Status: Complete



Rowa and I make a circle on her floor then sit down and hold hands. We are both strong blood witches and as twins our magick works together in an amazing way. Between us is a clear crystal stone used for scrying. We ask it who is doing this to us.

At first I see nothing so I try to clear my mind and relax in order to focus better. Finally a blurry image of a hand appears. On the hand is a golden ring with a big ruby. It seems almost familiar but from where?

“I’ve seen that ring before,” Rowa announces. “I know who’s hand it is.”

“Who?” I question.


“You think Blaze is doing this?”

She shrugs. “I don’t know. Scrying isn’t always correct.”

“What do you think we should do?”

“I think it’s time to call Camden.”

Camden is our older cousin on our mum’s side. He lives in Ireland and is 18 years old. He’s the youngest seeker in the High Council of witches. Seekers come after you if you are using your magick wrong.

“Okay,” I nod.

“This is ridiculous. Blaze is a good guy,” Mum complains when Camden arrives.

“Whether this is all right or wrong I still have to investigate it. It’s my job. Are you going to let me stay with your or not?”

“Of course you can stay,” Mum agrees.

“Good,” Camden nods.

“Would you like to join our circle tomorrow night? There’s a full moon.”

“Sounds great.”

At school the next day a small girl approaches us outside. She seems shy and almost afraid. She has straight brown hair and the darkest green eyes. “My great grandma was a witch,” she informs us. “I know there’s a full moon tonight and I thought maybe I could join you guys?”

“Of course. We’re always open to new people,” Rowa replies, smiling excitedly.

We all stand outside with our jackets on. The first snow will be coming anytime now. It’s cold. We hold hands in our circle. Camden is holding Morgan’s hand and she is looking up at him like he’s the sun itself. It’s cute really. I wonder if he notices…

“Make a wish everyone,” Rowa instructs as we move deasil. Some people wish for better grades on tests and Saffron wishes he didn’t have to take the garbage out anymore. I can’t help laughing at some of the silly requests. Finally it is my turn and I wish for more understanding. Wyatt wishes for pure love. Rowa wishes for whatever will make her even more happy than she already is.

This weekend Rowa and I both have dates. Camden is also going to Morgan’s to help her study Wicca. I go to Wyatt’s and he surprises me with a dinner he cooked himself. “This is delicious,” I tell him. His aunts are out at a book club tonight so we have the house to ourselves.

I ask him if he’d like to do a circle with me and he agrees. We go into his den which he explains is kind of his room just for magick. We hold hands and sit facing each other. I focus on scrying with the candles burning bright in front of us. I look into the dancing flame and search for an answer to the future. The images switch fast and it’s almost hard to catch them before the candle goes out. I see Rowa singing holding a teddy bear, Wyatt and I kissing in a hot tub, and Demetrius screaming. I can’t make sense of any of it.

“What do you think it’s trying to tell us?” Wyatt inquires.

“I have no idea,” I shrug.

“Our magick goes well together.”

“It does,” I agree.

We go to his room and kiss on his bed. He rolls on top of me and his tongue slips into my mouth. I kiss back passionately, practically groping him in the process, pulling him close as possible. He tangles one hand in my hair and straddles my waist. Both of our bodies are beginning to react physically and I blush, pulling away panting lightly. “Sorry, I can’t,” I say. “Not yet…I’m not ready.”

“That’s okay,” he smiles. “I understand.”

“Good,” I nod. I was worried he’d be upset but he’s not. We spend the rest of the night cuddled on his couch watching an old romance movie. It’s perfect.

Rowa picks me up in her car later and she is smiling and giggling happily. “I’m
guessing it went well,” I say, amused.

“Can I tell you something that you won’t tell mum?”

“Anytime,” I promise.

“Oliver and I made love and it was so romantic.”

I am in disbelief. My sister and Oliver…they made love. She is happy though so I should be happy for her. I just can’t believe she was ready already. We always do things at the same pace and now she’s growing up faster than me. I don’t know what to make of it so I just nod. “That’s great Rowa.”
♠ ♠ ♠
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