Status: Hopefully, very ACTIVE.

A Ravens Kiss


~October 31, 1815~

I sit in the dim candle lit ballroom, idly gazing at the dancing pairs. It was fairly tedious as all the couples did the same routine. No matter the difference in tune, they all seemed to know what dance went with it. This was my first time at a human ball therefore I had no affinity and found no appeal in what went on during one.

Rolling my eyes, I release a pent up breath. I had been notified of a death that would occur after this party. Being an Angel of Death, I was under obligation to guide this soul to heaven to be judged.

But until the mean time I had to blend in with these humans. It was not as if they disgusted me…it was the way they went about their lives. It was akin to watching rain pool in the cracks between the coble stones.

I was about to stand and take a momentary leave for some fresh air when a shadow was cast upon me. Furrowing my brow I tilt my head back to see who or what it was. My eyes met the most beautiful shade of blue. Lighter then the sky but darker than icicles in the artic. Even with his masquerade mask on, I could easily tell he was endowed with beauty. With his lips curved up into a smirk and hand extended to me, he spoke.

“May I have this dance?” He asked with a bow, his voice delightfully deep. Cautiously tilting my head to the side, I stare at the offered hand. The grin never faltering as I hesitate in taking up his offer; a strange tingle passing through my veins upon our contact.

“I must say first…I have never danced before, sir.” I utter, looking upon his face with a tilted gaze. My heart fluttering when his smirk turns into a genuine smile.

“Fear not, milady, I will teach you.” The over confident attitude of this human startled me. Perhaps it was because I had little contact with the humans who lived longer than minutes before dying, but…there was something about this man that made my stomach churn and my pulse race.

I must have stepped on his toes at least two dozen times and tripped over the hem of my gown twice as much, during our first dance. It was embarrassing yet I found hilarity in it, the way this man reassured me set my body ablaze. And before I knew it…it was over. I mimic everyone else in bowing toward the man, a strange heat flaring on my cheeks.

“Please accept my apologies, good sir. I did not intend to hurt you if I did.” I whisper, the fire on my skin refusing to cool. He walked me back to my chair before replying.

“You did not harm me, milady. I was more concerned about your safety rather than mine.” He whispered before kissing my hand, sending fresh shivers up and down my spine. There was a slow melody filling the room as another sly grin spread across his perfectly sculpted lips, and yet again this caused pleasant chills to tickle my skin.

“May I be so bold as to ask for another dance, milady?” If the previous sensations were not a sign of my desirability for this unknown man, than the feeling of desire and need certainly sent up warnings. But I pushed them aside, letting my impulsive cravings for his touch take control.

“You may, good sir.” I whisper, my pounding heart mixed with his charm leaving me breathless. He took me by the hand once again, slowly this time. It was as if the world had slowed in time with the music. With a disappearing smile, he lifted our hands up, pulling them apart so that our fingertips were just barely touching. He began to move in a circular motion, with me mimicking his every move. My eyes never leaving from his, my lips never pulling together, my chest seizing to calm as the sensuality of this dance took hold of me.

Just as the instruments were dying down a glimmer of bronze caught my eye. For the first time since our dance started, I looked away. An icy chill filling my veins as a dark figure standing behind a pillar motions for me to come to it. With a breath caught in my chest, I glance apologetically to the man who had utterly enraptured me before pulling my hands away to grasp my dress, running after the disappearing figure. Stopping only once to give one last glance at the man, who was still standing in the middle of the dance floor, watching me leave him behind.


The clicking of my heels against cold stone echoed through the barren streets as I race after the cloaked figure. The chilly night air affecting me little as my body was already frozen with fright. Slowing down I glance around, checking to see if any humans were in sight. Sighing in relief that there were none, I concentrate on revealing my wings. Unfurling them with a breath of pleasure, it felt so lovely to stretch the out after keeping them hidden for so long. I hated hiding them, it felt unnatural. Shaking my head I take to the sky, searching for the cloaked figure.

His aura was familiar and pulsating as I neared the forest surrounding the city. With his hood down there was no doubt in my mind who this angel was…

“Ezekiel, what brings you down to the human world?” I ask, relief replacing the icy chill in my heart. There was never anything to fear when Ezekiel was present. Smiling softly, I turn him toward me, a hand gently caressing his cheek.

“Estelle…I have come to…release you of your duty.” My smile was never hesitant as he placed his warm hand on my cheek. However, the tone in his voice ignited the fear in my heart once more. Those golden eyes of his told me that I had done something gravely unforgivable. Not like when I stole a peek into the Seraphim Court, kind of trouble…Horrible, forbidden trouble.

“…You have committed one of the illicit crimes an Angel is never forgiven for executing.” His words did not sink in at first. I blink innocently up at him; still terribly confused as to what I had done that was so wrong.

“You are to be stripped of your wings and banished to forever walk the Earth…for the crime of lusting after a creature that is so sacred to the creator….” It was at the very moment when his words trailed off that two more Angels that I was well acquainted with, came rushing down on me. They roughly take hold of my wings as I was still attempting to comprehend the meaning of Ezekiel’s words.

“Wa-wait!!! Please hear me out, Ezekiel!!!!” I cry, salty tears streaming down my frozen cheeks, my hands tightly gripping onto his arms for support. The cold metal of the Angels blades slicing into me easily encourages a scream, Ezekiel’s hands keeping me from trying to flee or buckle from the pain.

“I am sorry, my love…” Was his painful ghost of a reply. Shattering screeches that sounded nothing like my own filled the night, the sky crying with me as icy droplets hit my skin like little needles. I was alone now…lying in a pool of my own blood. I had no one…Nowhere to return to…It was all ripped from me like a weed from a garden, all because of a dance with an overly confident charmer….

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Blegh...I love the beginning but it starts to deteriorate at the ending. xO
Tell me what ya think, though.
