I'm Ready for You

GTL,Karma,and Drunk Singing.

"So,Karma tonight?" Mike asked. We we're all sitting around in the living room. I had my head rested on Pauly's chest and my legs on Vinny,who sat next to us on the sofa.

"Hells yeah." I said.

"I agree. We need to celebrate Anna being here." Pauly said.

"Sounds good to me." Jwoww said. Snooki nodded as she walked into the living room eating,what else,a pickle.

"Aw yeah." I said.

"AW YEAH KARMA YEAH." Pauly screamed. I covered my ears.

"Um,ow. That was a ear." I said. He kissed my ear.

"Sorry. Did that make it better?" He asked.

"Nope." I said,and I got up.

"Anna. I'm sorry." He whined.

"Mhm." I said. I walked into the kitchen to drink some water.

"Yo,remember when Anna and Angelina almost fought?" Mike said loudly. I laughed and walked back into the living room.

"All I remember is Anna throwing her earrings at me and telling me to hold them." Vinny said.

"Well,she was aggravating." I said.

"Thank god she's gone." Jenni mumbled. I nodded in agreement.

"So,today is a GTL day." Mike said.

"Aw yeah." Pauly said,getting up.

"Me,Snooks,and Ronnie have work in a little while." Jenni said.

"Well,I'm not staying by myself with the beast. Can I come with you guys?" I asked Pauly.

"Yeah." He said. And shortly after,we were on the way to the gym.

"Gym,tan,laundry. Gym,tan,laundry." Pauly said over and over again as we drove.

"God,shut up." I said from the backseat where I sat with Vinny. Mike was driving and Pauly was in the passenger seat.

"You shut up."

"No,you shut up." I said.

"How about we all shut up 'cause we're here." Mike said as we pulled up to the gym. We got out and I smacked Pauly's arm. He glared.

I stuck to the treadmill while the boys did their own gym thing. After that,we headed to the tan salon.

"I desperately needed a visit to a tanning salon." I said as we walked in.

"Me too." Pauly said.

"No you didn't. Jesus,your almost black." I said. He rolled his eyes. So,we tanned,did laundry,and finally went back to the house. Sammi must've went do something,'cause the house was empty.

"Okay,so where am I sleeping?" I asked as we walked in.

"I don't know. The only extra bed we have is the one in the guest room,and that's the smush room." Pauly said.

"Ew,I'd rather not sleep in a bed you guys have smushed girls in." I said,making a face.

"You can just share my bed with me." Pauly said. I nodded.

"Good enough." I dragged my bags to Pauly and Vinny's room. Pauly helped,of course. Those bags were to heavy for just me to carry.

"So,what the hell am I gonna wear to Karma tonight?" I yelled.

"Something hot." Mike yelled back.

"Well yeah! But like,slut hot or hoe hot?"

"There's a difference?" Vinny yelled.

"Yeah!" I searched my bags till I found the perfect outfit. My favorite white shorts and strapless black shirt. The outfit looked perfect with my six-inch stilettos.

"Success!" I screamed,skipping into the kitchen where the guys were preparing dinner. Mike was cooking,of course. That kid had a gift when it came to the kitchen.

"Found a smokin' outfit?" Mike asked as he looked in the fridge for something.

"Oh yeah. What are you guys cooking?" I asked.

"Lasagna." Pauly said.

"Oh,sounds yummy." I said.

"It will be."

A little while later,Snooki,Jenni,and Ronnie walked in.

"I smell food!" Snooks yelled,running in.

"How was work?" I asked.

"Boring." Jenni said.

"Hey,Anna." Ronnie said.

"Hey,Ron." I gave him a quick hug and a kiss on the cheek. I didn't really having nothing against him,I just didn't understand why he stayed with Sam. She is just...ugh.

So,we ate and stuff,and later it was Karma tonight. I checked my hair one last time in the mirror,then we all went to the cab.

"Karma!" I sang when we got to the club.

"You sure you not drunk yet?" Vinny asked as we walked in.

"Nah,the part hasn't started yet!" I yelled over the music.

Karma is friggin' crazy! And of course I love it! Everyone's dancing. Everyone's drinking. Everyone's having a good time. And I'm drunk outta my mind.

"Pauly!" I screamed,hugging him.

"Ann,you okay?" He asked,giving me a serious look.

"Aw yeah! Friggin' fabulous dear!"

"Your drunk,lets go back to the house." He said.

"What? No! I wanna dance with sexy over there!" I said,pointing to a random guy. Now that I think back on that,he wasn't even that hot.

"Come on,Anna." I sighed and followed him.

We got into a cab.

"Just a small town girlllll! Living in a lonely worldddd! She took the midnight train going anywhereeee." I sang. Pauly was killing himself laughing.
I like to sing randomly all the time. It's just funnier when I'm drunk.

"Your LOVE! Your LOVE! Your LOVE! Is my drugggg!" I was still singing when we got to the house.

"Okay,we're home. Shh." Pauly said as we walked into the house.

"No,I wanna sing!" I said stubbornly.

"Okay,fine. Sing."

"Sit on the sofa." I said pointing. He did as he was told. I ran into our room and grabbed my sunglasses and a hairbrush. I put the glasses on and ran back to the living room.

"Are you ready for this?" I asked.


"Okay. 5,6,7,8. Just gonna stand there and watch me burn! Well that's alright because I like the way it hurts! Just gonna stand there and hear me cry! Well that's alright because I love the way you lie!"

5 songs later,the gang walked in. I was in the middle of singing 'Please Don't Stop The Music'.

"I wanna take you away!" I was singing/screaming.

"What the hell?" Mike said as they walked in. Pauly was laughing.

"She's drunk and insists on singing."

"Wow. Well,its bedtime Anns." Mike said.

"No!" I said.

"Yes." Vinn said. I glared at them,then decided to sing again.

"IN THE JUNGLE,THE MIGHTY JUNGLE,THE LION SLEEPS TONIGHT!" I screamed. Everyone sighed. Pauly picked me up.

"Put me down,Paul!"I screamed.

"It's time to go to sleep. I promise you can sing all day tomorrow."


"Swear." He said as he put me down on our bed. I snuggled up under the covers. He did the same after taking his shirt off.

"Night Pauly-Bear." I said,closing my eyes.


And then,I was crashed.
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kinda sucks.