‹ Prequel: Have We Gone Too Far?
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Chapter 13

Zack's Point Of View

For a while John and I just talked about how things have been going since we last spoke and basically has a little catch up between us. It was good hearing from him again.

John’s alright really. I know he’s only harsh with me at times because he wants to do what’s best for his brother, so I’m okay with him not being overly friendly with me all the time. I like how he has Cole’s best interests at heart. But I have to admit, now that he knows I still love Cole and I've promised to visit him tomorrow night, things are going a lot smoother for us. All of the awkwardness has gone. Honestly, it’s good having John here to talk to. He’s good company when he wants to be.

I had my tea while I was there. It was, well, edible let’s say. You wouldn't exactly call John a good cook, but it’d be wrong to say that he doesn’t try.

“Thanks,” I smiled at him once I’d eaten everything on my plate.

In case you haven’t noticed, I'm eating properly now; thanks to Kyle, Cole and in a way, Mr Baker. Sure when he noticed I was losing weight last year it was due to his sick pervertedness, but he was the one who helped me to overcome it.

I never actually told Kyle, or anyone else for that matter, about me developing a slight eating disorder back then, but knowing Kyle, he would’ve noticed I was eating less and was a lot smaller than I used to be. He’s my best friend. I didn't have to tell him. He just knew.

Since we’ve all been living together, I’ve noticed that Kyle has had an extra eye on me while we’re eating. I do appreciate it but I hope he knows that I'm fine now.

The minor disorder only happened because mum and dad rarely let me out of my room, so not eating just became a habit for me. All of that’s been resolved now; I’m back to normal.

“Do your roomies know where you are then?” John asked me.

I told him earlier about the tension that was building between Kyle and me after everything that had
happened before. However, I was smart enough not to go into too much detail about that situation with him.

“Well,” I started as a smile quickly creped onto my lips. I tried to hide it but he obviously saw.

“Take that as a no then,” he said smugly. “I’ll take you home before they start to worry then. The only thing worse than having one missing friend, is having two missing friends,” he pointed out to me, making me nod in agreement. I told him about Zander as well, but he assured me that he’d be back soon. Although they’ve only met a few times, not under the best circumstances either, John insisted that Zan had a smart head on his shoulders. I suppose he’s including the time he pulled the trigger as well. If he hadn’t have done that, our Cole would be dead.

This time I accepted when John offered me a lift back. Who knows? Maybe Zan might’ve come to his senses! Well...Unless something bad has happened to him.

God Zack! Don't think like that!

Zander’s fine. Everything will work out in the end. Somehow, it usually always does.

When I managed to stop worrying about Zan, I started thinking about Kyle, again . He’s not going to be in a good mood when I see him next. I wonder if Jay’s got back from his ‘little walk’. It’s been ages so he probably is there now. What’s Kyle going to tell him? There’s no doubting that he’ll continue to deny that he’s gay, but Jay and I are pretty convinced now. I know I told him that we’d just drop it and accept that he’s straight, but I don’t want him to feel like he’s trapped in that closet. He needs to know that it gets easier once you come out...

I’ll have to talk to him again at some point, probably not too soon though. Sometimes I even struggle to notice when Kyle’s going to snap. And I’ve known him for years!

“Good luck,” John smiled as his car pulled up at the side of the road in front of the flats. “And remember, you’re visiting Cole tomorrow.” As if I could forget. “Please, just done be late Zack,” he said strongly. “I mean it.”

“Yeah yeah,” I nodded at him. “I promise I’ll be there.” John went to interrupt me but I quickly added, “on time,” to stop him.

He smiled at me and just shook his head.

“See you,” he called as I got out of the car.

“Bye. Thanks for the lift,” I called back as I made my way to the door and opened it with the code.

Our rooms are on the second to top floor of the building. The lifts haven’t worked in months. Basically, all of that summaries to me having a lot of stairs to go up.

When I eventually reached the our room, tired from all the stairs I’d climbed, I realized that I actually didn't have my key with me. Aren’t I clever? I mean, usually if anyone forgets their key, it’s Jay. The rest of us are smart enough to always have it with us. Stupidly though, this time it was me who forgot.

I knocked on the door a few times without getting any sign of a response. At first I started to think that no one was in. Kyle might’ve gone out to get away from us. Jay and Zan weren’t there when I left earlier. What if they’re still not back?

Luckily, all of those thoughts disappeared when I finally heard footsteps approaching the door. A breath of relief escaped my lips as the door swung open.

“Zander!” I gasped and quickly pulled him into my arms. I knew I was holding him too tightly but I was too happy and shocked to let go. “Where the hell have you been?” I asked him, still holding him in my arms.

He seemed a little tense, which was strange because he usually warms up and relaxes into my hugs almost at an instant.

“J-just around,” he stuttered a little.

Is this the right moment to pressure him into answering me? Wasn't that the reason why he ran off in the first place? He left because of me and my stupid questions and accusations. Yeah, it probably would be best if I just dropped it for now.

“I'm so so sorry,” I told him, pushing him back a little so he could look into my eyes and see how sorry I really am. “I’ve been worried sick about you,” I told him truthfully. “Please don’t do something like that ever again Zanny. You don’t want to know what I thought could’ve happened.”

At one point I thought I could’ve lost him. I thought I’d blown my chances and was never going to see him again. Worse than that though, part of me started to think that something really bad had happened to him. What if he was hurt? ...Dead?

“Zander,” I smiled, grateful that he was back and didn't look to be in any kind of pain. Once again he was in my arms, stuck in another bear hug. I didn't want to ever let go. He was safe here. No one can hurt him when he’s with me.

“Zack,” he moaned, blushing a little as he pushed me away from him. He looked, sort of, embarrassed.

“Sorry,” I grinned, not completely meaning my apology. I wasn't sorry for hugging him.

“I'm sorry too,” he said, looking into my eyes. “I know I shouldn’t of left and I know I'm in really big trouble but I just... I guess I overreacted Zack,” he explained to me. “I'm sorry for doing all of this.

I looked him straight in his eyes and nodded. He knew I’d forgiven him. Just as long as he’s back here safe and happy; I could never stay mad with him.

“Come here,” I teased him as I picked him up and carried him onto the sofa, bridal style after I kicked the front door shut behind us.

It wasn't till I sat him down that I realized we weren’t alone.

Kyle was sat there on the chair opposite, staring at us.

“I thought you said there was nothing going on,” he hissed before storming off towards his room in a huff.

“Ky!” I called after him.

Zan and I are just friends. For some reason, I know I’ve got to go after him and explain that to Kyle one more time.

Wait though...

Ky said he doesn’t care about stuff like this (even though this isn't what he thinks this is). So why is he so bothered?
♠ ♠ ♠
I'm too tired to say much right now

Thanks to
cameron liddell; x2
For commenting :)

I'm usually more hyper when i'm tired...Not today though :( *yawn*
I made a lot of you confused with that last chapter haha Especially Kristen seeing as i told her i was going to kill everyone (or something like that lol)

I was going to say something but my sleepy mind made forget

OH AND GOOD NEWS! (you're probably reading that and imagining hyper but i'm not this time lol, i just put caps on for effect)

My baby! (HWGTF) This one's little sister/brother! (you can decide if it's a boy or a girl, if the gender even matters lol) Has reached 1000 readers!!! ONE THOUSAND! I was really happy when i saw that a few days ago

Thought i'd let you know. Now i'm going to see if my teas ready cause i heard them shouting me ages ago but i couldn't be bothered going down mwhahaha
What am i like?

Oh and i apologize for the odd made up word in this chapter. I tend to make words up that sound right without knowing what they mean when i don't have internet or a computer to check it for me haha

Last thought before i disappear/ press submit: Google Chrome really sucks at spelling suggestions.