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Chapter 17

Zacky's Point Of View

Kyle had the same first lesson as me. I didn't see that as a problem but I'm pretty sure that he did. To try and minimize some of the awkwardness between us I’ve promised myself, that unless he brings him up first, I’m not going to mention Zan at all. I’m sure Ky would appreciate that right now.

“Just a warning,” I told him, “Sam and Keith’s in our class so we’re gonna have to stick together and try not to lose it with them,” I reminded him. “I tried ignoring Sam yesterday,” I finally told Kyle,” “but that didn't really work.”

He nodded his head at me. For a second I thought I saw some hesitation in him, but that flashed away quickly and he started to look like good old Kyle again. It’s nice to see him back.

“I had Keith in one of my sciences, it was weird though,” Kyle muttered. “He was sorta being nice.”

I nearly laughed then.

“Yeah, well, you know how some people are; take them away from the evil best friend and they turn out a pretty nice guy.”

“Unless they’re planning something,” Kyle suggested as we walked into the classroom.

That was a good point actually. I hadn’t even thought about that before. But, with that being said, Kyle’s been able to think about their weird behavior since last night, and I’ve only just found out.

We went in and sat together at the back. Neither Keith nor Sam were there yet so that meant we could talk about them all they want. If I'm honest, we’d probably still do it if they were here; we just have more freedom when they’re not.

“Oh and I'm pretty sure Sam’s got a new recruitment,” I informed Kyle, just in case he wasn't already aware of it. “The new kid, Harley, and them seemed pretty close in English,” I explained. “It was all at my expense, of course.”

Kyle sighed but he knew we couldn’t really do anything about it. I mean, our group of friends and Sam’s group have been fighting since the beginning of high school. This thing’s been going on for way too long for it to suddenly end. This was a rivalry that wouldn't finish. Even when we’re older, I doubt we’d ever be able to be friends with the guys on Sam’s side. Maybe one day it will all just fizzle out. You never know.

“Do you know anything about that Harley guy?”Kyle asked.

Come to think of it, the only things I really know about him is his name, he’s new here and he’s a jerk. That’s about it really.

“Well...He’s bad news,” I frowned as I remembered how he tried to punch Zander on his first day here. Wow. I guess I now know why Kyle stepped in and took the punch for him. I really should’ve spotted the signs sooner.

“I hate him,” Kyle snarled. “And if he’s with Sam now then we’ve got even more reasons to wanna take him out." I raised an eyebrow at Kyle. What exactly is he intending to do? “That asshole punched me and wanted to hurt Zander. I'm positive me, you and Jay can sort him out,” he smiled. “Three on one sounds pretty good to me.”

I couldn’t help but smirk at that thought. I’d love to hurt to guy to get back at him. Even though I’m trying to be the good guy at the moment, sometimes you have to step up and strike back with vengeance. If we keep letting them off; they’ll walk all over us.

We had to think logically though. We need to stay one step ahead.

“He’ll have back up now, remember?”

“Nah,” Kyle said calmly. “He seems more of a loner to me, he won’t want Sam sticking his nose in.”

“You sure?” I asked him.

When I asked that, Harley walked into the room and sat on the back row in the far corner. He does look like a loner. If he was really that close to Sam and Keith then they would’ve all walked in together.

“What do you think?” Kyle smirked knowingly as he glanced over to our side, gesturing subtly at Harley.

Kyle was definitely right about this. If we choose to strike, his back up certainly won’t be a problem for us.

I looked over at Harley and caught him looking over at us. I expected him to look away and forget what it happened, but he didn't, he just sat still, staring at me. I looked back around so I was facing Kyle again.

“Freak,” Kyle whispered before we both turned to the front and noticed Sam and Keith strolling in casually. This school isn't very strict on people coming into lessons late when you reach sixth form. They just tell you if you missed something important it’s your own fault and you’ll need to catch up in your own time.

There weren’t any seats left at the back for them so they wound up at a desk roughly in the middle, closer to the front than the back though. I liked how far away they were. It was a comfortable distance, plus it meant we were less likely to have some sort of confrontation.

First lesson flew by and I was surprised that we actually managed to refrain from mentioning Zander too much. I'm worried about how he’s ding though. I'm sure he’ll be alright in the end but I know how worked up he can get over things.

Just as the bell went, signally the end of the lesson, Harley stood up and walked over to us. Everyone else was packing away and leaving now, including the teacher.

Well... this is awkward.

“Erm, is the emo kid you hang round with in today?” he asked us, looking a little nervous. Kyle’s body tensed so I quickly stood between the two of them to stop anything happening. Right now I want to hurt the kid but that’s going to have to wait. As they say: Revenge is best served cold.

“What’s it to you?” I hissed, still holding Kyle back. “And so you know, he isn't emo,” I said sharply, getting into Harley’s face. “And that kid has a name!”

“Well, is he in or not?” he asked, seemingly unfazed by anything I just said.

“Might be,” I smirked, liking how he still didn't have a straight answer.

“Yes or no?” he asked, still not looking affected. I have a feeling that Ky and I are going to keep our eyes on him after this. He seems...dangerous?

“Yes,” Kyle frowned as he pulled me back this time. He wasn't doing this to stop me from hurting Harley though. He did it to protect me.

It seemed like in less than a second Harley’s calm relaxed state had disappeared. He wanted an answer and when I refused to give it, his fists started to clench up. I didn't notice at the time but that must’ve been why Kyle stepped in. He can take Harley’s punches a lot better than I imagine I’m able to.

“Thanks Kier-Kat...” he stopped as he tried to remember Ky’s name.

“Kyle,” he supplied for him. “Now get out of my face.”

To my surprise Harley did just that. He walked out without another word to either of us. Strange? Well, really not even that sums him up.
♠ ♠ ♠
Le update!
I now have 3 stories on chapter 17 xD
That's my number at the moment!

Oh and i have just one more chapter to type up and then i can start writing again :)
AND I've finally updated the little things give you away and i'm working on it's next chapter now :P

Thanks to
cameron liddell; - Did i say that? Hmm i must've counted wrong then Oops. The next one doesn't have it either so it'll be 19/20 when that happens hehe I can't remember where i ended 18 so i'm not sure if it makes sense doing it after that or not yet
Fragile_Lies - Zannypoo! I actually think that the first time he's been called that! ...maybe haha
CallMeSkittles - CHILL KYLE CHILL! And i think a rewrites a good idea if you need to change stuff+ it'll help getting you back into it haha That was one of the first stories i read on here! <3
x.MrsAlexGaskarth.x - I'm not sure what happens later with Zander lol If i remember right then i forgot about it lol I'll need to add something in :P
HeartShapedLocket - what was i thinking? xD Are any of you actually human? lol Oh and if it was the chapter that was confusing let me know which bits and i'll try and sort it out. I wrote it in April so... yeah lol
For commenting! :)

Shorter authors note because i can't think of anything else to say....

edit Found more to say lol
I just looked at the reads on HWGTF and the one with the most is chappy 6 (im pretty sure that's the one with zack and cole in the car xD) and the chapter with the Mr. Baker raping Cole has, get ready for this, 20O! More readers than the ones around it :O That says so much about mibbaland xD
And something else that confused me, the last chapter has way more readers that the couple before it....
Just felt like giving you this information lol