The Road To Hell Is Paved With Good Intentions

Ive Got Headaches and Bad Luck

I stifled a yawn as I entered the tiny, almost deserted coffee shop. Same old routine. New day, new town, new malevolent spirit to do battle with. From the outside Moses Lake, Indiana looks like your average sleepy, undisturbed, peaceful little town. On the inside as I was discovering, not so peaceful. As soon as all the attacks started the whole town went into panic mode. Not that I can blame them, eight victims in twenty four hours is a record. I've seen this everyday since i was 16 and watched my dad have the flesh from his head gnawed off and every drop of blood sucked from his body through his skull by a spirit known as an Brahmaparusha. Ever since then i've made it my duty to become the hunter not the hunted. Taking over my dad's role and making it my own. I took a seat at the window and spread the various newspaper articles i'd picked up over the table, browsing them carefully and noting any similiarities between each attack. So far the only similarities i'd found were the fact that each victim had been seen talking to an elderly man before they were attacked but it seemed illogical that an eighty year old cripple could harm so many people in so little time.

"Can i take your order?"

the middle aged waitress popped her gum impatiently, her eyes scouring the newspapers and my notes curiously. I guess they weren't a big fan of the saying patience is a virtue around here. I covered up my notes hastily as i browsed the menu, a trip to the local lunatic asylum wasnt exactly top of my priorites right now. My mouth watered as i took in the selection of home cooked food, being on the road constantly ahd having to live out of walmart and service stations helped me appreciate a decent meal whenever my hectic schedule allowed it.

"Gimme a ginger latte and an apple and poppyseed scone" i replied without looking up.

The waitress scribbled down my order, lingering beside my table for a few moments. Her eyes flitting curiously between myself and the two guys huddled together in the corner and deep in conversation. The younger brunette appeared to be around my age and barely acknowledged anyone but the older blonde situtated across from him as his hands flailed around animatedly.

"If you're looking for more dirt on all these attacks try talking to those two...". The waitress 'Dakota' as i'd learned from her name badge motioned towards the two guys with a subtle wave of her fingers.

"Been asking strange questions all morning".

I waited a few moments to ensure she was out of ear shot before focusing my attention on the two. I let my blonde hair loose from the neat clip i'd placed it in this morning and pulled my baby doll cami top down slightly, also pulling my belt a little tighter to put emphasis on the curves that my jeans clung so tightly to. In my experience if you wanted information from a man there was only one way to go about getting it.

"Excuse me," I murmured shyly as i approached their table,
resting my palms on the hard wood and leaning over slightly allowing them a quick peek at my exposed cleavage.

I could have just asked some questions of my own, but that would have taken longer and being in this line of work i don't get to talk to cute guys a lot. The older of the two jerked his head up sharply, his full lips curving into a pout as i glanced from him to the younger one.

"Waitress over there says you boys might be able to give me some info on all these attacks that have been happening" I elaborated with my most charming smile.

The boys exchanged questioning glances, not missing the chance to give me the once over as I waited for their reply

"Who's asking?" asked the blonde defensively, obviously not wanting to give too much away.

he pursed his lips around the rim of his coffee cup, slurping noisily as i racked my brain for an idea of who i was going to be playing today.

"Im a student, im researching urban legends for a class" I stated , hoping my feigned grace and innocence would win them over.

"What makes you think its an urban legend? no one likes a sceptic" the blonde grinned in response. I smirked back, if this is how he wanted to play i was fair game.

"Did i say i didn't believe it?" i replied sharply, risking a quick glance at the black journal they had spread out in front of them. I already had a vague idea of what I was dealing with, all i needed was some confirmation.

"She has a point Dean, you saw the deeds yourself. The house belongs to some eighty year old invalid, there's no way he'd be able to kill eight people and drain them of their blood in such a short space of time. Or by himself for that matter".

My suspicions were confirmed as the blonde raised an eyebrow at the brunette, failing to bite back a grimace. Certain spirits could appear in human form, one in particular, an Abchanchu was well known for its disguise as an elderly man which easily fooled its victims.

"Would you boys excuse me, i didnt realise that was the time. I should be getting back to school". I could tell by the dubious look they threw me that they weren't buying it but by sundown i'd be gone and it wouldn't make a difference.

"Im Sam by the way and this is my brother, Dean". I returned Sam's soft smile, ignoring the insinuating remarks Dean was making under his breath as I shook his hand, feeling relatively small at how large his hand was in comparison to mine.

"Jacinta. Good luck with your investigation". I relucantly pulled away from the warmth of Sam's hand, doing my best to hide my disappointment at the idea that this was a one of meeting. Sometimes i really hated this job.
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Disclaimer: i dont own the characters of Sam and Dean but if i did Supernatural would be a lot more fun :) Jacinta is my own original character.

An Abchanchu is a real spirit which i believe originates from either India or South America, my source is 'The Encyclopedia of Werewolves, Spirits, Demons and Vampires'.

Please comment or message, i'd really like to know what you guys think so far. This was originally posted over at my quizilla as 'Out For The Kill' but i've changed the name and i'm altering the slory slightly.