‹ Prequel: Have We Gone Too Far?
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Chapter 11

Zander's Point Of View

I’ve been walking with Harley for what feels like forever now. We weren’t talking either and he made it a condition that I always had to stay a few paces behind him. Part of me was starting to think that he had no idea where he was going. He’s new here, right? So how would he know his way around here so well already? He must be lost. That means that I'm lost too.

Why did I let him lead the way? I’ve lived here longer than he has, well, unless he’s always lived around here but just not attended our school before now. Maybe that’s it. I at least hope it is anyway; I'm not in the mood for being lost with him.

When we turned the corner and headed down an alleyway that looked like it was in a rougher part of town, a part I hadn’t been to before, I was certain that Harley started to speed up. I did my best to stay with him but I can’t go as fast as him. I only have stupid short little legs. I can’t go any faster!

“Slow down,” I panted, while winding up having to run to get by his side again as we got out of the alleyway.

“Piss off,” he hissed down to me, walking even faster now.

What the hell is wrong with this guy?

“Harley,” I moaned, doing my best to stay near him.

He stopped suddenly and I walked into the back of him for the second time today. Perfect.

“Will you quit following me?” he hissed, looking at me this time.

“You...You said I c-could,” I whispered shyly.

He looked down at the floor again and shrugged his shoulders at me. He did say that I could and he better not suddenly change his mind. I don’t know where I am right now. I've never been here before and if he leaves me alone I’ll...I’ll cry.

I gave him a desperate kind of look and noticed him bite down on his lip for a few seconds.

“Just...Just keep up okay,” he sighed. “I’ll slow down in a bit,” he told me.

I’d prefer it if you slowed down now, but if this is how it’s got to be, then fine.

“Why we going so quick anyways?” I asked him, still panting a little.

“H-habit,” he stuttered, looking over his shoulder and glancing to the sides of us, as if he was expecting something to happen or someone to be there.

Because of how on edge he seemed, I started to get a little shaken up as well. I wanted to know what was going on. Where the hell were we?

“Harley,” I said quietly.

I was sort of scared. I thought that if we were talking I’d feel a little less tense.

“Shut up,” he hissed, making me frown.

Why’s he got to be so negative all the time? It’s stupid.

After a while I started doing the same thing as him, looking down each side street, making sure no one dangerous was around. Sometimes I did see some people that look a little rough, but they didn't take any notice of us.

I’ve always imagined that if I was ever in a place like this little town/street/whatever here is, then there’d be loads of gangster like people coming after me, trying to take my money or beating me up or at least yelling insults from a distance. That hasn’t happened yet though. It’s as if I’ve been let of the hook. The only problem is that I know something is wrong. Harley doesn’t seem like the sort of guy who’d always be looking over his shoulder, but that’s what he’s doing. Plus he told me that we’d slow down soon... Soon hasn’t happened yet.

“Harley,” I moaned again, grabbing onto the sleeve of his hoodie and trying to make him stop for a second.

“What?” he frowned at me.

“Where are we going and how long will it take?” I asked him, putting my foot down and making sure that he answered my question.

“Just need to find someone,” he said unsurely. “They’ll be round here someplace.”

He tried to walk off again then.

“How longs this going to take?” I asked him before he could get away.

“Time,” he shrugged. “You don’t have to come ya know,” he told me softly.

I looked at him a few seconds. He looked sort of worried.

“Why did you let me come in the first place?” I asked him shyly.

“Because I knew you’d nag me until I said yes,” he huffed before starting to walk again, this time at a slightly slower pace though. I mentally thanked him for that change.

“I would’ve stayed if you didn't want me here,” I told him truthfully. I know I did press him to let me come, but that was only because I was scared to go back in there. I've missed a few lessons as well as lunch already now though. I didn't think we’d be gone for so long.

I've only skipped once before this and that was with Zack when we went to the beach and things, well, they got a little out of hand. It was a great day though. I didn't regret going off with Zack, but skipping with Harley is an entirely different story.

“Do you want me to go?” I asked quietly.

He was quiet for a little while before he answered me.

“N-no,” he said shyly.

I couldn’t help but smile when he said that. Although he doesn’t really act in a friendly way towards me, I know that he’d like me as a friend...maybe. He doesn’t want me to go away, which is definitely a plus for our relationship. It’s great to think that he might like me, deep down underneath his hard surface anyway.

“I’ll stay then,” I smirked as if it was me doing him the favor.

“’Course you will,” he said smugly.

He seemed a lot more relaxed now. The only change that I’d noticed was that we were away from all of the houses now and were walking across a field, and we were talking more now, but I'm assuming it’s the first point that’s calmed him down and not us speaking to each other.

“You don’t like that street then,” I muttered, trying to see if he’ll tell me anymore about it.

“What makes you think that?” he asked, raising an eyebrow at me.

“You were weird back there,” I told him.

“I'm always weird,” he sighed before dropping down onto the grass and lying down.

He was lying there as if he was sun bathing but the sun wasn't out so it looked pretty pointless. On top of that the only skin he was showing was on his face, so he wouldn't get very tanned there even if the sun was out.

It’s not late; the sun has just decided to hide away for a bit.

I have to admit, he is weird. He’s shade bathing? Maybe...

I decided to join him so I didn't look odd from standing next to someone lying on the grass alone in the middle of a field.

“What are we doing?” I asked as I lied down beside him.

He shuffled over a little. He must’ve thought I was too close to him.

“Lying down,” he shrugged. “What’s it look like we’re doing?”

I just shrugged my shoulders at him. I knew we were lying on the grass. I'm not stupid.

“Do you live round here?” I asked him, trying to keep the conversation going.

“Do you wanna quit asking me crap?” he asked sharply.

“You can be so bipolar,” I muttered to myself.

He rolled over and looked at me then. I'm guessing that he heard me.

“What makes you think that?” he asked, a lot less sharply than I was expecting him to.

“You just...snap...a lot,” I told him. “Without much reason.”

He nodded at me and then sat up and started fidgeting with his pockets.

“What you looking for?” I asked him, but he gave me a death glare so I quickly apologized. This guy really doesn’t like being asked questions.

As he pulled out a packet of cigarettes my eyes widened at an instant. He smokes. Harley smokes! I hate seeing people smoking. It just disgusts me.

“Want one?” he asked me.

“No,” I said, scrunching my nose up at him offering me one. He smiled as he looked at me before pulling out his lighter. “Quit,” I pouted at him. I'm not sure why I pouted but I did.

“No,” he said, this time he scrunched his nose up a little. He was mocking me!

“Don't smoke near me then,” I frowned, ignoring the fact that he was mocking me back then. It’s not as if I can do anything about it.

“Why not?” he asked, breathing out a big puff of smoke into my face, then smiling as I coughed a little and tried to waft the smoke away from me.

“Grow up,” I hissed as I got up onto my feet and started to walk around a little.

I knew I wouldn't get off the field though. After all, I still need Harley’s help to get me away from here.

Before I even noticed that he’d moved, Harley crept up behind me and lifted me up at my waist. I screamed at first but I then realized it was him and regretted showing him a weakness. He dropped me down quickly.

“WHAT THE HELL?!” I shouted at him.

He laughed and placed the cigar back to his lips. As soon as he pulled it out again I smacked it out of his hand and it fell down onto the floor. I smirked. Can’t smoke it now asshole!

“WHAT THE HELL?!” He shouted at me this time.

“We’re even,” I smirked at him.

He walked as close to me as he could, most likely trying to intimidate me. It was working though, he looked angry.

“Who do you think you are?” he asked me slowly, getting right up into my face.

I'm not sure why, but I wasn't feeling as scared as I should’ve felt. I'm feeling more and more comfortable around him now. To be honest, I find it hard to take any of his threats too seriously; he seems to throw them around willy-nilly.

“I'm Zander, I’m 16 years old-” I started of sarcastically but I shut up when Harley grabbed hold of my collar. “C-calm down,” I whispered to him.

He stared at me for a while before loosening his grip and stepping away from me.

“Sorry,” he muttered to me. Wow, I wasn't expecting an apology from him. “I don’t like it when...when I'm challenged,” he whispered.

I nodded at him and smiled a little. He opened up to me a little.

“You think I challenge you?” I smiled innocently.

He looked at me and smiled when he saw the expression I was pulling. I liked seeing him smiling. He looks a lot better when he smiles.

“I think you need to watch what you say,” he smiled at me. “Seeing as I'm so bipolar and everything in your mind,” he smirked, letting me know that he was just joking.

I didn't want to ruin the odd moment we’ve had that hasn’t involved too much arguing, but I felt like I had no choice.

“Erm, do you know where we are?” I asked him.

He rolled his eyes at me.

“Live a little,” he said, putting his arm around my shoulder. I knew I was blushing when he did that. Oh my God. “But I do know where we are,” he laughed a little, knowing that I was getting worked up over possibly being lost. Honestly at that moment I wasn't thinking about being lost, I was thinking about his arm being on me! “One problem,” he sighed. “I can’t remember how we got here.”


“Seriously?” I asked, pushing him away from me so I could read his facial expression.

“Would I lie to you?” he smirked.

God knows... Would he?
♠ ♠ ♠

Oh and

Sorry for the wait
Writers Block
Lack of time
Not knowing what to put
(not in that order :P)

My fave chappy for this in a while
And i actually wrote a long one! FINALLY! :D
I'm not sure if I'll do another Zan next, or a Harley, or a Zack...maybe Cole....
I'm just going to go with what feels easier to write

Oh and don't worry (I haven't forgot about Zack and Cole. I have a plan thingy so something needs to happen before they have their meet up thing at the prison) I can't remember what the plan was though....I think i wrote it down somewhere though so don't worry

OH AND I'VE CHANGED SOMETHING! I couldn’t help changing Harley’s name to Harley Davidson xD

Had to!

Okay, i have big exams coming up soon as well so I'm not sure when the next update is coming because i need to revise, plus i have work experience and another weekend holiday coming up (as well as school) So yeah, I'll update when i can :P

(in a rush today so only brief comments) :(
Thanks to
x.MrsAlexGaskarth.x - You and your obsession with that murderer ;)
EvilMonique - Gotta have one adulty person in this haha
cameron liddell; - Big huggles for Cole :)
HeartShapedLocket - The return of The Cole!
For commenting :)

Question thingy: Opinions on Harley?

LOL, just realized i said willy-nilly in this chapter. Awesome!