I'm Ready for You


I woke up the next morning with a throbbing headache,Pauly's arm tightly wrapped around me,and both him and Vinny snoring like bears. I blinked a few times, and groaned. What the hell happened last night?

Oh yeah..Karma. Drunkness. And now, its hangover time.

I carefully took Pauly's arm off of me and tip-toed out of the room. Nobody else was up yet. I seriously needed some Advil. And of course,they didn't have any. These people get drunk almost every night,and they just deal with the hangover the next morning? Hell no,that's not me. Medicine was made for that shit.

I took a big drink of water,then went back to my room. Someone needed to bring me to a store pronto.

"Pauly? Vinny?" I whispered loudly. Pauly continued to snore,but Vinny stirred a bit.

"Vins? Wake up,its a emergency." I said again,louder. He slowly opened his eyes.

"Anns? You okay?" He asked.

"I have a bad headache,and you people don't own a bottle of Advil. I need you to take me to the store get some."

"Right this second?"

"Vinny. I feel like I'm being stabbed in the skull."

"Okay,fine. Let me get dressed." He said and he got up. I grabbed a pair of sweatpants and a old sweatshirt,and changed as well. When we were ready,we made our way to the store.

"Jeez ,how can one head ache so much?" I complained as we drove.

"Maybe someone should take it easy on the beer."

"Maybe someone should kiss my ass."

"Your mean when your hungover." Vinny said,laughing. I rolled my eyes and leaned back in my seat.

"I don't wanna get down. So,here's money. Get Advil and a vitamen water. Pink kind. Okay?"

"I am not your slave, Anna-Rene'."

"Please Vinny-Pie?"

"Fine, whatever." He said and he got out of the car and made his way into the store.

10 long minutes later (he must've met a girl and decided to stalk her around the store),he returned to the car and we went back to the house,to find Mike and Pauly up and grubbing on cereal.

"Where were you guys?" Pauly asked.

"Store. I needed Advil desperately." I told him,taking the pill,aka my savior.

"Hangover?" Mike asked.

"Yeah,big time. Did I do anything dumb last night?"

"Well,you sang to me for a while." Pauly said and I groaned.

"God. Slap me next time, okay?" I groaned. Pauly chuckled.

"So, who has work today?" Mike asked.

"Me, you, Sammi, and Ronnie." Pauly said, shoving a spoonful of Cocoa Puffs into his mouth.

"Shit. I don't wanna work." Mike complained.

"Aw, poor Mikey!" I said, fake pouting.

"He'll survive." Pauly assured me.

"Well, while you guys work your asses off, I'm dragging Snooks and Jenni to the beach."

"What about Snooks?" Snooki asked, walking in.

"Me, you, and Jenni. Beach today."

"Hells yeah. It's Tuesday, right? That's gorilla day!" She exclaimed, getting a pickle out the fridge. She eats pickles for freakin' breakfast. She is a pickle beast.

"Yay! That means I need my sluttiest bikini." I joked. Pauly shot me a disapproving look.

"Relax Paul, I'm a big girl. I can handle myself." I assured him. He rolled his eyes.

"Okay Anna-Rene'. Whatever you say."

"Aw, rhymes! Your the next Dr. Freakin' Seuss." I said sarcastically. He flicked me off.

"Come on, An. Let's go wake up Jenni!" Nicole said, grabbing my hand and dragging me to the room she shared with Jwoww.

"BOOBOO! WAKE UP! BEACH TODAY!" Snook yelled as we walked in. Jenni grumbled and stirred till she finally sat up.

"It is too early for this."

"It's 11." I informed her.

"Like I said, too early."

"Aw, come on! Get your hot ass into a sexy bikini and let's go!" Nicole yelled firmly. Jenni sighed and got up. Me and Nicole did a victory dance, then I skipped to my room to get dressed. I picked out a bright pink bikini, which looked wonderful with my tan. I grabbed blue jean shorts to wear over it, and then I grabbed a bathroom. I put the clothes on, then got to work on my hair. My hair had to be perfect in case I saw a hot guy. So I straightened the shit out of it. I decided against make-up, because what if I decided to go in the water? I didn't wanna look like a raccoon.

Once I was finished I walked into the living room to see Jwoww and Snooki all ready. Snooks was wearing a fierce leopard print bikini. It looked amazing on her. She lost so much weight, not that she was remotely fat before. Jenni looked hot as well in her plain black bikini.

"Ready to give the gorillas' of the beach a run for their money?" I asked, putting my shades on.

"Let's go!" Snooki explained.

Here we come, boys. Get ready.
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Sorry it took so long. I didn't have much inspiration. This sucks alot, but I felt the need to update.
Hope you like it anyways.....

by the way...IM SO READY FOR JERSEY SHORE TO START UP AGAIN. I heard it starts august 4th or 9th or something like that. i dont know, but I CANT WAIT <3 :D