‹ Prequel: Have We Gone Too Far?
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Chapter 3

Zacky's Point Of View

“Move!” I heard someone at the back of the classroom shouting as I walked into my English lesson.

I looked over to him and a frown immediately spread across my face. The guy didn't look familiar in any way at all to me, which meant that it was highly likely that he was the kid who threatened Zander and punched Kyle. He seems like the type to do that sort of thing as well. I mean look at him now, he actually just scared some guy out of his seat.

He looks a mess as well, you know, the classic rough look; that’s the one he has. To be honest, even though I know I shouldn’t judge people, I think I’d hate him right now even if I didn't know that he was the one Kyle and Zander were telling me about.

I went over and took my seat which was in the row in front of the new guy and diagonally across from him. He gave me a look, but I didn't know how to react to it. Was he trying to start something? If he was he’s even more immature than I thought to start with. We’re practically grownups now and he wants to start a fight in the classroom. Real mature.

Part of me wanted to confront him though, not about the look, obviously. I couldn’t care less about him looking at me like I'm the crap on his shoe. I want to stand up for my friends. The only problem with doing that is that it’ll get me in trouble and I’ve been trying my best to keep out of any since everything that’s happened. It’s changed me, I'm a good boy now...Kind of anyway.

I tensed up when I saw Sam walk in. He gave me a stupid smirk as he went and sat in the chair behind me, making sure that his feet were close enough to be able to kick my chair.

I do my best not to react to him now. He isn't worth it, but sometimes, it can be hard to control yourself, especially when someone has already put you in a bad mood.

“Stop it,” I hissed under my breath as a few more people showed up for the lesson.
Most of our lessons are like this now, everyone takes their time to eventually turn up; the teacher is one of those people too.

“Stop what?” he grunted, kicking my chair again.

Don’t you hate people like him? I know he’s only doing it for a reaction and that if I give him one he’ll be happy with it, but what can I do really? If I don’t react he’ll just keep on doing it. I know by now that Sam isn't the sort of person who gets bored and gives up on annoying people. He’s too good at it to let that happen.

I bet it’s some sick passion of his actually.

“You know what,” I mumbled, refusing to turn around and face him.

I wanted to make this whole thing go as unnoticed by everybody else as possible. It’ll be easier that way. Attention just fuels the guy on most of the time.

“No I don’t,” he said. Although I couldn’t see him, I could practically feel the smirk that he had on his face right then.

I took a deep breath and let it slide.

“Don't you like me kicking your chair forward?” he asked me. “I mean, aren’t you used to these sorts of movements?” he laughed, kicking my chair harder so it jolted forward.

Gay jokes. Very original isn't he.

“You’ve had more practise than most of us,” he smirked. “Some people wait until they’re legal, you wouldn't know about them though, would you?”

Just keep pushing me Sammy Boy. I dare you.

“You even got extra lessons in it,” he said, leaning over the table a little so I could hear him without him needing to speak louder. “Two teachers at once,” he said smugly.

I froze still for a few moments.

Everything he said then hit me like a ton of bricks. At school it’s as if there’s an unwritten rule that we can’t talk about the things that went on between me, Cole and Mr. Baker, especially when you’re talking directly to me.

It stung because I know there’s nothing I can do to pretend that I hadn’t heard him. He knows I heard, and more importantly, I do and I can’t exactly go and just forget about it. People at school are still thinking about it, talking about it behind my back. If they weren’t doing that then why would he even bring it up? It should be old news by now, but for some reason, in some people’s minds, it isn't.

The other bit that made it hurt was that I haven’t seen Cole in weeks now. It’s not that I don’t want to see him, I just haven’t had chance. Great, now he’s managed to make me feel guilty. Perfect.

“Can’t keep your hands to yourself,” he said in a much louder voice as he lent back into his chair.

I'm guessing he was expecting me to lash out before, that’s why he’s starting to get louder. Ha, he thinks a little extra volume will be enough to throw me over the edge. Maybe on the inside it might get to me, but not enough for him to notice.

I heard a whisper coming from behind and I was pretty sure it wasn't coming from Sam. He completely fails at being quiet. Seriously, he can’t do it. Not at all. His mouth has to be open. All. The. Time.

The whisper wasn't addressing me though; it was to get Sam’s attention.

That slight distracted was enough to make him stop annoying me and turn to speak to who wanted him. It turned out it was the new guy.

As you know, I can be a pretty nosy person, so I listened it on what they were saying. I guess you could say I had a right though, they were talking about me after all.

“What’s that about?” he asked Sam.

“You don’t know!” Sam laughed, playing like he was shocked before kicking my chair once more.

At that point I turned around to face him and shoved his table into him but because he’s the idiot that he is, he was leaning back on his chair when I pushed it so he ended up falling off it. I have to admit, it was hard not to laugh at him falling.

The new guy started eying me up again, probably confused and unsure what to make of the situation really.

I quickly turned back to face the front and realized everyone was looking over at us. Keep your head down, I told myself as I looked down at the table.

“You’ll pay for that Mongayle,” he grunted as he got back into his chair, but surprisingly didn't make a move to hurt me or get back at me right there and then.

I chose to ignore his accidental mispronunciation of my name and just rolled my eyes at it. He’s the only person in the school who still has a problem with me. Why won’t he just let it go? Even his best friend, Keith, accepts my sexuality. He doesn’t like me, he hates my guts, but I know that it isn't because I'm gay, it’s because my guys and Sam and his guys love making each other’s lives hell. That’s just how it is.

“He’s gay?” I heard the new guy ask him.

“Yeah,” Sam mumbled, to which the guy responded with a disapproving grunt.

Looks like the amount of people who judge me for being how I am just went up a little. I don’t care though, it’s not as if there was any chance on me and him being friends anyway.

By the end of the lesson I was just about sick of Sam and his chair kicking. The only thing I learned in the whole lesson wasn't even English related. It was just the new guy’s name. Harley. I’ve haven’t heard it before. Usually new names take a while to sink in for me, but I knew I’d remember his...

As soon as I was out of the room I practically ran into Kyle. As you can see, I was in a rush to get out of there.

“What the hell?” he laughed slightly as he picked his bag up.

I laughed a little; knowing that I must’ve scared him if that was enough to make him drop his bag.

“Sorry,” I breathed out, collecting myself.

“Someone really hates English,” Jay stated as he walked up to us. I'm guessing he saw all of that from wherever he just came from.

“Or the company,” Kyle mumbled when he saw Sam and Harley walking out of the room, talking to each other like they’d been friends all of their lives. I guess they were sort of made for each other, right?

“Who’s Sam with?” Jay asked in a hushed voice.

“Harley,” I told him. “The guy who gave Kyle his wikkle black eye,” I said in a teasing voice, earning a glare from Ky.

“I would’ve took him on but...” his voice trailed off.

“But what?” Jay asked, nudging his side.

“Nothing,” he mumbled.

“It’s something,” Jay and I said at the same time.

“Tell us,” he whined.

“I just, I guess you made sense for once Zack.” I raised an eyebrow at him as we walked out onto the yard. Me? Make sense? “All that stuff you said about rising above it and them not being worth it...You’re right...I guess,” he explained awkwardly.

I felt like there might’ve been more to it than that, but I dropped the subject anyway. He obviously doesn’t want to talk about it.

“You guys seen Zan?” I asked them.

Jay told me he hadn’t and Kyle said he went to see Matt during English. I found that a little strange though. Zan usually only has to go after lunch. He only goes earlier when there’s something up...

I hope that this is just a new schedule or something.

He didn't tell me there was anything bothering him.
♠ ♠ ♠
I've updated the ages on the character's page and added Matt and Harley (I'm putting this before my usual rambling in case i forget)
Oh and because if i update stuff on the characters here, it'll change it on HWGTF as well (that's right, i abbreviated it but by typing this I'm probably putting more than i would've anyways) And if on the prequel it was all Mr. Baker: Dead. Cole Sanders: Jail. Zander (surname I've forgotten): Murderer. Then it would give it all away a bit haha
So character descriptions that i need to change, but I'm hoping you know what the changes would be are for: Cole, possibly Beth and Ellie....maybe more. Oh his dad and probably his mum (his meaning Zack's)

Okay, i was off school all last week and only did one chapter. I suck xD
I has plans which is weird. Time off is my writing time not me do stuff time lol Oh wells
I'm not too sure how much I'll be updating for now because I've got loads of exams next week (+2 GCSE's) So yeah...revision :(
And i forgot that homework existed during the holiday so basically...I must catch up :(

Oh and guess what i did on Friday? Not just me but that's not the point. My Chemical Romance concert! Hahaha
I wasn't overly mad on them before, but i knew like 12 out of the 15 or so songs they did and I'm pretty big on them now xD
I was mainly going for the Blackout and they was epic haha So funny and amazing and blah blah blah

Oh and in case I'm dead (inactive) whatever for a very long time (I shouldn't be tho, usually revising means more writing cz i get less homework and only do like an hour revision a night so then i can have mibba time)
But if i am gone for a while, i must tell you about this. WE IS LIKE SEEING ALL TIME LOW AND YOUNG GUNS! XD
that's my news....

OKay, back to business
Ha busyness is a funny word...
OMG 'YES SEAN, WE ARE WILLING TO GET SERIOUS!" sorry...couldn't help it
Me=hyper mood

Thanks to
Silver.Aer Meany with the cliffys Hahaha I like it. That's not the first nickname I've been given with this story lol. Sunny writes calls me Cliffy. OMG that's pretty much the same name xD Did i do a cliffy here? YES! LOL Living up to ma name
Oh and thanks for the luck. They said i could get there at 9 instead of 8:30 and they're going to let me muck about on the computers for my break cz i can't go anywhere or something. Does that mean mibba time? hehe I doubt i'd write there tho...could be weird
Naoko Just re-read your comment lol 'No more beat Zack to a pulp action' Sorry....He just kicked the chair though haha Me giving you some (words...) That's right, i forgot what i was going to say haha 'Make Zack do something bad to him' I shall see...
I hope you're evil mood is better now, i just noticed that. Big smiley face :D It helps if you picture that face on a dog right before it walks into a lamp post because it's too bust showing off and flirting with a cat (i was going to say a purple one but i doubt they exist). That helps me...
HeartShapedLocket First thing about the new kid 'He better have kool hair' xD I love that. And i tried to look for the cool hair, but then i got some guy with his hood up. But just imagine what's under that hood of his. A fine head of hair? Just picture it!!!!! :D You like what you imagining? hehe And he is a meanie...at the moment, but will he be in the future? Yes, yes he will. Or am i just saying that? Well?
I honestly have no idea what I'm trying to do right now...

Thanks for the comments guys! I know i put thanks to further up but i wanted to put thanks again and i don't think anyone will have a problem with that so why not
Love you guys in a none creepy stalker kinda way...

Zan's POV next...I hope.
Anyone think they know what's bothering Zan, if anything? I haven't decided yet lol
Oh and a quick question: (i keep thinking of stupid things...I shall save them for another time though) Erm... Who is your least favorite or favorite character?
I guess knowing that will help me work out who you want to hear from in the sequel and who you want to slowly fade into the distance haha

You can tell i haven't been on here in a while. I have so much important/ Irrelevant things to say!

Longest authors note of the sequel so far? Pretty sure it is

I'm stopping now
19 words changed :P