Status: Complete



Everything happens so fast. Camden catches Blaze and Demetrius casting a dark spell against my mum. He tells them that he has to take them away to the council and most likely they will have their powers stripped from them. They try to fight. They throw witch fire over at Camden who deflects it easily and zaps them back. They fall to the ground and he puts two silver braighs on them. They are chains with magick flowing through them like electricity. They burn but they prevent you from using magick or escaping. Demetrius rolls on the ground howling and I wince. This is not a pretty sight.

Camden takes them away and we all stare for a long time and no one says anything. Wyatt finally takes me into his arms and I close my eyes. “It’s all over now. It’s okay.”

We go inside and I sit down on the couch, leaning against Wyatt. He keeps an arm around me protectively. “Are you okay mum?” Rowa asks. “I know you were close with Blaze.”

She nods slowly. “I’ll be fine.”

The next night I go to Wyatt’s. He hugs me and we fall asleep together on his couch. I wake up screaming. “Hey, it’s alright,” Wyatt is saying. “It’s all over now. No one will hurt you again. I’ll protect you.”

I cry all over his sweater. “Everything’s just going wrong. Rowa’s growing up faster than me and Mum’s upset because she trusted Blaze and I don’t know how I’m supposed to welcome any new people into our circles now. What happened was terrible. I feel so upset.”

“It’s going to be okay. I promise,” he assures me. He takes my palm and draws the rune Wynn on it for happiness and peace. I dry my face on my sleeve then kiss him. He kisses back and we are still making out when his aunts walk in.

“Oh…” they say. “Sorry for interrupting you boys.”

“It’s fine. I have to be getting home,” I yawn.

Wyatt walks me to the door and kisses me goodnight. I drive home feeling a little better. Maybe things will really start looking up now.

I sleep until noon. When I wake up my mother is telling me I have Wyatt here waiting for me. I hurry to get dressed, almost tripping in the process, and run my hands through my hair before going downstairs. Wyatt smiles at me. “Hey.”

“Hello,” I smile too. He kisses my cheek then sits with me on the couch.

“I brought something,” he announces, producing a cloth pouch from his pocket. He opens it and reveals a clear crystal. “It’s called Morganite. It’s another form of Beryl stone. It changes color with the sunlight. It can be white, lavender, pink, or pale blue. It’s a powerful healing stone. If a blood witch holds it and sends energy into it, it will reveal what is deepest in their heart.”

He hands it to me. I close my eyes and send my energy into the crystal, concentrating hard. When I open my eyes and look at the crystal I see a perfect image of Wyatt reflected on it. I turn to him and he grins.

“That’s amazing.”

I nod, still in shock.

“I love you Jayce,” he tells me.

“I love you too.”

I lean in and kiss him. He kisses back passionately, hand in my hair. His tongue dances with mine and I blush lightly, my hands falling to his waist. Finally he pulls away and I pout, not wanting it to end, not wanting the closeness to separate. “Let’s go to my room,” he suggests and my heart starts to beat faster. I follow him quickly up the stairs and down the hall. We both fall onto his bed and he lies on top of me. His tongue dances with mine and our hips rock together rhythmically.


“You two be careful,” Gwenn O’Connor says to her nephew before going out to meet some witches from her coven. Camden smiles as Morgan blushes.

“Why did she tell us to be careful?” Morgan questions quietly.

“I guess she thinks we might make love.”

“Would she be mad?”

“No, in Wicca it’s different. It’s seen as a celebration of love, of life, acknowledging the God and Goddess. It’s beautiful, something special.”

“Oh….” Morgan mumbles shyly. Camden laughs.


He is still straddling me and his lips are inches from mine when we hear his aunts enter the house downstairs. We are both blushing and panting lightly. My hair is a mess. The air is thick with lust, arousal, love, passion, and magick. “I love you,” he tells me again.

“I love you too,” I reply, looking into his eyes. He kisses me again then sits up.

“We better go downstairs before my aunts get nervous.”

I nod. “Okay.”
♠ ♠ ♠
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