Status: Complete



We all meet again in the same field. I count the people here and there’s 10 of us total. It’s not a lot of people but it’s better than I expected. Rowa and I are yet again matching. We both have on black pants (hers tighter than mine) and dark blue sweaters with sneakers. The night air is cool and smells crisp like fall.

Fall is my favorite season. Besides having Samhain and all the food it just always awakens something in me. Everything is so beautiful and perfect and I feel so full of life and magic this time of year.

Rowa draws a circle on the ground and sprinkles salt around it from a small bowl. We all join hands. There’s Saffron the funny one with cinnamon hair, the blond haired blue eyed siblings Skye and Cloud, Willow the small girl with brown hair and freckles, Brynn who’s light brown hair is like her light and airy personality, Demetrius the mysterious one, Oliver, and Wyatt. I am grasping Willow and Wyatt’s hands. He is warm and he smells good like spices. He smiles at me which makes me blush a little.

Rowa leads us as usual. When we were young she used to study everything mum did in her circles, determined to be leading her own one day. I can’t think of anyone better for the job. Rowa has always been the leader type and she works beautiful magic. She embodies the Goddess fully and I am proud to call her my sister most of the time. “Tonight we’re going to do a purifying and focusing ritual. Samhain, our new year, is coming up and most witches do a lot of spiritual work to get ready for it.”

She directs us to move deasil, clockwise. She chants “Water cleanse us, air purify us, fire make us whole and pure, earth center us.” Soon everyone is repeating it and our voices join together as we spin. Finally we release each other’s hands, throwing our arms up towards the sky. “Now, send the energy into yourselves,” Rowa instructs. She demonstrates by placing her hands on her chest and closing her eyes. Everyone quickly follows suit. I feel dizzy with energy so I sit down in the circle and press my hands to the earth.

“I think I’m gonna’ be sick,” I hear Wyatt say and concern flashes through me. I bounce to my feet and hurry over. Rowa is already at his side, helping him to sit down on the ground.

“What’s going on? Is he okay?” Willow asks.

“He’s fine,” Rowa nods. “It’s not uncommon for sensitive people to have reactions.”

“Why is he on the ground?” Saffron questions.

“It’s called grounding. The earth is helping to balance his energy.”

After a few moments he stands up and we go drink some cider Rowa brought. “Are you feeling better?” I ask him.

He nods. “Yeah.”

“I think it’s my fault…what happened I mean. I can be kind of sensitive to the energies and it’s been a while since I did magick with a group.”

“It’s okay,” he smiles. “I thought that was really great.”

To my relief no one seems really freaked out or anything. They are all smiling and ready to learn everything Rowa and I can teach them. Rowa recommends some books and websites where everyone can find basic information. She also gives them our phone numbers in case they have any questions. I blush again thinking about Wyatt having my cell phone number. We all say goodbye then part ways for now.

“Isn’t this exciting? I think it went amazing,” Rowa comments excitedly in the car.

“Sure,” I nod, staring out the window.

When we go back to school Rowa is bouncing with even more excitement than usual. At lunch while we are sitting under the tree outside, everyone from the circle decide to join us. “This is so cool,” Saffron announces. “It can be our meeting spot or something.”

Rowa laughs. “Sounds good to me.”

Everyone chatters happily about what they learned over the weekend. Rowa is completely enthused with it all, listening intently and answering questions. Wyatt turns to me with an apple in his hand. “You like apples, right?”

I nod slowly. “I do.”

“Want a bite? You look hungry.”

“I don’t eat much.”

“It’s not poison I promise,” he insists.

I hesitantly take the apple from him and bite in. Juices run down my chin as I swallow. “That’s really delicious,” I tell him.

“My aunt got them from a local farm. They’re the best, aren’t they?”

“Yeah,” I wipe my chin on my hand quickly, licking my lips.

He smiles and munches on the same apple, not even caring that I already bit it. I blush and look away.

The next day when everyone returns for lunch Wyatt lies down on his back away from us. I go over to see why he isn’t sitting with us under the tree. “What are you doing?” I ask.

“Looking at the clouds,” he grins like it’s the most obvious thing.

I can’t help laughing but I sit with him anyway. I stretch out beside him and look up at the blue above us. There’s all kinds of white fluffy clouds floating across the sky. “They’re beautiful,” I mumble. He nods in agreement.