Status: Complete



“So what happened with you and Wyatt?” Rowa asks when I get home.

“We kissed,” I reply honestly. There was a bit of touching going on in there too but she doesn’t have to know every detail.

She rolls her eyes at me.

“We said I love you,” I inform her just so she doesn’t get bored.

“For the first time?”

I nod.

“That’s so exciting!” she hugs me.

Our next circle is held at Saffron’s house. It’s very laid back and neutral. It gives the house a comfortable appeal to it. We push furniture out of the way and draw a circle on the floor. I hold Wyatt’s and Rowa’s hands. Camden has Morgan’s hand. They are getting along well. She is curious and smart. He has a lot to be able to teach her and she loves it.

Just as our circle ends a bunch of kittens wander over mewing at us. “They’re adorable!” the girls squeal. One black kitten pulls at my jeans so I bend down and pick him up. He purrs happily. He has the most brilliant green eyes and the blackest fur coat I’ve ever seen. He’s perfect.

“My cat just had kittens a few weeks ago. We’re trying to get rid of them,” Saffron explains.

“How much do I have to pay for this one?” I ask him.

“You can have it for free,” he grins.

Rowa keeps petting the cat the whole way home. She is excited we now have a pet in the house.

“Mum, look what I got,” I show her the small creature.

She smiles. “He’s very cute. I guess we better go to the store and get some supplies for him.”

I had no idea how drastically my life would change in two days. Everything was going so great and then I get hit with tragedy. It’s like running full speed into a brick wall. Two little words changed everything. “I’m pregnant,” Rowa announced, tears and make up streaming down her face. Mum jumped up and asked her if she was sure. When Rowa nodded Mum hugged her. I just stood there like an idiot. I was in shock. I never imagined this could happen. This isn’t how things were supposed to be.

I called Wyatt and went to his house immediately, throwing myself into his welcoming arms and sobbing. “Rowa can’t be a mother. We’re still young. We’re supposed to do everything together at the same pace. Now she’s grown up and I’m not. I don’t know what to do. This is too much. She’s my twin sister and now she’s going to be a mom!”

He held me tight. “It’s going to be okay.”

“I think I’m gonna’ throw up,” I stood suddenly and barely made it to the bathroom down the hall. I fall to my knees and hit them hard on the tile.

Wyatt rubs my back and whispers soothing spells. I am too upset to be embarrassed. My whole world has been turned upside down. I don’t know what to do or think anymore.
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