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Zacky's Point Of View

So much has changed over the last year. I mean, it was probably the most dramatic one I’ve ever had. I didn't expect anything like what has happened to ever happen to me, but fact is it did. Actions do have consequences though, and I guess we had to learn all of that the hard way.

It was Mr. Baker who paid the biggest price on that fatal night. He was shot, but not only that; we completely ruined everything about him. Not only did everyone know about him being a pedophile as well as a straight up rapist, but they now think of him as a murderer who then ended up killing himself as well.

That’s right. We managed to get everyone to believe our story. Even I think that it’s a true one at times. It isn’t though and I’ll never truly forget that. Zander killed him. He fired the gun.

Recently I’ve been wondering something else about that night as well. What would’ve happened if Zan didn't kill him? There definitely wouldn't have been a truce with Derek.

Just before Zan turned up, Cole was about to get shot. If it wasn't for Zan, would he even be alive right now? Hell, would any of us? How do we really know that after Mr. Baker had gotten rid of Cole that he would’ve stopped? He could’ve killed everyone there that night. If it wasn't for Zan, we might all be dead.

Everything with Cole and I came out during the case as well. That was hard to work through. They somehow managed to link things together and then to back up their theory, someone said that they’d seen us together. Seen us doing things . Cole later told me that the only person who could’ve known about that who’d sell us out was Miranda. She knew about it, and with Cole no longer being at the school, she couldn’t put forward her plan to blackmail him for grades any longer. She had no reason to keep it secret to she opened her mouth to the police.

Cole’s been locked up for a few months now. I’m probably not meant to see him, but they can’t stop me, so from time to time I do go and visit him. He’s told me that I don’t need to feel like I have to wait for him to come out, but even though part of me wants to move on, I can’t. Since Cole got taken away, I haven’t been with anyone else. I'm not ready for that yet.

Everyone at school found out the whole story. But now, I don’t care about any of that. In perspective, school will just be a distant memory soon. All of its pettiness will be forgotten and when I'm in the real world, none of it will even matter.

I'm in the sixth form now. It’s still at the same school, seeing as I wouldn't be able to get into anywhere else. To be honest they didn't really want me to continue on there, but with everything that the school had put me through, the decided to allow me in as a small type of apology.

I do deserve it, I guess. The way the school sees it, they should’ve protected me from stuff like that. Two teachers had abused me under their care. Sure with Cole, I personally didn't mind, but you know how schools are. They don’t care if the urges were mutual; the adult’s the responsible one, so it’s his fault.

Home isn't home at all now. Not really. I feel like I have four different houses. Kyle, me, Jay and Zan all share a room together in this flat. We’ve all joined together to pay for it. The reason we moved out was basically to get away from everything, but we all visit family still.

Zan had to be somewhere new after everything that had happened. If he was anywhere else at night especially he’d end up having nightmares. Kyle had to get away from his family, who since have sorted out most of their problems. Kyle leaving was an eye opener for them. With Jay, I think he just wanted to tag along to be honest.

My reasons for moving out are pretty obvious. I don’t have anywhere else. Dad and I are on the same page now, but I can’t live with him permanently. The odd visit is enough. Mum, well, she says I'm welcome with her now too, but she has a whole other family, whenever I'm there I feel as if I'm in the way. There’s a baby as well as mum’s new partner and his son there. It’s just too much of a crowd.

The other home that I mentioned is going back to Cole’s. He isn't there anymore, and it isn't the same house as it was back when we were properly together. But I go to his new place where John’s living for now pretty often. John is a lot easier to talk to after everything we’ve been through. I respect him a lot more now.

I guess now my life is getting back on track and I'm finding it easier to think clearly. That’s probably because I have less to think and worry about, as well as having less to hide from people.

Things really are getting better. Let’s just hope it stays that way.
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It's back! XD

I know this is short but i've made it like that on purpose hehe
The prologue of the last one was short so i wanted this one to be as well, even though it ended up being roughly double the size of Have We Gone Too Far?'s one
So what're you thinking or this so far?

Oh and big thanks to
ian watkins; (formally nicholas joseph;)
The Duckman (new commenter)
for commenting on the last ever chapter of my baby aka Have We Gone Too Far? Hahaha

Thanks guys
Hope you all like this one too! :))