Status: Done :(

I've Been Waiting Such a Long Time for Someone to Come Along


One Year Later

"Anna! I can't find my heels." I called out through my apartment.

Anna was my room mate and business partner. She was the co-owner of Leonardo's, our restaurant that she named after Leonardo DiCaprio, and she was my best friend. When I first moved to Massachusetts she offered to let me stay with her for a few weeks until I found a place, but then she decided that I should just move in with her.

She knew that my brother was in a band. In fact, Garrett had come to visit twice since I had moved in, and Trey once. She wasn't a huge fan of their music, but she liked it. Garrett had a big crush on her the first time they met, but Anna had an adorable boyfriend named Stephen who looked just like Jim from The Office. They were a match made in heaven and high school sweethearts to top it off.

I was jealous of them to say the least. After the sixth blind date she set up for me I finally had to tell her about John. We cried and ate ice cream that whole night. She was like the sister I never had.

She didn't encourage me to talk to him like I thought she was going to. Stephen, however, was another story. Every time I saw him he would ask if I was going to call John. It annoyed me and he knew it. Much like Anna, Stephen was one of the best friends I had in Boston. But he annoyed the shit out of me at times.

"Which heels?" She yelled back.

"The black ones you borrowed for your birthday party." I answered as I searched through my closet.

After I didn't get a reply I turned back to yell for her again. When I did she was standing there.

"Oh shit you scared me!" I exclaimed.

"Sorry." She laughed. "Here's your shoes."

I grabbed the heels from her hand and slid them on my feet.

"I'm ready to go then." I said.

We walked out of the apartment as she said, "Good. I'm sick of always being late because of you."

"Hey! That's not fair. I'm not always late, I'm just usually late." I corrected her.

"Shut up." She chuckled as she locked the door of our apartment.


"The party has arrived!" I announced as we slid into the booth with Stephen who had already been there for some time.

He invited us out to dinner at The Weekenders which was Anna's favorite place. I sat across from them as we looked at the menu.

"I see you're late again. Thanks to Millie, babe?" He asked as he gave Anna a kiss on the cheek.

I frowned as I got the feeling in the pit of my stomach that I always got when I saw couples being romantic in front of me. It reminded me of the way John and I were...for like a month. But God, that was the best month of my life.

"Yeah she couldn't find her shoes." She replied.

"The ones you borrowed." I pointed out.

"Alright. Well, I wanted to ask you something Ann." Stephen said with a grin.

"Okay honey." She smiled as she turned to him.

Stephen got up from the booth and down on one knee in front of her as he opened a little black box that held a stunning engagement ring. My mouth dropped open and Anna gasped.

"Anna Lee Allison, I am so in love you. I met you in the fourth grade and had a crush on you instantly. I knew I was going to be with you forever. I asked you to homecoming and you said yes, I asked you out on a date and you said yes, I asked you to be my girlfriend and you said yes, and now I'm asking you to marry me." He looked up at her hopefully and I got tears in my eyes.

I flashed back to the day John proposed to me. He was so sweet and nervous. And although it was fake, it felt so real.

"Yes!" She cried as he wrapped her arms around his neck. "Yes, yes, yes, yes, yes, I love you so much!"

"Congratulations." I smiled.

The couple was now standing up in an embrace and grinning.

"Thanks Millie." Anna smiled. I'd never seen her so happy. In fact, I don't think I'd ever seen anybody that happy.

"Thanks Mill. You gonna bring a date to the wedding?" He winked.

"I would so give you the finger right now if you hadn't just made my best friend so happy." I joked.

He grinned and they smiled before kissing each other again. My heart was breaking at the adorable sight.

That could have been me.


"Are you gonna visit her?" Shane asked as he sat down next to me on the couch.

"What are you talking about?" I asked, looking over at him.

I knew what he was talking about. It had been the only thing on my mind for a year. Over a year, actually. I was going to Boston in two weeks. I had been to Boston before in the last year, but this time it would be on her birthday which was unfortunately the same day I proposed to her and we broke up.

I never even knew.

The last year had been hell for me. I drank so much it worried everyone around me but it was the only way I could escape the shitty feeling that was always present in my heart.

"You know...Boston." He said.

For some reason, Millie had been keeping in touch with the kid. It annoyed me that she wanted to keep talking to my little brother and not to me. He kept the ring too. When Ross and Sierra got married he didn't let them have it. That girl cast a spell on every guy she encountered. The kid wanted her to have the ring almost as much as I did.

"I- she doesn't wanna see me, okay? So let's all just forget about it." I sighed.

I felt like a failure. I failed at school, and love. It was only a matter of time before the band failed too.

"In the last email she sent she said that- well she told me not to tell you- but she said she was thinking about you a lot. Apparently her friend just got engaged and she asked me how you were." He told me.

My heartbeat accelerated and I sat up upon hearing this.

"She asked about me?!" I exclaimed. "What did you tell her?"

"Uhh..." He stuttered nervously as he scratched the back of his neck.

"What did you tell her?" I repeated slowly.

"Well...I told her you weren't good..." He trailed off.

"Is that it?" I asked.

"And I may have told her that you bookmarked her restaurant website." He admitted.

"What did she say?" I asked.

"Nothing yet. I just sent it this morning." He said.

"How long does it take her to reply?" I asked.

"It's different each time." He shrugged.

"Did she say she missed me?" I asked him quietly.

I honestly didn't even know what I wanted him to say. It would be incredible if she did, but that would probably mean she wasn't happy. If she didn't miss me then she had probably moved on to someone much better. I saw a picture of her awhile ago with some guy that looked like Jim Halpert. Her celebrity crush was John Krasinski so I assumed they were dating.

"She didn't say either way." He replied.

I nodded and ran my hands through my hair.

"So are you going to go see her?" He asked again.

♠ ♠ ♠
Damn John.

This was just a filler to get you familiar with the new characters and setting.

I got more comments on the last chapter than I've been getting, but there are almost three hundred people subscribed to this so I was wondering if you guys could just tell me something you like or dislike about the story. And I'm always open to plot suggestions too.

Also, check out my new story Money Can't Buy You

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