Status: Complete



After that bad things seemed to continue to follow. Oliver broke up with Rowa and moved away. It seemed that a dark cloud had descended over our family. I sat with Wyatt and tried to scry for the future. I needed some kind of answers. I see Rowa very pregnant and on the floor screaming. I see thunder and witch fire and me holding Wyatt and sobbing. It’s too overwhelming and I cry.

We try to make everything appear to be normal again but it’s difficult. There’s always an awkwardness and uncomfortable feeling there. Rowa is handling this all in the only way she knows how to. She is looking at it all positively and being strong and courageous. She is sad but she doesn’t show it much.

I dream about a figure every night in the shadows casting a spell on me as I try desperately to fight it. I wake up panting and heart racing every time. I have to do a soothing spell in order to get back to sleep. “Where I am is safe and calm. I am hidden from the storm. I can close my eyes and breathe. Now my worries will all leave.”

Another night I hear a voice in my head saying “We’re coming for you.” It scares me half to death.

That’s not the only strange thing going on either. Objects start flying off of shelves randomly and breaking. A glass almost shatters on me at Wyatt’s house and I scream. I put my hands over my face and cry. “Make it stop please Goddess, make it stop,” I beg.

It doesn’t stop. It gets worse each day until I can literally feel the bad energy around me. We gather the coven and do a protection circle. We cast spells to protect us and to shield negative energy from us.

Despite our best efforts our cousins from Ireland appear and they do not look happy. We are standing outside. They are dressed in black and their gazes are fierce. They are Ashlynn and Asher, twins with black hair and icy cold blue eyes. I haven’t seen them since we moved. We never really got along and they always thought they were better than us.

“Cousins, it’s so good to see you again,” Ashlynn grins wickedly.

“What do you want?” Rowa snaps.

“Don’t be so harsh. We just want to talk,” Asher replies.

“What could you possibly want to talk about?”

“We’ve been working some special magick together. We’re more powerful now than we ever have been before.”

“You’re working dark magick,” I realize.

Asher laughs. “You can call it that but I don’t see it that way.”

“We want you to join us. Together we can take the Wiccan world by storm,” Ashlynn announces.

“We will never join you,” Rowa hisses.

“You either join us or die,” Asher warns. “We were really hoping it didn’t have to come to this.”

“Fuck you!”

“Prepare to die.”

Asher throws witch fire at us just as it starts to thunder above us. Rowa deflects it and tries to put a binding spell on them but they deflect that. Ashlynn aims witch fire at me but it misses and hits Wyatt. He falls to the ground instantly, unconscious. “No!” I yell.

“You gay little loser!” Ashlynn exclaims.

Just as Asher throws more witch fire at Rowa, Camden appears and instantly puts a binding spell on them, catching them by surprise. They can’t move. “I’m very disappointed in you cousins,” Camden says to them. They glare at him. He takes out two metal chains I recognize as braighs and places them on the two dark witches.“I hate to have to do this to my own family but you’re going to be in the hands of the council now,” he tells them and drags them away as they scream and curse at him.

I run over to Wyatt and cradle him in my arms, crying as thunder continue to echo overhead. “Wyatt,” I say. “Please wake up.”

“Heal him,” Rowa says.

“I don’t think I can,” I shake my head.

“Ever since you were a kid you always had a natural power of healing. Try it.”

It’s true what she’s saying. I rub my hands together to warm them and focus all my magick on healing. “Goddess help me,” I say then place my hands on Wyatt. He sits up and groans. I hug him tightly.

“That hurts,” he complains.

“Sorry,” I dry my face. He’s not completely healed. He has a burn on his chest and it needs to be bandaged. Rowa gets her car and takes us home. I sit with Wyatt and hold him in the backseat, not wanting to let him go yet.

“Do you think they will be stripped of their magic?” Rowa asks.

“Most likely,” Mum nods.

“How could our own cousins do this?” I question.

“I don’t know honey. I really don’t.”

I go to my bed and cry over everything bad that keeps happening. Things need to start going right again or I’ll go crazy. “Please help us Goddess. I can’t take anymore of this madness.”
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