Status: Complete



I pull on a blue tee shirt and a dark blue sweater with black skinny jeans and a pair of converse sneakers. When I walk into the kitchen to grab a bagel for breakfast I notice my sister is already ready. “Why are we matching today?”

She has on black jeans and a dark blue long sleeved blouse. Her pentacle is hanging around her neck proudly while mine is under my shirt. I'm still feeling a little unsure about how people are going to react to last night. “I thought it would be fun,” she shrugs.

I roll my eyes but decide not to change. We look so much alike as twins, we might as well dress alike. Besides, if I do change my sister will get mad and I'll never hear the end of it. I've learned to just go along with her ideas no matter how odd they may seem.

We grab our backpacks and head for her car. She puts on some piano music and I sigh. She's always loved classical music since we were kids. I blame it on our mother. She had this huge grand piano that she'd play lullabies on for us when we were small. As we grew older she taught us both how to play. It's not that I don't like classical music but for once could we at least try to appear like normal teenagers?

When we walk into the hallway all eyes are on us and I grimace. That is not a good sign. I knew we shouldn't have done this. It was all a big mistake. I tried to warn my sister this would happen but of course she didn't listen to me. Now they probably think we're weird. Not that we're not a little strange (Rowa especially) but now they think we're even weirder than we actually are. I feel so embarrassed.

I try to hide my face with my books but it's no use. “Freaks!” someone says. I turn to see the two most popular kids laughing at us. If I remember right their names are Camille and Brennan. Brennan is a football player and of course Camille is the perfect cheer leader. How sickening?

I can't help noticing some of our group from last night laughing with her including Brynn and Laurel.

“I told you this was a bad idea,” I tell Rowa while we are eating lunch, leaning against her car in the parking lot. She just smiles at me.

That's when a group of people approach us. “Hey,” a boy from our meeting yesterday walks over frowning. This can't be good “I'm sorry but we can't hang out with you anymore. It's nothing personal. It's just....”

I nod. “Okay, thanks for letting us know,” Rowa replies, remaining in her cheerful mood. It takes a lot to actually upset her.

The guys leave and I scowl at Rowa. “It's their loss,” she tells me.

By the time we go inside I am thinking about how to convince Mum to move out of town in a hurry. I can't face these kids like this.

At home Mum tells me I need to calm down. “Sweetie, we just got here. Give it some time. They'll probably forget all about this and you'll find some new friends. You just need to relax.”

Even with Mum's advice I decided to stay home from school the next day. Rowa chose to stay to take care of me while Mom went out to work. I sat in bed and hid under the blankets. “You can't hide forever you know,” Rowa told me, obviously aware that I wasn't really sick.

The next day while I snacked on apple outside of school for lunch, a group approached us. I frowned, expecting the worst again. Would I have to face this every day? It's torture.

“How's it going?” Saffron asks.

“Good,” Rowa grins. Her gaze flickers to Oliver who smiles lightly at her.

“We were just wondering if you guys were gonna have another party or whatever anytime soon.”

“Really?” Rowa lit up with excitement instantly.

“Yeah, we thought it”

“Sure, of course we are. We'll let you know what time.”

“See, I told you it would be okay,” Rowa told me, grinning.

Later that day while I am waiting outside for Rowa to finish getting her books a boy walks over to me. “Hey, Jayce....”

“Yeah,” I nod. “Wyatt, right?”

He smiles. He has the most beautiful smile I’ve ever seen. “Yeah, why weren't you in school yesterday?”

“I wasn't feeling so well…” it's not entirely untrue.

“Oh, that sucks. Are you feeling better today?”


“That's good. So...I heard you might be having another circle.”

I nod again. “We're thinking about it.”

“Well, I'd like to attend it if that's okay.”


“Yes. I'm...well, my parents died when I was really little so my aunts raise me now. They're wiccan too which also makes me wiccan. So I'd really like to go to your circle again.”

“You're a witch?” I ask him, shocked.

He shrugs. “Yeah, I guess so. I mean, I was initiated by my aunt's coven when I was fourteen. I just never really had anyone my own age to practice with so I never got really serious about it.”

“Wow...umm, of course you can join our circle. That would be really great,” I smile.

He smiles too and I practically melt. “Thanks, see you around Jayce.”

As he leaves Rowa walks over. “Oh, who was that?”

“Wyatt, he's wiccan,” I inform her.

“I think you have a crush on him.”


“Admit it. He's totally a Cutie.”

“Well you have a crush on Oliver,” I reply.

She giggles. “Let's go home and tell Mum the good news.”