaning him towards me, gluing our bodies together like two matching pieces in a puzzle. He instantly grabbed my waist, moving his hands to my back, and rubbing them up and down, while our kiss went from burning passion to cold love; our kiss became softer, lovely and sweeter, as we reached the end of it, and our bodies assumed relaxed caring positions towards each other. When we eventually disconnected our lips, our foreheads remained joined, and I didn’t dare opening my eyes.
- So, that was really a ‘yes’ – Frank replied, and I could almost feel his smile on my face, so close our faces were. – Hey, are you okay? – He asked, worried about me still being with my eyes closed.
I opened my eyes to him, looking straight on his, and one single tear fell from my left eye, as a big smile formed on my face, as I peeked one single kiss on his lips, softly.
- I’ve been dreaming of this day forever, Frankie; I’m more than okay, I’m great – I replied; then, I moved my right hand from his neck to grab his left hand, uniting them right beside our faces, and looking to them. – It’s like we were made to connect with each other, you see? – I asked him, making a slight movement with my head, so he would look at our hands.
- Yeah, I see, honey. I love you – he told me, which made me look back at him.
- I love you too, baby – I replied, and we kissed again, as our friends stared and smiled at us.

”If there’s a place that I can be,
Than I’d be another memory…
Can I be the only hope for you?
Because you’re the only hope for me…”
♠ ♠ ♠
Thanks for reading, and, yaay, foru subscribers now! *w*
Sorry if I took too long, I had this kind of writer block, but I'm fine now, and on my way to update my other long fanfic :o

LOVE YOU ALL, muffins :b