Status: Just Started

Letters to Faith

Toe out of line

“Susie really, dinner was amazing you shouldn’t have made so much food” I repeated as Brian and I got ready to leave.

“Well since Brian never comes over for dinner I like to overcook when he does come over” she pointed out.

Laughing I nodded; “Well remember whenever you want to get rid of McKenna or want to go on a trip just you and Papa Gates. I’d love to stay with her” I reminded her.

“You’ll be the first one I call” she laughed.

Smiling I hugged her before walking over to where Brian was with his dad and sister.

“So you promise that you’ll take me to six flags soon?” McKenna begged Brian.

Laughing he nodded; “I promise, and Faith will come along too” he added quickly knowing that she would ask about me.

“Now Faith, I have good trust that you’re keeping my son in line right?” Papa Gates asked me chuckling.

“Oh trust me, he knows better than to put a toe out of line” I smirked.

Brian chuckled pulling me to his side by my waist as he left his arm around it as he kissed my cheek. “I know better than to get in trouble; thanks to this cutie” he played along.

“Nice to know my son is in capable hands, keeps my mind at peace knowing he’s not breaking any laws” Papa Gates joked around.

“Now I told Susie this and I’m telling you too; anytime you want McKenna out of your hands she’s more than welcome to stay with me” I assured him.

“You two trying to play house?” he asked amused.

I smiled laughing; “I love this girl” I told him as I hugged McKenna.

“She’ll be in good hands” Brian assured Susie and Papa Gates.

“It was nice seeing you guys again” I murmured smiling as Brian and I walked out of the house and into his car.

“So you’re staying at my place tonight then?” he asked as he started driving out of the neighborhood.

“I think it would be best; we still need to talk about earlier” I noted.

“I didn’t mean to get you freaked out; it’s just that I’m turning 27 next year and I’m thinking of actually being settled down before I’m 28” he informed me.

“Brian, you have to remember, we’re not the same age. What you want could be different from what I want at the moment” I reminded him.

“It’s only a three year difference” he pointed out.

“Brian when you were 23 I doubt you wanted to get settled down with marriage and kids as
compared to now” I pointed out.

“It doesn’t have to be right away; just simple small steps. I can see myself growing old with you” sighing he rubbed his eyes before looking back on the road, we were only a few minutes from his house.

“Look, I’ll think about going ahead with the small simple steps. But no more talking about kids, just for now? Brian I know where you’re coming from but I’m still learning about life”.

“I understand. Would it seem cheesy if I told you that I just wanted to cuddle with you tonight?” he asked sending me a smirk as he parked his car.

Smiling I looked over at him; “I would find it really cute” I admitted.

“Great; cause that’s what we’re doing tonight and all of tomorrow” was all that Brian said, practically ordering me as we got out of the truck and into his house. Pinkly jumping up on leg wanting me to pick her up.

“I’ll let her out while you get changed and all that stuff; I know you hate going to sleep with make up on your face” Brian walked away with Pinkly as they stepped onto the back porch.
Shaking my head I realized how he had learned my little quirks in my routines and how he didn’t care that I had my make up stuff and face cleaners at his place when I technically didn’t even live here.

“You finished quickly” was all he said as I found him laying on the bed just watching T.V.

“Well I’m tired” murmuring I lay down as close as I could without being on top of him.

“I love you” he murmured into my neck softly.

I smiled softly before pecking his lips, “I love you too” I assured him.

“What would you say about moving in?” he asked randomly.

Grinning I nodded; “But do you know how much shit I own?” I asked him.

“We can just get our friends to help move your stuff”.

“Is there enough room in your closet?” I made sure.

“We’ll make room” he compromised.

“Does this mean I can now dress pinkly up in cute little outfits?” I pleaded.

Sighing he gave in causing me to smile even more before just adjusting my arm on his
shoulder; enjoying the moment.