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Chapter 10

John's Point Of View

A frown spread across my face as I pressed the send button. My little brother in is jail because of Zack. Sure, he’s grown on me and I think he has the potential to be a good kid, but that’s not the point. If it wasn't for him Cole would be a free man right now. You’d think that with all of that on Zack head, he’d at least try to visit Cole, but he doesn’t.

He wants to prove me wrong but he’s only helping my case. I said it was just a crush. I said he was in it for the sex, and to be honest, it looks like I was right. As soon as he stops being able to get anything out of it, he leaves.

Zack said that he loved Cole, yet this is how he treats him. I know some people have strange ways of showing their feelings, but leaving someone to rot alone in a prison cell is pushing it by all standards.

I'm going to talk to him when he gets here. I know that he’ll come. He’s not a coward and he’ll face up to all of this. At least I know there’s some good in him. He’s not going to run away from this.

I know exactly what I'm going to say, and I won’t beat around the bush either. I’ll just make sure that he starts visiting Cole more often.

It didn't take long for him to get over to my place. It was ten minutes tops so I'm guessing he mustn’t have taken his time seeing as it usually takes me around ten minutes by car to get from his to mine.

“Didn't get lost then?” I asked sarcastically, referring to how long it’s been since he was last round here.

In some ways I understand why he comes so rarely. This is the place where everything happened. There are times where I wonder why I’ve stayed here as well, but it’s as if I've grown an attachment to it, it’s like after all of that I can’t just leave.

“I've just been busy,” he mumbled, making his own way into the house.

Whenever he walks through the hallway to the kitchen he freezes for a few seconds before walking on into the living room. I noticed that back when his visits were more frequent. Sometimes I think about maybe talking to him about everything, but I always decide not to. It just doesn’t seem like my place to interfere if I'm honest with you.

Why’d he want to talk to me about it?

I walked into the living room and sat down on the couch opposite to where he was sat. I didn't want to start the conversation, even though I did invite him here. My plan is to see if he can work out why he’s here for himself. I shouldn’t need to prompt him.

“How’s Cole doing?” he asked me, looking uncomfortable.

I raised an eyebrow at him. Is this him showing that he cares or is it just some way of trying to clear his guilty conscience?

“He’s in prison for rape Zack,” I said spitefully. “How do you think he’s doing?”

He looked up at me and I saw he was trying to force a small smile.

“Not too good then,” he whispered biting down on his lip.

“I'm sure he’d feel better with some visitors,” I said. Very subtle, aren’t I? “Maybe then you could find out exactly how he is for yourself.”

His head fell down again.

“What if he hates me now?” he asked me quietly. “I know I should’ve gone to see him a long time ago, but...What if it’s too late now?”

He sort of had a point there. There is a chance that Cole could be regretting everything that happened between them now seeing as Zack’s basically just left him in there on his own. I don’t think he’d hate him though. To be honest, even if there was a bit of resentment, Cole is pretty likely to still feel something for the kid. He isn't one to move on that easily.

“It’s not too late, and trust me, he really wants to see you,” I told him, hoping that it was true. When I’ve been to see Cole, Zack is sort of a topic we don’t bring up very often. He isn't overly comfortable talking about it.

Cole thinks he’s a fool for falling for him so easily, especially seeing as he thinks Zack’s moved on from him now.

“You do still love him, don’t you?” I asked, trying not to make a question like that sound too threatening to the kid.

“Y-yeah,” he stuttered. “I do love him. That’s why it’s so hard,” he mumbled the last bit. “I want to go, but what if I see something I really won’t want to see?” he whispered.

“It doesn’t matter. He’s in there all the time. You could at least be there for him.”

That last part really sunk in with him; I could tell he was thinking now. There's no way out for Cole, but knowing that Zack would still be there when he’s eventually released would really help him to go on. I know it would. I hate it, but Zack means a hell of a lot to him. Just seeing him once more would cheer him up somewhat.

“I’ll go and see him,” I promised.

“Good,” I smiled. “I’ve got a pass for tomorrow, but if you want you could go instead,” I told him. “The sooner the better really.”

“Fine,” he whispered. “What am I meant to say to him?”

“Whatever you want,” I laughed a little. “He doesn’t care what you say; just as long as you turn up he should be alright.”

“Okay,” he smiled at me. “I’ll do it.”

Zacky’s Point Of View

Words don’t describe how scared I am now. I’ve pretty much promised John that I'm going to go and see Cole, and I know as I fact that he’s going to check up on me to be sure that I actually went. I know I'm being really selfish, but I can’t imagine being in prison. I don’t want to get close to seeing the conditions he’s living in. I know it’s going to be bad, but I can’t prepare myself for it.

How can anyone be ready to face all of that?

“I’d best go off,” I mumbled to John, knowing that now I was going to go and see Cole, he didn't have anything else left to talk about with me.

Our conversations have been getting more and more awkward. I hate it, but I can’t do anything about it. At least things are better than how they were when we first met.

“Do you need a lift?” he asked me.

“No,” I declined. “Thanks but I'm alright walking.” Plus I’d rather not be stuck in a car on my own with you for too long.

A bit of fresh air will do me good. I’ll have time to think about what I'm going to do tomorrow when I see Cole and I might be able to think of some more places Zander might’ve gone to.

God he can be stupid. But he will come back. I know he will.
♠ ♠ ♠

I'm sat listening to Kerrang! Radio (Bowling for Soup) <3 haha And writing this chapter
Odd combination and i kept getting distracted, but i managed to get it done so yey for me haha

It's Sunnnnnny!!!!!!!! But I'm inside writing so it makes no difference to me lol

'Now i'm watching wrestling, trying to be a tough guy, listening to rap metal, turntables in my eyes' Haha I'm in a music mood and it's playing so i'm typing it xD

Thanks to
x.MrsAlexGaskarth.x I bet you're loving that new username missy haha
cameron liddell; 'little closet case' haha and don't punch Zack in the face lol
Silver.Aer When you finally do break up you'll have fun too xD We're not off around Easter so we're off now instead
HeartShapedLocket Refraining from half killing someone usually is a good thing! :)
EvilMonique This A/N is pretty sane xD But I've never even thought about abbreviating it even though i hate typing it out. I'm so saying A/N instead now haha
For commenting :)))

Zan's POV next! :D Well it should be anyways

And i started that new student teacher one i mentioned a while ago. You can check it out if you want :) It'll mean a lot xD Clicky if you're interested :)