A Vampire's Kiss and Touch of Revenge

What Would I Do Without You Guys?

(Pete’s POV)
“Pete you dropped my phone!” Sam yelled.

“Hello?” Joe said as he picked up her phone and started having a conversation.

“She went against me!” I yelled.

“Pete, its Amanda’s mom.” Joe replied handing me back the phone.

“I know it is her on the other line.” I said as I reached for it.

“Is Amanda with you?” I asked.

“Wow, not even a proper hello. You know you really are getting on my nerves kid.” She replied.

“Look, Amanda is not here and if Joe told you, she used Sam’s phone to call you. So we know she was heading for your place.” I said.

“If you are so worried, why didn’t you just track her?” Amanda’s mom asked.

“Maybe I want to give her some freedom. I only track her if I feel that she is in danger.” I replied.

“Well, obviously you are worried about her.” She said toying with me.

“Look, is Amanda there with you?” I asked.

“No. She went to find Adam. She went to warn him about you. I told her I would take care of the situation but she refused that. If you are worried about him hurting Amanda again, it will not happen. He is not that stupid.” Anne said.

“How did she get there?” I asked.

“I had one of my drivers pick her up when she called me. We talked for a bit and then she refused my help in the matter. Believe me I am not happy with what he did either but he wasn’t trying to kill her and we can’t just go around killing good vampires in the world unless the do something like kill a human.” She replied.

“Whatever. I still want to hurt him really bad.” I said pissed off.

“I can’t believe that Amanda hasn’t made it back yet to your place. Meet me here in twenty minutes.” Anne said giving me the directions to Sisky’s place and then hanging up.

“Is she all right?” Sam asked as I handed back her phone.

“I hope she is. I don’t feel her in any danger right now.” I replied. “And I don’t want to pry into what she does all the time.” I said heading towards Jenny and Patrick’s room.

“Patrick, Jenny, let’s go!” I yelled at their door. “Bring your best weapons so I can kill something. We are heading out in five minutes to go find Amanda by meeting her mom.” I said.

“Now?” Jenny asked as she slowly opened the door.

“Now.” I replied. “You two are my best fighters, thinkers, friends, weapon whizzes…” I said.

“Ok, ok. We shall be downstairs in five minutes.” Jenny replied.

“I will fill you guys in later. What would I do without you guys?” I said smiling as I started to head downstairs.

“I know what I would be doing without you.” Jenny mumbled but to where I could hear.

“I heard that.” I said. “Five minutes.” I yelled up the steps.
♠ ♠ ♠
Sorry it is short. I am very sleepy right now. More tomorrow and longer.