Status: Active

Now I Don't Even Know My Last Name

I'm Gonna Give All My Secrets Away

“Are you nervous?” David asked as he gave my hand a squeeze.

“A little bit.” I admitted.

Today was the day I was going to be on The Today Show for the segment about getting married young. My mom, David, and I had flown in the night before since we had to be at the studio so early. We were currently in one of the green rooms while I waited until it was time for the interview. I would do the interview while my mom and David stayed behind the scenes to watch.

“You’ll do fine, Laken.” My mom smiled at me. “Just remember everything we’ve talked about.”

Suddenly a woman with a headset walked into the green room. “Hi Laken, my name’s Sarah. I’m one of the producers. We’re ready to start putting your mic on you. Are you ready?

I nodded and smoothed down the dress my mom had deemed “appropriate” as I stood up. David gave my hand one last squeeze and kissed me on the cheek before I walked out of the room.

Sarah started to put the mic on me while she explained what would happen. “They’re getting ready to go to a commercial break. While the break is happening you’ll go out and sit in the big, gray chair. Anne Curry is doing your interview and will come over during the break. Once the commercial break is over Anne will introduce you and then the interview will begin. After that there will be another commercial break and you’ll be done. Easy, right?”

“Um, yeah, sure.” I nervously said.

“Don’t worry. You’ll do fine. The commercial break just started so you can go on out and take your seat.”

I walked out to the chair Sarah had pointed out to me and tried to stop my body from
shaking. I was used to being in the public eye thanks to my dad but I had never done an interview.

“Hi Laken, I’m Anne Curry.” Anne smiled as she sat down across from me.

“Hi Anne.” I said as I shook her outstretched hand.

“Don’t be nervous about the interview. It’ll be easy and over with before you know it.”

I smiled and suddenly the producers were saying we had ten seconds before the commercial break came to an end. I prayed I wouldn’t throw up.

“We’re back and I’m here with Laken McHill, the daughter of Senator Tom McHill from Virginia. Laken has been in the spotlight recently in light of her recent engagement even though she’s only 19 years old. She’s here to talk to us today about marrying young” Anne said to the camera and then turned to me. “So Laken, what made you decide to become engaged so young?”

“I guess I decided when David, my boyfriend, proposed. I never thought that I would get married so young. I figured I’d wait until after college. I met David though and just knew that I wanted to spend the rest of my life with him. I guess it’s true what they say; when you know, you know.”

“How long have you and David been dating?”

“We’ve been friends for over two years and dating for a little over a year and a half. I met David when he joined my two best friends, Eric and Cameron, in their band, The Downtown Fiction. As soon as I met him something instantly clicked even though it took the both of us a little while to realize our feelings for each other.”

Anne suddenly asked the question I had been dreading. “What do you think about all the rumors that you’re already married and the engagement is just a cover-up?”

“Well Anne…I…” I suddenly stopped. I hated lying, hated covering up what I did as if I was ashamed that I had done it. Sure, it wasn’t the smartest thing I had ever done but I was in no way ashamed. I’d do it again if I had to.

“Actually Anne, the rumors are true. I was on tour with my friends and while in Vegas David and I decided to get married. We are having another wedding so our families can celebrate with us.” I did decide to leave out the fact that we got married when we were drunk. I wanted to tell the truth but there are some things that just don’t need to be known.

Anne seemed taken aback for a couple seconds but quickly recovered. “So do you think getting married in Vegas was a mistake?”

“No. I mean I realize that it was a little hasty and wasn’t the smartest idea but I’m glad it happened. I wouldn’t suggest to other girls that they do what I did but I did it and have no regrets.”

Anne smiled and said, “Well thank you for coming and talking to us, Laken. After the break we’ll have Chef Hudson here showing us how to make the perfect hamburger.”

The commercial break started and I began to take the mic off. Anne turned towards me and said, “That took a lot of guts to admit the truth. I wish the very best for you and David.”

“Thank you.” I said before heading back towards the green room. I knew it was now time to face the wrath of my mother.

I walked in the green room and saw David standing there with a smirk on his face while my mother stood in front of him, furious.

“How could you do that Laken Marie? We discussed what you were supposed to say and that was not even close to what we talked about. Now the whole country knows you were married in Vegas.” My mother said as I walked into the room.

“Mom I…” I began but she interrupted me.

“This is all David’s fault. You changed as soon as you started dating him. The old Laken would have never done this.”

“Don’t you dare blame David for any of this. You’re right though, I did change after I met him. I changed for the better. Before I met David and Cameron I was just some girl who only hung out with Eric and Maria. The only places I went were school, lacrosse practice, and political functions. I was boring and scared to take a chance. After meeting Cameron and David I started hanging out with more people and taking more chances. David showed me there’s more to life than always listening to what you and dad say. He also taught me that I’ll make mistakes but as long as I fix them I’ll be fine. David’s my husband now mom and you just have to accept that.”

I could see the tears forming in my mother’s eyes. “I’m sorry, Laken. I never meant to make you think I don’t support you and David and your marriage. I truly am happy for you. I just get so caught up in the family image sometimes. I’m also afraid of losing my little girl. I just want you to be happy though and I know David makes you happy.”

“Thanks mom.” I replied as I wrapped my arms around her.

“Well I’m going to go get the car so we can head to the airport. Come out in about five minutes, okay?” My mother said before heading out of the room.

David quickly came over and hugged me.

“Did I just screw up big time?” I whispered.

“No, you didn’t. You felt bad about lying so you did something about it. You did what you thought was best. As long as you do that, I will always support you.”

I leaned up and kissed David. “I love you, so much.”

“I love you too.” David smiled and then continued, “Cameron and Eric think what you did was awesome also. Although, Cameron’s just excited that you said his name on national television.”

I laughed and then grabbed David’s hand as I made my way to the door. “Come on. You leave again for tour tomorrow and I want to make the most of our time together.”

“I’ll be home in a week. Just one more week and then I’ll be home for a while.” David said as we stood in the middle of the airport.

“I hope this week goes by fast.” I mumbled.

“Don’t worry, it will. Then we’ll get married again and go on our honeymoon and I’ll be home for two months straight. After that the guys and I are going to record our CD but Cameron’s trying to find a studio in New York so we can record closer to home.”

“I’d like that. I love you. See you in a week.”

“I love you. This week will go by fast. I promise.” David said before turning around and heading towards the plane.

One more week and then David would be home for a while. I just had to survive this week.
♠ ♠ ♠
Interview Outfit

Laken finally stood up to her mother...and told all of America that she was married in Vegas.

Only one more chapter left. Any predictions?

Thanks to JustThinking and AmeliaDef for commenting!