Status: Active.

Have Faith In Me.

Cause there are things in the streets that I don't believe

It was August 2nd when I first met him. The day was so beautiful and so was he. He was sitting in my spot, not that it had my name on it or anything. His hair was this shaggy brown mop that looked like he hadn't brushed it in days and he had a 5 o'clock shadow on his indifferent face. He didn't even look up when I sat next to him, he continued reading a leather bound book, it looked worn and well used. We sat in silence, every few seconds I would glance over at him. He didn't even look my way, not once.

He wasn't there the next day or the day after that. The day after that though, he was. His hair was brushed and his face was hairless, besides his eyebrows, of course. He still didn't look at me. All he did was read that stupid leather book. He wasn't there for two days and on the third day, he was there again. It was a pattern, every three days he would be there and each day, he would still read the same book.

I have to talk to him, that is all there is to it. The next time I see him, I will say something, something that will spark an interest with him. Make him want to talk to me more, make him like me.

Today is the day. The sky is blue, the sun is shinning, and I feeling like vomiting.

"Hi." It slips out of my mouth before I can stop it.

He looks up. Dark brown, his eyes are dark brown. They have these black specks through out them. His mouth is moving, now it's not. Shit. He was talking, what did he say? Come on, think Ivy, Think.

"I'm Ivy." Hopefully that worked.

He smiles, its a full smile, his teeth were showing and everything.

"My name's Daniel." His voice was deep and a bit gruff, just like I imagined.

We talked for the rest of the day. He didn't pick up the book again, well until I left. Information was exchanged and a date was set. It went better than I expected it to. In all honesty, I thought he was going to ignore me. I still don't understand why he spoke to me but I'm so happy he did. I'm jumping on the inside, literally. I can see a smaller version of me inside my head, bouncing around the confines of my skull with a giant grin on her face that looks like she's on drugs. A lot of drugs.

I can't stop smiling or replaying the scene in my head. Its almost to good to be true. I bet it is. I bet Daniel isn't his real name AND that his favorite color isn't even green! What if this isn't even his real number or email? This is probably a joke. A big fat joke.
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All types of feedback is welcome. (: