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Chapter 16

Zander’s Point Of View

Mr. Walker wants to talk to me! Oh God no! This can’t be happening. I'm not ready yet... What am I meant to tell him? The truth? Or is it better for me to come up with some lie? I seriously have no idea. All I know is it’s bound to end badly. Do you think I could get expelled for walking out like that? I really like it here. I don’t want to leave and try to settle down somewhere else again. In my other schools’ I’ve never been able to fit in as much as I do here. Here, I have friends.

This really isn't fair.

I wonder what Harley’s going to use as his excuse? It isn't likely that he’ll tell them he was with me, even though they’ve probably worked out we were together already. It wouldn't be hard seeing as both of us were gone at the same time. You wouldn't have to be a genius to make that kind of link.

Zack better be back soon... I might be able to tell him everything and then he could help me to work out my best options. Zacky knows what to do in these situations. Zack understands trouble; I don’t. I'm clueless right now. I’ve always been the good boy. I’ve never known any better.

“You alright?”

I jumped when I felt a hand on my shoulder. It took me a while to calm myself but when I realised it was just Kyle sitting beside me I couldn’t help but feel a little bit better. He’s no stranger to trouble so it’s not as if he’s going to judge me for doing what I did.

I don’t know him as well as Zack, but he’s all I have right now and I do like him. Maybe he could help me.

“Erm, kinda,” I lied. “Well, no, not really,” I told him shyly.

I'm not alright. I'm petrified. I don’t get in trouble! I am a good kid ! But I committed to worse crime possible too .

“You’ll be alright you know,” he smiled at me. “The worst you’ll get for bunking off is a few nights of detentions, possibly having to stay inside at lunch and breaks with a teacher and maybe a phone call home,” he told me. Truthfully those punishments don’t sound too good for me, but from the sounds of it Kyle thinks there could’ve been a lot worse. “It’ll blow over after a week or two and you’ll feel a bit better in the long run because you won’t worry about getting into trouble so much. Once you’ve had it once, you don’t think about it as much.

“You sure?” I asked him quietly.

“That’s how it was for me anyway... I dreaded my first detention, honestly, but afterwards they didn't bother me anymore. Just don’t get too worked up over this because I promise it won’t be as bad as you expect.”

He’s right. I’ve just got this feeling that he’s right about this one.

“Thanks Kyle,” I smiled at him. “W-what do I say to Mr. Walker?”

For a moment I felt slightly relaxed, but that’s gone now. I’ve got to face the headmaster. It’s not as if he’s horrible or anything like that; the problem is the way he’s going to look at me. He’ll be disappointed. He might shout at me... If he does that I know I’ll end up crying. I hate anything involving shouting and arguing. I’ve got too many bad memories of scenes staring that way and then ending with disaster.

I know that’s a bit pathetic. My eyes are watering a little now too, but it’s not as if there’s anything I can do to prevent the inevitable. If it’s has to happen; it’ll happen.

“You could tell him the truth,” he mumbled a little. “I’m not sure if I would, but it really depends on how bad the truth is and if it’s something you want the school knowing about.”

That makes sense, I have to admit that. Personally, I don’t mind telling them the truth, I'm just not sure whether Harley wants me to or not. Should I even be considering him when I'm in there? I doubt he’d think about me. He’ll just cover for himself to get out of it.

Right then Zack walked back into class and sat at the desk next to mine and Kyle’s. Usually Zack’s next to me and Kyle’s on his own, but because Zack had to be elsewhere, Kyle was keeping me company.

I was about to let Kyle know that Zack was back, seeing as he clearly didn't notice him walking in, but I stopped myself when Zack put his finger up to his lips. Okay... He wants me to stay quiet?

“I...erm, thanks,” I whispered awkwardly.

What Kyle’s been telling me is helping. I don’t need to hide the truth, so I'm going to tell Sir everything when I see him later.

“No problem,” he smiled and put one of his arms around me, shaking me around. “Now stop stressing,” he pouted, looking me in the eyes.

I laughed and noticed how happy Kyle seemed. This is the happiest I’ve seen him in so long. It sort of made me feel good about myself too because through him cheering me up, I managed to help cheer him up as well. Pretty cool, right?

He took his arm away from me and turned slightly in his seat, noticing Zack sat there watching us. To say he was shocked seeing him back so soon was a massive understatement. Kyle went red he was that surprised! That all just clarified to me that he generally had no clue Zack had been sat there.

“Snuck in the back,” Zack smiled. I assumed Ky must’ve given him a questioning look or something because there wasn't any verbal exchange before that.

Kyle was looking down at the table. He wasn't smiling like before. It was... odd. Has something happened between those two? It was awkward this morning and I know they had words last night. I wonder what happened.

“Is everything okay with you two?” I asked them, just to make sure.

“We’re fine,” Kyle answered quickly.

Zack didn't seem as sure but he nodded anyways.

Okay... There’s definitely something going on now.


When the bell rang my heart rate picked up dramatically and my entire body started shaking. I tried thinking about what Kyle told me: stop stressing, don’t get worked up, you’ll be alright . Minutes ago I was fine with accepting those words, but now I can’t do it. I'm hopeless. I'm too scared to even think properly.

Okay. Just breathe. It’ll be over soon...

As we walked out of the lesson the guys wished me luck and kept giving me words of encouragement. I can do this. I can do this!

The little office outside Mr. Walker’s room was just for the people who were waiting to be called in. It was a creepy and intimidating room. Hell, I can’t even imagine how bad the actual office will be with Mr. Walker there too.

Right. Just tell the truth.

One more time: I can do this!

“Zander,” he smiled slightly as he opened the door to his office and gestured for me to follow him through. “I don’t think we’ve met under these circumstances before,” Mr. Walker pointed out when I sat down opposite him. “Actually, I'm certain of it,” he smiled. “So, would you like to tell me what changed yesterday? Walking out of class is very out of character for you.”

“I-I know,” I told him nervously. “Z-Zack was asking me things a-and I overreacted,” I told him, stuttering and stumbling over some of my words. “Sorry.”

He nodded at me.

“Zacky Mondale?” he asked.


I seriously hope I haven’t just dropped Zack in it as well.

“What did he want to know Zander? It must’ve been bad if it made you walk out.”

“Like I said,” I took in a deep breath. “I overreacted. He just wanted to know why I was seeing M-Matt early,” I whispered, speaking as quickly as possible.

“Sensitive subject?” he questioned. I nodded shyly in response. “So where did you go when you walked out?”

“Toilets,” I whispered. Should I mention that Harley was in there too? I did say I was going to tell the truth. I have to do it then. I'm bringing Harley in on this. “Harley, um, the new kid, was in there too,” I told him. It’s best to just get everything out, especially knowing that I’ll need to mention Harley at some point.

“Then what happened?”

“We were, er, t-talking, but then he walked out,” I explained briefly, deciding not to mention how Harley was crying to start with. “I-I followed him. He left the school.” This time Mr. Walker didn't say anything after my pause. I assumed he wanted me to carry on speaking of my own accord. “I asked him if I could go with him, and he s-said I could,” I confessed, making sure he knew I wasn't pressured into leaving. I asked and Harley eventually gave in.

“Why did you want to leave?” he asked with a raised eyebrow.

“I was just... embarrassed,” I whispered to him. “I didn't want to go b-back after w-walking out.” My eyes were watering now even though he wasn't even shouting at me, he was just asking questions. I think that’s the part that’s making this worse; he’s being nice.

He watched as I blinked back my tears.

“Where did you go?”

“I-I don’t know,” I sniffed, failing to compose myself. I could tell he was trying to ignore the fact that I was crying, but I also knew that he doesn’t think I'm faking all of this to gain sympathy or anything. “We were lost,” I explained. “Well... I thought we were,” I told him as I wiped my eyes. “Harley l-lied.”

“About what?”

I shook my head while I tried to compose myself. I hate how pathetic I am at times.

“He said... He told me we were lost, but he- he k-knew where we were.”

Mr. Walker nodded at me, letting me know he understood.

“That’s all I need to know. I’ll come and find you later today if I need you again and I’d advice you have a little chat with Matt too.”

Why hasn’t he mentioned punishment yet? He’s letting me leave just like that?

“A-am I in trouble?” I asked stupidly.

He smiled down at me before answering, “I’ll find you later, Zander.”

I had a frown on my face as I walked out and wiped my eyes and nose. No one else was around so I didn't have to hide my feelings. I just wished this was all over with now... But it isn't. He has to see me again later.
♠ ♠ ♠
It's been almost a month... Sorry guys
I've had exams (which are over now) and writers block (which isn't over really)....
This ones a little longer than they have been lately (which is so what she said) but i'm not sure if it's sucky or not so i'll leave it up to you?>

How's everyone been? xD
I've been mibba dead for a bit too...not sure why though :S

Anyway (i doubt you'll remember what you put in your comments but i'll reply to it anyway haha...i might of done already though *shurgs* me no remember)

Thanks to THE BELOW HUMANOIDS for commenting!
Kade Holloway. I know what you mean :) We might have to wait and see... Maybe a little shift around will help with writers block...possible hehe

Fragile_Lies Zack will see Cole (in the next 3ish chapters...knowing me that could be 3ish months. Wait, holidays in two months or something so it won't be that long) WAIT! It isn't two months till the holidays! IT'S JULY! WHEN THE HELL DID JULY HAPPEN?!!?!! 20 somthing days till holidays! (I'm guessing)

cameron liddell; It feels like forever ago when i read that comment xD (it kinda was) Thanks for the help (I shall use it when i eventually get back into 'the little things...' and yeah i've pretty much already told you about all the stuff i could say haha (New game: Work out who your avatar is! Is it Zack? It looks like Zack hehe) JUST REALISED! ZACK AND ZACK HAVE THE SAME NAME! :O

CallMeSkittles I don't like Matt either. I was like 'OH LETS MAKE HIM NICE' but then i was like... hmm likes make him annoying and interfering/confusing in a sorta nice way but one that will get on peoples nerves lol Oh and just wondering if there was any plans for Don't Stand Too Close to Me? Don't worry if there's not :) Just curoius ;)

HeartShapedLocket Haha you always make it through my authors notes :P And i laughed loads reading over my work. I was like 'I TYPED THAT' Yeah... i really should read through more often....

EvilMonique I love my typos lol Oh and my mum was on my computer and i forgot to close the word document for this and...Yikes xD I kicked her out of my room... If she didn't read it, then she definitely suspects something now... shrink's playground FTW!

x.MrsAlexGaskarth.x I can actually imagine how that would be 'So, what should we talk about?' *shrugs shoulders* (silence) 20mins later "Bye :)" lol

..i will :3
Well, it was sports day on a day that happened this week and we were all 'sports! woop' And when we went to do high jump, there was this guy (who's friends with a friends brother) and he was wearing an A7X SHIRT! So...we worshiped him and my friend gave him a hug (but i wasn't paying attention so i missed it *sniffle*) And they're in sixth form so it was their last sports day so they weren't taking it seriously. So the guy in the a7x shirt basically just ran into the bar everytime (it was funny) but then someone told him to do the scissor kick thing, so he started practicing... and then we heard a ripping sound.... Yes. He ripped his pants. lol But it was funny and yeah, i felt like telling yous. Best part was that his a7x shirt was accompanied by spongebob squarepants boxers.

And on that bombshell (top gear quote) Goodbye!