Status: Complete


Rainbows and butterflies

I struggle to keep my eyes open as the teacher talks about math equations. I always found math to be boring. All those numbers and symbols just confuse me. Rain is pelting the window and it takes a lot for me to concentrate on school. I want to go home…

The rain has slowed down by the time school ends and the sun is starting to peek out. When I go to the parking lot my eyes widen. Rowa is dancing around in a puddle, rain sprinkling down and dampening her hair. People are looking at her strange. I am so embarrassed. She, on the other hand, has never been one who cares what other people think at all. “Rowa?” I ask cautiously.

“Hi Jayce,” she stops.

“Can we leave now?”

“I think the rain is stopping.”

She’s right. “Oh…” I look around me.

“There’s a rainbow!” She squeals, pointing up. I have to smile when I see it because how can you not smile at a rainbow?

As we are pulling out of the parking lot Wyatt waves at me and I blush. “You really have a crush on him, don’t you?” my sister asks.

“I don’t,” I shake my head.

“Whatever you say,” she obviously does not believe me.

We have to work with people’s schedule so this weekend our circle starts a little earlier. It’s sunset and gorgeous out. I make sure not to hold Wyatt’s hand this time and everything goes okay. After we all sit down and discuss Wicca. “My dad used to have his own coven before we moved,” Demetrius tells us.

All of our heads turn to him with surprised expressions. “What?” I ask.

Dem smiles and shrugs. “It’s not that exciting. We’re both still looking for new covens.”

“What’s a coven?” Cloud questions.

“Are we a coven?” Skye asks.

“We could be some day,” Rowa answers.

Before anyone can talk more about Demetrius our attention is turned to a butterfly. It drifts through the air effortlessly and I hold out my hand, mesmerized. We all stare as it lands gently on my hand. It’s so light I can barely even feel it on my skin. It stays with me for a few minutes before moving on. I smile.

“That was awesome,” Willow says. I nod.

Some of us have to go but the rest of us stay and count the stars that appear in the sky. “I love the night time,” I comment.

“Me too,” Wyatt agrees.

“Does anyone want to build a fire?” Rowa stands up.

“I do,” Willow replies eagerly.

“Me too,” Saffron says. Oliver and Skye climb to their feet too.

“Good, gather the sticks and brush that fell. Don’t take anything that’s still living,” my sister instructs.

“How will you light it?” Willow asks.

“Let me,” Demetrius offers. There’s a lighter for the candles in Rowa’s car but he doesn’t ask for it. He kneels down and focuses, waving his hand slightly. A small flame appears and everyone claps. Rowa and I exchange wary glances. Only a very powerful blood witch could do that. Even Rowa and I with our strong blood line would struggle if we tried that.

We all sit down on the ground and talk quietly. I lie down in the grass and revel in the soft feeling of earth below me. Wyatt lies beside me and his hand covers mine. I glance at him but he’s smiling and looking up at the stars.

After a while I get my heart to slow down back to normal and am able to relax again. He’s so warm and perfect. His touch feels really…right. As it starts to get kind of chilly out we gradually inch closer to each other until our bodies are touching. I snuggle to him and he lets me, still smiling brilliantly. He is so gorgeous.

Eventually it gets too late and everyone has to go. “You two make such a cute couple,” my sister tells me in the car.

I roll my eyes. “He’s probably not even gay.”

“Did you ask him?”

“No,” I admit.

“So then you don’t know if he is or not…”

I shrug.

“You should ask him. I think he likes you.”

“I’m not just going to ask him that. Are you crazy?”

“Maybe a little,” she laughs.

“Speaking of crazy,” I frown. “What do you think about Demetrius?”

“I think we’re going to have to keep a close eye on him.”

When we get home Mum is waiting for us with warm tea. “Thanks,” I take it and climb onto the couch.

“How are your circles going?” she asks us.

“They’re great. Everyone’s really interested in learning,” Rowa responds.

“That’s good. I’m so happy you found some new friends. I think I might have found some friends too.”


She nods. “They have a coven and said it’s always open to newcomers. We’re going to be meeting soon.”

“That’s really exciting Mum.”

We had no idea what we were all getting ourselves into…
♠ ♠ ♠
These are the first chapters I have written so I will try to update again soon. I'll update sooner if people comment. Comments mean a lot to me so please take the few seconds to let me know what you think. Thanks <3