Status: Paused Until Further Notice :)

Little Black Dress

; the Eighth

I wake up to the sound of Taylor Swift's high voice, a pitch a could never reach while singing along. “Romeo take me, somewhere we can be alone,” she sings, and I scrunch my eyes together, pressing my fingers to my temples to try to push out my pounding headache.

“Turn it down,” I mutter, having no idea who I'm talking to, and press harder to my skull. God, I hadn't had a headache for so long, and definitely wasn't missing out. It's so bad that even my teeth hurt. I run my tongue over them before opening my eyes.

My vision is blurry and covered in dancing grey spots. I squint and swallow the excessive amount of saliva sitting at the back of my throat. I feel terrible.

Blinking a few times, my vision begins to sharpen even though the spots are still there. I look to my right, my eyes parallel to the carpeted floor. I think that's Casey. He's laying beside me, arms outspread and head tipped back, mouth wide open. It's weird to see him like that but not be able to hear him snore.

I roll my head to the other side, fingers outstretched and reaching for Larnie. I close my hand on her small, chubby arm and take comfort in her body heat.

“What happened?” I ask the air, which is covered in floating specks of dust. I lift my head and see drawn curtains, the horrible home-made grey kind. Faint light filters in from above them, lighting the air. There's the distinctive sound of a fan whirring somewhere to my left.

The ground jolts and it feels like I'm falling. I sit up abruptly, my head spinning out of control. The ground jolts again and I grasp at the floor, trying to keep my balance. A confused sound escapes my mouth before I can stop it.

I'm surrounded by four walls. Two short ones, to the front and behind me -the one to the front has a small, darkly tinted window- and two long ones, to the left and right of me. The one to the left has the curtains, the one to the right, nothing.

The soiled ground is still moving, and I flick at a cigarette butt sitting next to my outstretched leg.

That's when I realise I'm in the van.
♠ ♠ ♠
For Chloe Gray.
And yes, I know it's very, very incredibly short, but I was sick of this block in my brain and just wanted to update for all of you amazing people.

Hope you like it still :D