In the Midst of Sorrow

Sheltered Talent

It was a dark, calm night when they burst through our door, and took me from my family. With no respect for me or our house, the strangers chased me down. They knocked me out, tied me up, threw me in the trunk and drove away. I thought I would never see my family again.
I woke up a few short hours later. There was a man standing over me.
“Hey I’m Jake! What’s your name”, he said
“I-I- where am I”, I replied.
“You’re in Sweden at Welkington Academy, the best mutant school in the world.”
“Stay away from her,” another man said,” she’s fragile.”
“What do you mean,” said Jake.
“Never mind that; her name is Ali.”
“How do you know that,” I shrieked.
“Calm down,” he said in a soothing voice,” I’m Luke. My friends and I are the ones that brought you here.”
“What!?!?! Why?!?!”
“He told us to”.
“The head master!”
“What does he want with me? I have no mutant powers.”
“That’s not what he said”.
I never like being the center of attention, and at that moment all five of the people in the room were looking at me and questioning me. I was scared. Not only was I surrounded by people I didn’t know, but I was so far away from home. They kept up with the questioning till ‘lights out’. They told me to get some sleep, but all attempts to do so were foiled by fear.
In the morning I was woken up by Jake. He seemed nice, but he had a weird disposition. He asked too many questions. We walked to breakfast together and he started talking about himself.
“As you know the headmaster doesn’t exactly warm you that you’ll be drug away from your family; he just does it. Well, the day they came for me, I-I don’t remember much about it,” he said as he began to cry, “I wish I could remember my mother’s face, but I can’t.”
I hugged him and told him it would be ok. We made it to the cafeteria and o took a long glance around. Everything was segregated; one side had a sign that said ‘Hero’ and the other side said ‘Villain’. I looked at Jake confused.
“What’s this”?
“Just follow me”.
So I did. We went and sat on the ‘Hero’ side. Luke and his group sat on the ‘Villain’ side. I looked up at him and Keith, his right hand man, motioned for me to go over. I looked back at Jake, and he shook his head no. I didn’t want to go over there any way. He stole me from my family, and now he wants to be my friend?! These people confuse me so, so much.
Breakfast seemingly ended as soon as it began.
“Come on we’re going to be late”, said a goofy little kid.
“Sorry about him. His name is Minou. He’s very impatient, but he’s part of the team”, said Jake.
“Team?! What team”, I asked.
“Here at Welkington we participate in drills and battles. In those drills and battles we fight the ‘villains’ with our team, and your part of ours.”
We walked down a dimly lit hallway to two huge double doors. Jake opened them and walked into the arena. A voice came over the speaker system; it was dark and creepy.
The voice said, “And now for your entertainment a drill of new skills and tactics versus old skills and tactics. Who will win this drill of good versus evil? Altrena or Colosus?”
“Which are we”, I asked.
“We’re Altrena”, said Minou.
“Oh, why? What does it mean”?
“It’s Japanese for ‘all good’”.
A buzzer sounded that marked the start of the drill. I didn’t know what to do, but my teammates were going after Colosus. I looked around, and yet again I was the center of attention. I found Jake, and he was fighting Luke. Minou was fighting a boy named Nate. I looked around; there was one missing, Keth.
“Well someone is brave”, said the voice behind me.
I turned to find Keth standing there.
“Don’t worry; I’ll take it easy on you”, He said mocking me.
I looked for Jake, and when I found him. he was throwing
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please note that 'Altrena' is not really the Japanese word for all good.