A Vampire's Kiss and Touch of Revenge

Who Bit Me Again?

“So you are ok?” Joe asked.

“Amanda, we were all worried about you last night. When Pete brought you in, it didn’t look good.” Sam replied.

“I am fine. Pete bit me last night. I woke up and started to be fine but then the vampire called for me again.” I replied as I turned from the gang to look at Pete with a smile on my face.

“He had to bite you?” Erelin asked raising an eyebrow.

“Erelin now isn’t the time.” Brendon said trying to hush her with his hand over her mouth.

“Hey, she is my best friend and I don’t want anyone with fangs coming near her and that means you too, mister.” Erelin said pulling away from Brendon.

“Erelin, it is fine. That vampire cannot call her anymore as long as I am around.” Pete said hugging Erelin to calm her.

“Ah, Brendon he’s doing that thing again. He’s using his charm on me.” Erelin said relaxing a bit with us all laughing at her.

“I hate that you guys can persuade us to do anything.” Erelin mumbled.

“Oh is that so? Do I persuade you to be with me?” Brendon asked hearing her mumble.

“Oh, no here it goes again.” I said rolling my eyes. These two fight more than I do not know what. Why did I even bother trying to hook them up?

“Prepare for the war to break out.” Chrissy said as we all laughed again. Erelin and Brendon stopped bickering long enough and looked at us embarrassed.

“Sorry.” They both replied which got them looking back to each other.

“So do you know who lured you into the woods last night, Amanda?” Andy asked, snapping me out of my thoughts. I was staring at how Erelin and Brendon could bicker but it did not take long for that joined at the hip look to occur between them.

“Oh, well, no, actually. That vampire made me forget.” I said.

“I can help her to remember however.” Pete said.

“Well, we better get so they can do whatever they need to do, Brendon.” Erelin said nodding her head towards the door. I knew what she was implying. I just laughed.

“Oh and if you ever bite me…” She trailed, as they were the first to leave the room.

“I am glad to see that you are better and well.” Chrissy said as she took Andy’s hand and walked out of my room.

“You sure gave us a scare last night.” Sam said.

“I am so sorry, Sam. I just needed to be alone for a bit. I just wanted to take a short walk. I didn’t know I had a crazy stalking me.” I sighed.

“It’s ok. Just next time tell us that you want to be alone.” Sam replied hugging me.

“Will do.” I said.

“You had Pete so worried about you.” Joe said. “He really does love you despite any fights you may have had.” He added.

“I know.” I said gazing into Pete’s eyes.

“Well, are we ready to do this?” Pete asked.

“Do what?” I asked sitting on the bed.

“Are you ready to get your memory back from last night?” He asked.

“Oh, you mean like in right now?” I asked hoping I can get him to change his mind. Again, I felt the need to protect the one who bit me. Why is that?

“Yes. I can try to get you to flash your memories instead of doing this in your dreams. It will be the same as how you saw my memories of how I was turned into a vampire.” Pete said all calm.

“And you want to do this now?” I asked again.

“Yes. Is there something you aren’t telling me?” Pete asked worried.

“No, nothing at all.” I gulped.

“Ok then hold out your right hand and close your eyes. Listen to my voice. I want you to think back to last night when you started to walk into the woods.” Pete said.

What I actually started to remember was a voice saying soon at the house and the uneasy feeling that someone was watching me from afar. Then it went to the woods. Pete saw and heard everything as I was fighting the voice in my head and trying to get Pete’s attention that I was in trouble. Then, what he saw next I was dreading. He saw as well as me remembering that Sisky was the one who bit me and called for me.

I could feel Pete’s grip on my hand tighten up. This is why I felt that I had to protect the one, who bit me; it was because I knew Pete would kill him. I cannot let that happen.

As I tried to quit remembering, it was as if I could not stop. I started to remember the dream he invaded. No. Not only was it like I was reliving what he did to me, Pete was seeing this and boiling mad. I was pissed too, because of what he did but I knew I could deal with Sisky now.

“Pete, make me stop.” I said trying to open my eyes but could not.

“I want to see what he did to you in your dream.” Pete said angry.

“No. I don’t want too.” I said getting upset. I just wanted to forget. It was only a dream. It was not real. It could have been but Pete stopped that.

“Please, don’t make me remember this.” I said.

“He was going to force you to have sex with him!” Pete yelled making me open my eyes again.

“You stopped us though by waking me up.” I said in a whisper.

“Yeah, but barely in enough time! I’m going to kill him.” Pete said angry.

“Pete, please. No.” I pleaded. “It’s over with. He can’t hurt me anymore.” I said.

“You were going to protect him?” Pete asked shocked.

“No. I did not remember it was he until you made me. It is just that he works for my mom and I can call her and fix this. I do not want to see you get into trouble for doing something stupid to him.” I said trying to calm Pete down.

“It’s too late for that!” Pete said storming off out of the room.

I cannot let Pete harm Sisky. He works for my mom and I am afraid that if he went after him, then her men would come after Pete. I have to stop this. I have to fix this.
I ran to Sam’s room and knocked on the door. “Hello?” Sam asked as I slowly opened the door.

“Sam, I am sorry if I interrupted anything between you and Joe.” I said.

“Oh, no, we are just watching movies. What’s up?” She asked.

“I need to borrow your phone.” I replied.

“Sure, no problem.” She said getting up to get her cell phone.

“Here.” Sam replied.

“Thanks.” I said hurrying out of the room with it.

I ran into my room, shut and locked the door. Then I dialed a number I hoped I would not have to dial for a while. I was nervous as I finally heard a voice on the other end of the line.

“It is me. I need a car. Can you meet me in thirty minutes?” I asked.

I hung up the phone when I received my answer. Then, I handed Sam back her phone and told her I was going for a walk. I ran back down into the kitchen and grabbed a snack to take with me as I walked out the front door of the mansion.

From there, I headed down the long drive and onto the road into town. I sat on a log on the side of the road and waited for my ride. When I saw it, it was on time.