One More Angel

One More Angel

Another Friday night, another lonely time alone. Laura was done. She was alone, she was frustrated, and she was done.

Sitting out back and smoking her cigarette, she let her thoughts wander as she took a much needed drag of the nicotine laden substance. Her friends were miles away at a concert she had wanted to go to having all the fun that she should have been having in that moment. What a waste, she thought to herself as she took another long drag. A waste of her time, a waste of her money, a waste of everything.

Jess was at that concert, on her dime, spending her money and rubbing it in her face. It just wasn’t fair.

Every so often she’d pull out her cell phone to check and see if she missed a call. Her friends were supposed to be calling her when the band played Fiction, but she doubted it would happen. It had already been a few hours. Still, there was nothing. Not a call, not a text, nothing. They’d forgotten her and she was alone.

Sighing deeply to herself, she stared out into the darkness of the night waiting, wishing, trying not to fall apart and succumb to the frustration they’d left her with. Maybe she’d get drunk later. Maybe she’d just lose herself in her thoughts.

A gentle hand in the middle of her back brought her attention outward and she turned, silently numb until she saw the blue eyes, the coal liner, the dark hair and the dorky, happy smile. It brought her out of her silence and she through her arms around his neck, pulling him into a tight embrace. “You came!” was all she could say. The frustration was still there but the tension was lightening.

He laughed at her reaction and held her back. “Of course I came!” he responded through his laughter, as if it was the most obvious thing in the world. “Where else would I be? I knew you needed me.” He pulled back and looked down at her with that playful expression that she loved so well.

Her eyes searched his face. “Yes, I do.” It was true. In that moment she hadn’t needed anymore more. “I really do.” And she hugged him again, tighter, as if she was afraid one moment’s separation from him and he would disappear. “You have no idea.”

“Oh I think I have some idea,” he replied with a smile and wrapping his arm around her waist, pulling her close to him. “Come inside with me?”

She couldn’t argue and tossed the remains of her cigarette on the ground before allowing herself to be lead into the house. As they walked the distance to her room she kept her thoughts inside, not speaking them and wondering just what he wanted for her. Pulling open the door to her room, he lead her inside and sat her on the bed before standing in front of her, taking her face between his hands and looking into her eyes. “Laura.”

“Hm?” Her thoughts weren’t there. They were miles away, at the concert that she was missing. Not that it mattered of course. The most important person was in the room with her, right now.

“I’m right here.” He was smiling as he looked into her eyes and he gently caressed her cheek with his fingertips.

She sighed. “You’re dead.” There was sadness in her eyes and in her voice when she said that and she watched as his expression faltered for a moment only before pulling the smile back.

“I’m still here, aren’t I?”

All she could do was shake her head and sigh again.


It was a struggle to push her eyes up to meet his gaze. What she saw in his eyes was understanding, compassion, and love. Somehow, in spite of everything, he loved her. He was there for her, he was looking out for her, and he was always there for her.



“Talk to me.”

She shrugged her shoulders and reached up a hand to rest upon his own. “I...just feel so alone. Like all my friends have betrayed me.” She sighed again and shook her head, trying to dislodge his hands from her face and he pulled back though his eyes still watched her. “They aren’t even my friends. All they do is take advantage of me.”

He remained silent, taking in her words and watching her carefully.

“I mean...I’m so...frustrated. I know, I’m being bitchy.”

A small chuckle left him as she said this and she glanced up at him with a half-smile, her eyes asking the question her voice didn’t. “It’s okay; you’re feisty. I like it.” It was an attempt at humor as well as just the smallest amount of flirting, but it did the trick of bringing her smile back. As it tore her lips apart he poked her cheeks playfully which only made her smile brighter. “And I like it when you smile too. I’d rather see you smile.”

She giggled and shook her head. It was an ironic laugh – simultaneously happy and sad. “I wish you weren’t dead,” she said softly, leaning forward so her forehead was pressed against his.

“Dead or not, I’m still here for you. I’m always here, Laura.” Thus positioned they couldn’t see each other, but she could feel him pressed against her forehead, could feel his hands as he rested them on her shoulders and gave her a gentle squeeze.

“I know.”

Pulling back, he looked into her eyes again before giving her a kiss on the forehead. “C’mon,” he said after he pulled away, taking a seat beside her and pulling her into his chest in a warm, protective, comforting embrace. “They may be at the concert…but you’re the only one who has me. And I’m not leaving.”

Another small laugh bubbled up in her chest - a combination of relief and release. Releasing all the tension of the day. Relief that he was there for her, always was there for her, always would be there for her. “Thanks Jimmy.”

Pulling her closer, he gave her another gentle squeeze. “You’re welcome.”
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I'm sorry if its not exactly right. I don't know the Rev that well but I tried. I just let it write itself. I hope you like it Laura.